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Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary to host free public Earth Day event

Date: 4/11/2023

WALES — The Norcross Wildlife Sanctuary will host an Earth Day event and open house on April 22 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will provide an opportunity to learn about the sanctuary as well as fun things to do and see for people of all ages and a way to spend the day in nature.

Executive Director Ed Hood said that Norcross is a “fairly well kept secret unintentionally, and we want more people to know about us.”

Hood said he hoped the day would attract people to come and see what Norcross is all about and learn about the programming offered there through the year.

The open house will take place at the Norcross Administration Building located at 30 Peck Rd. Programs, activities, tours, representatives from other naturalist organizations, a food truck, and free giveaways for guests will all be part of the fun.

For visitors, there will be a free raffle win one of five bluebird boxes, one of five bat houses, a Norcross Wildlife Foundation swag bag, a bag of books, or a van tour for up to 10 people of the sanctuary not typically accessible to the public. As well, the first 250 visitors will receive a free native plant and an Norcross Wildlife Foundation magnet.

Children will have lots to do, including a hands-on activity presented by the Massachusetts Butterfly Club, who will be in the Visitors Center presenting who they are and what they do, and may possibly even bring a few live butterflies in. The nature scavenger hunt will start at the Trailhead Kiosk, hit the trails to find all the items and once completed, return to the Visitor Center for a prize.

The Opacum Land Trust will be there doing a vernal pool activity where each participant gets a prize. The Turtle Rescue League and Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation will also be there, providing kids activities and a chance to learn about the work they are doing.

Bird expert, Bill Cormier from Wild Bird Crossing in Sturbridge will present “Birding with Bill,” a birdwatching walk taking place early in the morning.

“Bats: Winged Wonders,” presented by bat expert and rehabilitator, Maureen Heidtmann, will take place in the visitor center classroom space on the lower level. This program will give an overview of bats of the world, with an emphasis on our local species, and cover the persisting myths and misconceptions about bats, the roles bats play to ensure a healthy planet, and how people can help with challenges bats face.
“Help Plant The Meadow,” a hands-on activity with Director of Applied Ecology Dan Wilder to help plant a new section of the entryway meadow, will take place twice during the day.

Tony’s Happy Valley Pizza Truck will be open starting at 10 a.m., and a guided trail walk with ecological horticulturist Leo Kenney will also be happening at that time.

The Norcross Wildlife Foundation was founded in 1967 by Arthur Norcross, to permanently protect the wildlife preserve he created in Wales and surrounding towns. His mission, and the mission of our organization today, said Hood, “Is to preserve a piece of nature intact so that wildlife, particularly rare plants and animals, can survive and thrive.”

Hood said that by protecting the large blocks of natural lands and waters that are necessary for healthy populations of plants and animals, the sanctuary is also providing a public benefit through the green infrastructure of healthy forests absorbing storm water and filtering it into clean streams and drinking water. Large blocks of forested land filter the air of pollutants, lowers local temperatures during the heat of the summer, and provides new clean air through the oxygen produced by the trees and plants of the forest.

Hood will be available to speak with community members who wish to know more about the sanctuary at the event. To find out more and check out a detailed itinerary of the day, visit