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Tax reduction among Wilbraham Special Town Meeting warrant articles

Date: 9/15/2022

WILBRAHAM – Finance Committee Chair Marc Ducey asked the Board of Selectmen to add an article to the Special Town Meeting warrant calling for a tax rate reduction.

Ducey explained that the emergency dispatch center had been funded through taxes in the fiscal year 2022 (FY22) budget, but the town has since received $551,000 in grants from the state’s 911 department. Ducey said there should be about $600,000 extra in the Free Cash account because the money was not used for the allocated purpose.

Ducey said it is a “fairness” issue to raise taxes to pay for services and then, not reduce the tax rate when able.

Board of Selectmen Chair Carolyn Brennan pointed out that the Free Cash from FY22 will not be certified until later in the fall, but Ducey responded that the town’s Free Cash is regularly certified at about $2 million and based on Wilbraham’s financial situation he did not expect a reduction in that amount.

Board of Selectmen Clerk Sue Bunnell supported putting the question to voters at Town Meeting and said it should promote “robust” discussion. She noted that some may feel the money is better spent on capital project expenses, which are traditionally funded, in part, through Free Cash. Ducey acknowledged capital expenses are a consideration.

As this is a recurring grant, the issue might arise again in subsequent years.

The warrant article was approved.

Other articles

Of the four other articles that had been proposed for the warrant, one funding a feasibility study of locating the future recreation complex at Memorial School and another that transferred free cash to cover microwave equipment on the emergency dispatch towers were set aside. Town Administrator Nick Breault suggested deferring these items to another time.

The other two articles that were approved for the warrant included one that would use about $500,000 in free cash to cover the deficit between projected senior center project costs and the bids for the project, which are expected to come in higher. The last article discussed would fund the ongoing emergency replacement and repair of the Stony Hill School fire alarm system. Breault said the Finance Committee recommended a reserve fund transfer to cover the items.

Breault said these two expenses might be eligible for some of the $3.8 million in as-yet-unspent American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, but said, “There is a chance, however slim, that it could be rejected.” For that reason, the warrant article would act as a backup.

The town was awarded $4.3 million in ARPA funds, $3.6 million of which has been received by the town. So far, however, it has allocated less than $530,000. Projects that are slated to use ARPA funding include network switches at Minnechaug Regional High School, sewer work for the town hall and future senior center, municipal broadband implementation and the proposed recreation complex.

Breault said the list of capital items that could use the funding “could far exceed” the amount awarded to the town. He asked to create a working group, including members of the public, to triage the capital projects and ARPA allocation.

Grant funds firefighters

The Board of Selectmen formally accepted a grant of almost $600,000 to hire two new firefighters. Fire Chief Michael Andrews said the funding will cover the entire salary cost for these new hires for three years, after which the town will pay for the firefighters’ salaries.

The Wilbraham Fire Department (WFD) is one of only seven departments in the country to be awarded this grant.

WFD has applied for this grant twice in the past, but this is the first year it has been awarded to the department.

“This is extraordinarily good news,” said Bunnell. Andrews agreed, saying it has been a good year for grants.