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Brimfield SB approves reorganization of Building Committee

Date: 9/5/2022

BRIMFIELD – After Nov. 1, once their work is complete, the current Building Committee will be reorganized. The Brimfield Select Board came to this decision during their Aug. 29 meeting.

In their previous meeting on Aug. 15, the board asked that the Building Committee hold off on any spending on projects. George Adams, board member, explained that the suspension of funding was a result of other crucial projects in town that need to be prioritized, such as the Town Hall Annex, the Town Hall and others.

The Select Board discussed forming another Building Committee so that the current one can carry out their work, while another one could focus on new ideas and locations to move these services to.

After discussing this with members of the current Building Committee, Adams said he does not believe the two committees could work together on this. He added that the major “problem” is that the current committee has been together for about seven years, yet there are no minutes posted and only 24 video meetings are posted online. Adams said, “This is an open meeting violation.”

In order to correct this issue, Adams expressed that the only way to move forward is on a clean slate. This includes reorganization of the current committee. He said he would like to see a board with less than seven members, and less department heads serving on it, such as the police and fire chief.

Adams noted that the problem is not just with the Building Committee, but other boards and committees as well. He said the “lack of oversight from the [Select] Board is starting to show.” To get back on track, he reiterated that reorganization is needed.

Suzanne Collins, vice chair, said that she believes the Building Committee has been doing a “fine job” and would not like to see them lose the history they have created. If they do move in the direction of forming a new committee, she shared that a few members of the current one should join the new one. Additionally, Collins said “an instrumental” person to join the committee would be Theresa Cofske, administrative assistant to the Select Board.

Adams agreed that Cofske would be a good addition if she wasn’t a voting member.
After some discussion, Adams made a motion to reorganize the Building Committee effective immediately, to excuse all current members and reappoint new members at the Sept. 26 Select Board meeting.

Collins disagreed and made another motion to let the current Building Committee complete their work, which would be in November.

Anthony Soto, board member, agreed with Collins and added that interested residents should apply when it comes time to form a new committee.

Adams said he would like to see the current co-chairs, Michael Miller and Police Chief Charles Kuss removed, and have new ones appointed.

Soto seconded Collins’ motion. She then amended her motion to continue with the existing chair and co-chair until Nov. 1, to complete what needs to be completed and keep the Select Board updated along the way.

The motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the board.

Miller acknowledged his mistake in the lack of minutes and said this “slipped through the cracks.” He noted that they do have minutes waiting to be approved.

Intergenerational Party

Eva Pittsinger, Senior Center director, requested to use the town common on Oct. 1 from 12 to 3 p.m. for an “Intergenerational Party.” She explained that this would be a collaborative event with the library.

Pittsinger shared that she has funds leftover from the AARP grant that were used for the tables and benches on the updated green. After informing the foundation of the leftover funds, she said they told her to keep the remaining money and use it on the new common.

At the event, Pittsinger said she is hopeful to have a food truck that will give out free hot dogs and hamburgers, set up games such as cornhole, face painting, clowns and more.

The Select Board unanimously approved Pittsinger’s request.


Chet Jambora was appointed to the vacant seat on the Zoning Board of Appeals as an associate member.