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Holland’s Town-Wide Tag Sale slated for Sept. 3,4,5

Date: 8/31/2022

HOLLAND – The Holland Town Wide Tag Sale is set to return on Sept. 3, 4 and 5.
The annual event is put on by the Holland Community Center. Brenda Palmer, Community Center director, said they started hosting the town-wide tag sale in 2012. Prior to this, “a lovely resident named Dorothy Cloutier had handled it. If you wanted to participate, it was her suggestion to get two balloons [and] place one on your mailbox and one at the end of your street,” shared Palmer.

She went on to say that the center did not remember Cloutier’s advice this year when creating the applications.

At press time, Palmer said there were only seven people on the tag sale map. While the applications say that each tag sale runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Palmer noted that the participants will “do whatever works for them.”

“Unfortunately, between getting back into the groove of events we coordinate, and our limited staffing until recently, we have not had the resources to advertise it as well as it should be advertised,” said Palmer. “If anyone is interested in working a grassroots approach for it next year, signs posted in town and other towns, etc., we would love to have the help. We don’t even mind getting the signs created if that helps.”

As this is a town-wide event, Palmer noted that all residents are welcome to participate. There is a $5 fee to be added to the tag sale map. Proceeds help the Friends of the Holland Community Center.

Copies of the map can be found at the Holland Market, Robert’s Gas Station, along with a copy posted in the kiosk at the Holland Community Center for anyone wishing to take a picture of it.

Listed below are those registered, their address, the days they are open and what they will be selling.

All three days, Sept. 3, 4 and 5

Lori Toubert, 16 Kimball Hill Rd.: Tools and household items.

Dorothy Cloutier, 8 Sutcliffe Rd.: Camping items, large tent, housewares, clothes, ice cooler and a set of large toy bins.

Karen Horton, 172 Stafford Rd.: Leather recliner, love seat, chairs, eight-foot folding table, pet items and lawn items.

Charlotte McIntyre, 70 Stafford Rd.: Lawn and yard tools, travel bags and housewares.

Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 3 and 4

Robin Wilson, 57 Mashapaug Rd.: Tools, toolbox, pontoon boat (engine needs work), pontoon barge, household items, headboard, daybed.

Gillen, 59 South Cottage Rd.: High end women’s clothes sizes six to 16, men’s clothes sizes 34 to 38, and large casual and business clothes; child to male sizes 10 to 16; and random household items.

Saturday only - Sept. 3

Paige Higby, 118 Wales Rd.: Sheet music, household tools, furniture, books and more. Everything is free.

Additionally, Palmer said the Holland Town Hall at 40 Brimfield Rd. will have free office items throughout the weekend.