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Hampshire County

Hampshire County

HRSD school committees prepare for superintendent search


WESTHAMPTON — A subcommittee of the five local districts of the Hampshire Regional School District met with Liz Lafond, a field director for the Massachusetts Association of School Committees...
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Southampton town clerk provides information ahead of presidential primary


SOUTHAMPTON — Southampton Town Clerk Luci Dalton provided information about how the town’s voters can proceed ahead of the state’s Presidential primary on March 5.

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Pelham Planning Board looks at town center project, solar bylaws


PELHAM — Last summer, Karen Smith of the Council on Aging suggested to Selectboard member Tara Loomis that, because seniors have few places to walk in town, a walking path behind the Rhodes B...
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Hatfield pursues home rule petition for golf carts on roadways


HATFIELD — Police Chief Michael Dekoschak met with the Select Board several weeks ago to discuss allowing golf cart traffic on some town roads. His reasoning was simple: why not?

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Hatfield extends TreeWorks host community agreement


HATFIELD — TreeWorks LLC will officially be able to continue business in Hatfield after the founders of the cannabis company were able to strike a deal with the town.

During its Feb. ...
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Directors past and present improve Goshen Library


GOSHEN — Former Library Director Martha Nell Noblick, affectionately known as “Marty”, passed away 13 months ago, but continues to influence life on the second floor of Town Hall,...
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Nomination papers available for Hatfield election


HATFIELD — The town of Hatfield released important information regarding the annual town election in 2024.

According to the town of Hatfield website, nominations for this year’s...
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Hatfield Comprehensive Plan Committee finds overlapping challenges


HATFIELD — On Jan. 24, near the end of a Comprehensive Plan Committee meeting, Angelica Dewey said, “We’re the connecting the dots committee.”

Members of the committ...
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‘Big Love Little Performances’ comes to Hatfield Feb. 8


HATFIELD — Those looking to witness garish performances with dazzling wardrobes do not have to travel to Los Angeles for this year’s Grammy Awards; they just need to drive to Hatfield. ...
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Public safety acres may expand to serve other needs in Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON — On Jan. 23, a half dozen boards and committees were convened during the Selectboard’s meeting for a discussion on land acquisition. Board members have long heard about nee...
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Szczebak named Southampton’s next town administrator


SOUTHAMPTON — After interviewing two candidates on Jan. 14 the Selectboard offered the top job, town administrator, to Scott Szczebak.

With Ed Gibson’s retirement scheduled at th...
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Hatfield Select Board chair seeks clarification to shared-use path MOU


HATFIELD — The town of Hatfield and the city of Northampton are looking to agree to an MOU, or memorandum of understanding, for a shared-use path between the two communities.

The path,...
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Hatfield Planning Board seeks public input for Open Space Development revisions


HATFIELD — The Hatfield Planning Board will host a public hearing on Feb. 7 at Memorial Town Hall to receive input on proposed revisions to the Open Space Development section of the Zoning By...
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Southampton sets interviews for new administrator


SOUTHAMPTON — Town administrators have been churning through positions lately, according to Bernard Lynch of Community Paradigm Associates, the consulting firm hired to help the town find a n...
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Hampshire Regional committees discuss central office hiring


WESTHAMPTON — Untangling the staffing difficulties at the central office was on the agenda at a meeting of the All Districts Committee of Hampshire Regional School District on Jan. 4. Mickey ...
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Measures taken to minimize storm damage in Williamsburg, Hatfield


WILLIAMSBURG — Nash Hill Road washed out, but otherwise Dan Bannister, Williamburg’s highway superintendent, reported few persistent problems from Dec. 18’s heavy rain. He credite...
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Southampton assessors look for more staffing


SOUTHAMPTON — There wasn’t much holiday cheer to report, just before Christmas, when Darcy Gasparini, chair of the Board of Assessors, reported her department was hampered by a shortage...
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Hatfield Select Board discusses legalizing golf carts on town roads


HATFIELD — During its meeting on Dec. 12, the Hatfield Select Board discussed the idea of sending a letter to the state asking the Legislature to consider drafting laws that would allow the o...
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Block grant funds repairs for low-income homeowners


CHESTERFIELD — Paula Bilodeau, manager of the Housing Rehab Program at the Hilltown Community Development Corp., came out of retirement because she loves what the program does: help people st...
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Easthampton, Southampton look to share fire inspector


SOUTHAMPTON — Easthampton Fire Chief Christopher Norris, and Southampton acting Fire Chief Richard Fasoli, went before Southampton’s Selectboard on Dec. 19 to discuss sharing a fire ins...
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Hampshire Regional superintendent will not seek renewal


SOUTHAMPTON — On Dec. 7, Superintendent Diana Bonneville informed the Hampshire Regional School District community that she will not seek to renew her employment contract with the district. B...
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Pelham village center the focus of working group


