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Vandal wins spot on Selectboard, Frazier unseats Miller as moderator

Date: 6/26/2023

BRIMFIELD — On June 20, the town of Brimfield conducted its annual election.

Town Clerk Debra Fagerstrom explained, “This election was not different from others, with the exception of this being the first time the moderator and the tree warden term is for three years. Last year’s Town Meeting voted to change both the elected moderator and the elected tree warden from a one-year term to a three-year term.”

In the two contested races on the ballot, R. Mitchell Frazier won moderator beating out Michael Miller, who was a candidate for reelection and Paul R. Vandal won a spot on the Selectboard for a three-year term over Michael Cordi.

Meanwhile, Lynn M. Mayotte won a seat on the Board of Assessors uncontested and Uriah T. Smith had an uncontested path to the Planning Board for a five-year term.

Karen Hughes Marino and Magda H. Polack were reelected for Board for Health, unopposed. As well, Eric J. Jaeger was unopposed in his successful bid for reelection to the Elementary School Committee, as were Michael L. Wales for the Cemetery Commission, Zachary Lemieux for tree warden, Michael A. Defalco and Catherine E. Wickens for library trustee, Jennifer Polensnak-Custance for Tantasqua District School Committee, and Anthony J. BYS for Harding Fund trustee and Lincoln Fund trustee.

Four hundred ninety-seven out of 2,856 voters cast ballots, representing a 17.4% turnout.

Fagerstrom said, “Our turnout was slightly less than the last two years but 497 is excellent for a small town.”