Date: 2/8/2023
BRIMFIELD – The Brimfield Select Board hosted a public hearing regarding its proposed Community Development Fund application to the Massachusetts Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program during its Jan. 30 meeting.
The CBDG funds discussed were allocated in fiscal year 2022 (FY22).
Senior Planner Gabriel Filer from the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission (PVPC) explained that the PVPC is working on applications for the upcoming rounds of the CDBG funding.
“Right now, our organization is working with the tri-town regions of Holland, Brimfield and Wales and we are seeking funding for three issues,” Filer said. This includes working with the Housing Rehabilitation Program to help low-to-moderate income households across the region, in which they are seeking up to $900,000 in state funding to assist. “We are also seeking to leverage about $120,000 to $180,000 for the Wales Food Pantry,” Filer added.
Currently, the state is looking to secure about $1.91 million for the CDBG funding. Filer noted that there have been ongoing discussions with the other communities about what to do with additional infrastructure and facilities.
When asked about the housing rehabilitation, Filer said the focus is on individual homes.
Vice Chair Suzanne Collins made a motion for the authorization of PVPC to submit the proposed FY22 tri-town community development fund grant application to the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development – an amount not to exceed $1.91 million – to include design improvements for the Brimfield Senior Center, housing rehabilitation in the towns of Brimfield, Holland and Wales, as well as social services assisting residents in those three towns. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the board.
Collins made another motion to authorize the chair of the Select Board to sign all required forms, documents and authorizations pertaining to the proposed FY22 tri-town community CDBG fund application. The motion was also seconded and unanimously approved.