Date: 4/18/2022
WALES – Now that the caucus has taken place and nomination papers are in, candidates will soon be finalized for the upcoming town election, set to take place on May 25.
From 12 to 8 p.m., registered voters in town can visit the Wales Senior Center, 85 Main St., to cast their ballot.
As of press time, Town Clerk Leis Phinney said the list of candidates was not finalized.
However, she shared that Michael Valanzola, incumbent, is running for another three-year term on the Board of Selectmen.
Phinney informed Reminder Publishing that she will not be running for re-election, as she plans to retire from her current position. “I’m going to nominate my assistant [Sarah Ryan] for town clerk,” she said.
Incumbent Susan Cadieux is running for another three-year term for the Board of Assessors.
Incumbent Danelle Laflower is also running for another year term on the Planning Board. Lynn Greene, Planning Board incumbent, is not seeking re-election, said Phinney. The third Planning Board position was unfilled as of press time. This opening is for a one-year term.
David Foote is running for another three-year term on the Board of Health.
Carolyn Boehne is also running for another three-year term as the library trustee.
Incumbents Edward Boyce and Christine Randall are both running to maintain their current seats on the School Committee. The position is a three-year term.
Daniel Haley is seeking re-election for a three-year term as constable.
Lastly, incumbent Peter Haley is running for another three-year term as cemetery commissioner.
Phinney said the Section 121 caucus took place on April 13. After opening the meeting, she said they selected the presiding officer and secretary. Then, they go down the list one by one and open nominations for every position.
“We can take two nominations from the floor. If there are more, we hold a runoff election,” said Phinney. The top vote rewards are considered the caucus nominees.
Once this process is complete, Phinney said candidates were able to take out nomination papers. The deadline for caucus nomination acceptance or signage was April 20.