PELHAM — Volunteering for the town usually isn’t considered fun, but the Planning Board convened a meeting on Dec. 6 to find residents who want to have fun planning growth in the villag...
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Westhampton seniors eligible for discounted internet


WESTHAMPTON — Comcast, the local provider of internet access and cable television, notified town officials recently the company is applying to the federal gap initiative that offers funding t...
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Hampshire school committees discuss goals, improvements


WESTHAMPTON — The All Districts Committee of the Hampshire Regional School District met with Superintendent Diana Bonneville to hear about the goals the superintendent will focus on in the co...
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Southampton Town Meeting supports mountain waters project


SOUTHAMPTON — On Dec. 5 voters in Southampton convened for Town Meeting to vote on 20 warrant articles, broken into several different sections – budget and financial items, Community Pr...
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The Beauty Bar celebrates move to Hatfield with grand opening


HATFIELD — A grand opening ceremony was conducted on Dec. 2 to celebrate the official opening of The Beauty Bar on 22 West St.

The hair studio, which was formerly located in Amherst an...
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Hatfield's Cantina Mexican Bar and Grill offers different vision, same flavor


HATFIELD — A new grill and bar is making headway on 127 Elm St. in Hatfield, serving popular Mexican dishes for the community.

Although it carries a different vision, Owner Cristonfer...
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Hatfield CPC talks museum space, Day Pond restoration


HATFIELD — Should the Hatfield Farm Museum be on the second floor of the library, where it is now, or in Town Hall? That question caused a stir at the Community Preservation Committee meeting...
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Pelham Police Department wins equipment grants


PELHAM — Police Chief Gary Thomann’s department, with three full-time and three part-time officers, often has just one in the field at a given time. Now that the department won a grant ...
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Hatfield Select Board hesitant to extend agreement with Treeworks


HATFIELD — Treeworks LLC is looking for an extension of its five-year host community agreement with the town of Hatfield, which expires Dec. 4, but the Select Board is hesitant to do so becau...
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Westhampton officials discuss internship, new committees


WESTHAMPTON — In a winning outcome for both the town and resident Christopher Alexander, the Selectboard authorized the local man to take advantage of an internship with the town’s High...
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Southampton special Town Meeting cleans house


SOUTHAMPTON — As towns complete projects and their boards and committees finish tasks, monies small and large are stranded in accounts and budget line items. About half of the 20 articles for...
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Wetzel takes seat on Williamsburg Board of Selectmen


WILLIAMSBURG — Paul Wetzel won the special election staged Nov. 4 to fill the seat left vacant by the untimely passing of David Mathers. Wetzel currently serves on the town’s Finance Co...
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Maddie’s Magical Playground another ‘sparkle’ in her memory


SOUTHAMPTON — A new playground at Labrie Field has been constructed and dedicated to the memory of Maddie Schmidt, a local girl who passed away last year at 8-years old after a 10-month battl...
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Life With Bill: the gifts of Alzheimer’s


PELHAM — Many people think of Alzheimer’s as a heartrending death sentence. Nick Kachulis found the disease enabled his dad to have special moments with him, to leave special gifts for ...
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In Southampton, calls for more clarity on poles


SOUTHAMPTON — Pole hearings are usually boring formalities with little discussion. On Nov. 7 at the Select Board meeting the replacement of utility poles along Manhan Road drew a roomful of c...
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Hatfield to share CSO officer with Sunderland,Whately


HATFIELD — Starting at some point during the end of this year, the town of Hatfield will share an officer from Clinical & Support Options, otherwise known as CSO, with the towns of Whatel...
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Westhampton Town Meeting to consider zoning rewrite


ESTHAMPTON — A Town Meeting scheduled for Nov. 6 will put seven articles before voters. The last article, a motion to accept a significant rewrite of the zoning bylaws, may be the most weight...
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Cost considerations shape Southampton public safety project


SOUTHAMPTON — Police Chief Ian Illingsley remembers the bruising failure in 2016 of a proposal to build a new public safety building. That disappointment guides his thinking now when discussi...
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Southampton Select Board opens warrant for Town Meeting


SOUTHAMPTON — At its Oct. 24 meeting, the Southampton Select Board set a date for the special Town Meeting this fall and opened a short window for warrant items to be submitted.

A Spec...
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Subcommittee makeup OK’d for Day Pond project in Hatfield


HATFIELD — The process for improving a famous pond behind Smith Academy for more recreation is currently making headway in Hatfield.

During its Oct. 17 meeting, the Select Board took s...
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Edwards Library in Southampton to host Halloween party Oct. 24


SOUTHAMPTON — Edwards Public Library in Southampton is hosting a Halloween party on Tuesday, Oct. 24 from 4 to 7 p.m. for children of all ages and their families.

