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Wales releases annual town report, shares highlights

Date: 5/23/2023

WALES — The town of Wales recently released their 73-page annual town report, in which the town details accomplishments and changes from various boards and committees.

In a report offered by Executive Secretary Pamela A. Leduc on behalf of the Board of Selectmen, Leduc shared notable accomplishments that took place during the 2022 calendar year. A few accomplishments include:

  • The town entered into an agreement for record scanning services with Image Data, Inc. to digitize and electronically index all Planning Board maps and plans.
  • The town received a total of $560,151 in ARPA funds, which went to the Holland Road bridge replacement right of way acquisitions, Monson Road reconstruction right of way acquisitions, a Highway Ford 550, a fire rescue/pumper, fire jaws of life, WES exterior doors and Board of Selectmen IT infrastructure.
  • The Master Plan Implementation Committee was appointed in November.
  • The town entered into an Intermunicipal Agreement for local public health services with the towns of Charlton, Spencer, Sturbridge and Sutton. The agreement created the Charlton Coalition for Public Health.
  • The town entered into a 36 month contract for electric supply with First Point Power as a result of a competitive procurement process in an effort to limit increasing utility costs.
  • The Historical Commission began the designer selection process required to choose a firm to evaluate existing conditions and conduct a feasibility study for the future use of Old Town Hall. This contract is going to be funded by the Rural and Small Town Grant Program for up to $98,000.

In the report of the Board of Assessors, the board shared the total assessed value of the town is $215.15 million. According to the Board of Assessors, in fiscal year 2023 there were 1,271 parcels and new growth was $26,651.

The Wales Cemetery Commission shared good news — though they stopped hosting regular meetings and cemetries were put on a limited operating basis through the coronavirus pandemic, they are now going back to having regular monthly meetings.

Submitted by Wales Senior Center Director Cheri Fisher on behalf of the Council on Aging, Fisher shared a slew of updates. Storage was cleaned out in the centers storage shed and in the basement, the center’s van remains busy providing transporation to seniors and the kitchen still hosts lunch twice a week. In addition, breakfast is provided once a month for guests.

Fisher noted that it was another tough year for activities, however they are hoping to add more. She encouraged the public to share input regarding what the center should offer.

Many may not be aware that the center is offering free notary services to those who need it. Other outreach services include assistance for applications that offer discounted services, referrals for help with veterans services and caregiver services, assistance with online RMV appointments and applications, medical equipment, technology help services and various presentations relating to senior issues.

In the coming year, the council looks forward to multiple programs including Old Sturbridge Village Christmas by Candlelight, a trip to Magic Wings, programs including pastel panting with Greg Maichack, music with Sean Fullerton and a performance by David Bates.

Finally, the council shared there is a “major outreach effort” underway. The Council on Aging is working to update their data system and reach out to residents they do not see.

To read the full annual town report, go to and click on the link under “town news.”