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Nomination papers now available for Hadley's Annual Town Election

Date: 1/18/2022

HADLEY – Nomination papers for the 2022 Annual Town Election in Hadley are now available to be picked up at Town Hall by parties interested in running for a position in the town government.

Notable offices to be filled in the upcoming election are two Select Board seats, a seat on the Board of Health, two seats on the Board of Library Trustees, a School Committee seat, and a Planning Board spot.
Current Town Clerk Jessica Spanknebel said participation of town elections often varies depending on positions available and the more positions available often bring in more candidates.

“A few years, we’ve had elections with no competition so obviously people are like, ‘Well what’s the point of me going to vote?” she said with a laugh.

But this year is already becoming more crowded than typical for a town election as Spanknebel has already received papers from five people desiring to run for the two available Select Board seats.

“Based on that alone, I am anticipating a much higher turnout,” Spanknebel said.

March 25 is the last day to obtain nomination papers for Annual Town Election, and March 29 is the last day to submit nomination papers to the registrars for certification.

The last day to file nomination papers with the town clerk is April 12. The last day to register to vote and post warrant for Town Election and Town Meeting is April 15 and 28, respectively. The annual Town Meeting will be held on May 5 with Election Day coming on May 17.

Interested parties can go to the Town Clerk’s office within Town Hall for the required paperwork to run for a position.