Date: 5/8/2023
BRIMFIELD – The Select Board rescinded the April 24 vote to approve the Annual Town Meeting Warrant and made amendments to several articles.
A new addition to the warrant is that the town was going to accept a provision in Article 23 to pay 60% of the town’s health insurance for employees and their dependents, rather than the previous 50%.
The Finance Committee approved the addition. Finance Committee chair Joe Ballou said the cost to the town is somewhere around $46,000, accommodating for new employees and potential changes.
Ballou said all of the towns nearby as well as Tantasqua Regional School District pay for 60% of their employees and employee dependents health insurance, and they would like to remain competitive in the job market and take care of the town employees with this change.
In Article 24, debt exclusion language was added to close the remaining balance of the building facilities building project and for those funds to be applied toward the principal and interest due in fiscal year 2024 on funds borrowed for the facilities building project.
A motion was made to approve the new amendments and unanimously approved.
The Finance Committee appeared before the board to review the FY24 budget.
The amount of $50,000 was requested for a facilities study in Article 19 in the budget. It was brought up that $50,000 was given last year for a facilities study and had not yet been used. The board voted to take no action on this request.
The board did not vote on the budget otherwise at this meeting.