Date: 5/12/2022
WALES – Wales residents will vote on 21 warrant articles during Annual Town Meeting on May 18.
The meeting will take place at 6 p.m. at Tantasqua Regional High School.
As of press time, Town Clerk Leis Phinney, said the warrant was not finalized. She provided an overview of the draft.
Articles 1 through 15 are “repetitive every year,” said Phinney. This includes listening and acting upon reports and recommendations of town officers and committees, fixing salaries of several elected officers and transferring certified free cash, to name a few.
Articles 16 and 17 are requests to transfer a sum sufficient from certified free cash to the General Stabilization Fund and Capital Stabilization Fund.
Article 18 is a request to transfer $10,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to purchase information technology for the Board of Selectmen.
Article 19 is a request to appropriate funds for the purchasing of a new fire rescue/pumper and its associated equipment, to replace Rescue 1 and Engine 2. Pamela Leduc, executive secretary/town accountant/chief procurement officer/records access officer for the town of Wales said, “The Capital Improvement Planning Committee is recommending that the purchase of the fire truck be funded as follows: $214,000 ARPA (America Rescue Plan Act) funds and the balance of $500,000 be borrowed for a period of 10 years with the debt payment being funded by an annual transfer from the Capital Stabilization Fund.”
Article 20 is a request to amend the general bylaw by adding 18) Master Plan Implementation Committee (MPIC) to Chapter 4. The committee would consist of nine voting members, including one member from the Planning Board, Parks Commission, Recreation Commission, Conservation Commission, Historical Commission, Select Board, School Committee, Finance Committee and one citizen at large member.
Lastly, Article 21 is a request to notify registered voters in Wales to act on the remaining article: town election. On May 25, residents are encouraged to visit the Wales Senior Center, 85 Main St., from 12 to 8 p.m., to cast their vote on a ballot for the following officers:
Board of Selectmen member, three-year term; town clerk , three-year term; Board of Assessors member, three-year term; two Planning Board members, three-year terms; one Planning Board member, one-year term; Board of Health member, three-year term; two School Committee members, three-year terms; constable, three-year term; cemetery commissioner, three-year term; and library trustee, three-year term.
Phinney said the only race is for the Board of Health. Current Board of Health Chair David Foote is being challenged by Wales resident Joe Trolio. There is also a seat on the Planning Board that is unfilled.
Phinney will not be running for re-election. Her assistant, Sarah Ryan, will take her place on the ballot.