Date: 6/23/2022
BRIMFIELD – A record attendance of nearly 250 residents gathered at the Brimfield Winery for Annual Town Meeting on June 13.
Michael Miller, town moderator, explained that five of the articles would be voted on a “secret ballot,” meaning residents would rip their ballot in half and place either the “yes” or “no” half into a ballot box. Articles 2, 3, 4, 5 and 24 required a secret ballot vote.
Articles 2 through 5 were citizens petitions, submitted by Brimfield resident Chris Harry.
Article 2 pertained to tents and any other temporary structures used for the flea market to not be put up more than seven days in advance of the first day of the designated show date. Also, that the tents and structures must be taken down within seven days after the last day of each designated show date. The article did not pass, with 26 voting yes, 230 no.
Article 3 was a request that with any event over 250 people, a police officer must be present to conduct a detail. Police Chief Charles Kuss said he did not support this article. Residents agreed with the chief, with 9 voting yes, 240 no. The article was defeated.
Article 4 was also defeated, which if approved, would allow the Police and Fire Departments to be responsible for hiring and firing their employees. Kuss explained that the Fire Department already does this, however, given the recommendation of the town attorney, he does not support the article as written. Crystal Harry, Brimfield resident, asked why there is a difference between the two departments. Ultimately, residents voted 33 yes, 216 no.
Article 5 referred to having public access at all board and committee meetings, to ensure that residents are able to speak. Board of Selectmen member Paul McCarthy said they should have public access on every agenda for people to be heard, rather than showing up at a meeting and being told they can’t speak. The article failed with 112 residents voting yes, 125 no.
Article 24, the raising and appropriating, borrowing, or transferring the sum of $18,000 from the Capital Purchase Stabilization Fund, to be expended by the police chief for the purchase of two new Yamaha ATVs and a trailer or any other type of all-terrain vehicles and necessary accessories for use by the Brimfield Police Department as a specialized patrol vehicle, did not pass. The motion was defeated with 44 yes, 54 no.
Article 8
Article 8 referred to the fiscal year 2023 (FY23) budget.
Brimfield resident Robert Correy made an amendment to line-item number 17, the Board of Selectmen assistant. Correy made a motion to increase the recommended pay from $50,780 to $60,780. The motion carried, with 89 residents voting yes, 46 no.
The final adjusted budget figure approved by residents was $10,669,368.
Article 6
Article 6 pertained to FY23 spending limits for the following revolving funds:
Bike Trail Revolving Fund: $5,000
Bins and Bags Revolving Fund: $35,000
Cable TV Revolving Fund: $1,500
Cemetery Revolving Fund: $10,000
Conservation Commission: $15,000
Dog Revolving Fund: $2,000
HAZMAT Revolving Fund: $2,000
Historical Revolving Fund: $10,000
Recreation Revolving Fund: $20,000
Senior Center Revolving Fund: $15,000
Subdivision Control Law Revolving Fund: $40,000
Tobacco Revolving Fund: $500
Remaining articles
Article 1 passed, to hear reports of the officers and agents from FY21.
Article 7, which was approved by the town, will raise and appropriate a sum of money for various elected town officers for the ensuing fiscal year, beginning July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023.
Article 11 passed, to limit expenditures from the Brimfield Flea Market Fund for administrative, operating, maintenance and emergency services to an amount less than $150,000 for FY23. Any funds remaining in said account over $50,000 for FY23 will move to the General Fund.
Articles 12 through 16 were voted on and passed under one motion. The articles pertained to Massachusetts Department of Transportation funds, operations of public works, construction, reconstruction and improvement of town roads; and authorizing the treasurer with approval of the selectmen to borrow money in anticipation of reimbursements from allotments by the state and country for highways, including bridges.
Article 18, which passed, will raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds the sum of $30,000 to the Treasurer’s Department for the purpose of paying costs associated with the tax tile process.
Article 19 pertained to raising and appropriating, or transferring from available funds, the sum of $500 to be added to the Conservation Fund. The motion passed.
Article 20 also passed, to raise and appropriate, borrow, or fund the sum of $50,000 to be expended by the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of repairs, maintenance, renovations and weatherization of municipal buildings and structures, other than schools, owned by the town of Brimfield.
Residents approved Article 21, to transfer the sum of $11,983 received from the Thames River Grant to the Lake Sherman Weed Control Account. This will be expended by the Board of Selectmen for aquatic vegetation management to control the growth of milfoil in Lake Sherman.
Article 22, which was approved by the town, will raise and appropriate, borrow, or fund the sum of $55,000 to be expended by the Highway Surveyor subject to the requirements of applicable public bidding laws, for the purpose of purchasing a new pickup truck with plow, pursuant to the town’s Capital Expenditure Plan.
Article 23 passed, to raise and appropriate, borrow, or fund the sum of $150,000 to be expended by the Highway Surveyor subject to the requirement of applicable public bidding laws, for the purpose of purchasing a new, used dump truck with plow and sander, pursuant to the town’s Capital Expenditure Plan.
Articles 25 and 26 passed, accepting the provisions of General Laws.
Articles 27, 28 and 29 also passed, to amend General Bylaws.
Residents voted to approve Article 30, which amends Section 7 of the Personnel Bylaws, focusing on holidays and holiday pay.
The Planning Board asked to table Article 31, which did not require a vote.
Article 32 passed, which will rename the Board of Selectmen to Select Board.
Article 33 passed, to increase the number of voting members on the Historical Commission from seven to 11 members.
Article 34, which was approved by the town, will raise and appropriate, borrow or transfer from available funds, the total sum of $50,000 to be expended by the Facilities Study Committee. This is for the development, planning and design of preliminary plans and specifications relative to the possible renovation, replacement, demolition, alteration or construction of the Town Hall, Town Hall Annex, Library and Senior Center.
Article 35 passed, to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds a sum of money to pay principal and interest due in FY23 on funds borrowed for the Facilities Building Project, Article 22, voted at the May 21, 2018, Annual Town Meeting.
Article 36, which passed, will raise and appropriate the sum of money and transfer from free cash the sum of money to be added to the Capital Purchase Stabilization Fund.
Article 37 passed, to transfer the sum of $370,000 from free cash and a sum of money from the Assessor’s Overlay Surplus, or from any other available funds, to reduce the tax rate in FY23.
No action was taken on Articles 9, 10, 17 and 38.