“We’re re...
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Southampton Fire Department reaching new service levels


SOUTHAMPTON – Acting Fire Chief Richard Fasoli told the Selectboard last week he’s a busy man, working two jobs in a department that serviced significantly more calls this year. Neverth...
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Westhampton Fall Festival promises family fun


WESTHAMPTON — Featuring a range of activities for attendees of all ages, the Westhampton Fall Festival on Oct. 15 looks to entertain everyone who visits.

“We have many events tha...
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Southampton residents discuss new administrator qualities


SOUTHAMPTON — During a session to gather information on Sept. 27 Bernard Lynch of Community Paradigm Associates, the firm conducting a search for the town’s next administrator, briefly ...
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Hatfield art show displays watercolors by local seniors


HATFIELD — Before becoming director of the Council on Aging Geralyn Rodgers enjoyed a 17 year career in the arts. When council regular Marion Abrams, a retired art teacher, offered to lead a ...
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MOU for Hatfield shared-use path discussed by Select Board


HATFIELD — During their meeting on Sept. 19, the Hatfield Select Board discussed the first draft of a Memorandum of Understanding between the town and the city of Northampton for a shared-use...
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Hearing for shared use path set for Oct. 11


The Massachusetts Department of Transportation is hosting a live virtual design public hearing on Oct. 11 at 6:30 p.m. to present preliminary designs for the proposed installation of a shared-use p...
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Southampton opens discussion about new school


SOUTHAMPTON — Continual growth in the school’s population has prompted the School Committee to open discussions about razing or refurbishing the William E. Norris Elementary School.

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Jahnige chosen as state’s first director of MOOR


WILLIAMSBURG — Williamsburg resident Paul Jahnige was recently named the first director of the newly-formed Massachusetts Office of Outdoor Recreation.

“I am humbled, honored and...
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Williamsburg looks ahead to special election, visioning process


WILLIAMSBURG — After the untimely loss of Board of Selectmen member David Mathers, the town has tentatively scheduled a special election to fill his seat.

Officials hosted a townwide c...
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Pelham Selectboard hears about wetlands dumping


PELHAM — On Sept. 5 the Select Board, meeting to discuss a wide range of topics, heard about two instances of dumping town officials may find difficult to deal with.

Select Board Chai...
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Southampton Selectboard weighs recruitment options


SOUTHAMPTON — Jon Lumbra, a member of the Selectboard, emphasized that deadlines are fast approaching for the board in hiring a new fire chief and town administrator.

“By my calc...
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Williamsburg awarded watershed planning grant


WILLIAMSBURG — On Aug. 30, the Healey-Driscoll administration announced the town was awarded a Municipal Vulnerability Planning grant of $682,085 to study the Mill River watershed. The award ...
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Proposed guidelines complicate town aggregation plans


WESTHAMPTON — Officials from Colonial Power Group, the consultant ushering the town’s electrical power aggregation effort through the state’s regulatory process, came before the S...
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Southampton chooses firm for town administrator search


SOUTHAMPTON — The Southampton Select Board will enter into negotiations with Community Paradigm Associates to conduct the search for its next town administrator. With roughly four months left...
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LGBTQ+ therapeutic boarding school coming to Western Mass.


CUMMINGTON — A 300-acre former dairy farm will be the location of a new therapeutic gender-affirming LGBTQ+ high school in the fall of 2025.

The J.S. Bryant School will provide support...
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Beauty Bar coming to West Street in Hatfield in the fall


HATFIELD — A hair studio that spent a decade in Amherst is now moving its operations to 22 West St. in Hatfield by the fall.

Vici Hair Studio and Beauty Bar, which is located on 189 N...
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Mathers remembered in Williamsburg


WILLIAMSBURG — David Mathers, a member of the Board of Selectmen since 2007, passed away July 21, a catastrophic loss for the community and town government. Residents and officials are still ...
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Hampshire regional readies for first day


WESTHAMPTON — The Hampshire Regional School District hosted the first classes of the 2023-2024 school year on Aug. 30. Orientation for seventh graders, arriving at the middle school, began on...
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Select Board discusses Fire Department review, other business


SOUTHAMPTON — The Southampton Select Board convened on Aug. 15 for a meeting that covered a range of topics, including concerns about the Fire Department, updates on emergency communications ...
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Rickson, Muellner hired by Hampshire Regional Schools


WESTHAMPTON — Mary Jane Rickson was hired by Hampshire Regional School District as permanent assistant superintendent of curriculum, instruction and assessment on Aug. 15, pending successful ...
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IMPACT: Colleges provide financial boon to area


AMHERST — The return of students to area colleges brings potential increases in traffic, crowds, wait times for services and also an expected economic boost.

Downtown areas of Amherst ...
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Westhampton zoning rewrite gets to public hearing


WESTHAMPTON — In 2016, the six members of the Zoning Bylaw Review Committee began to research and update local zoning laws regarding real estate, construction and land use. Members met twice ...
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Detailed report outlines concerns for Southampton FD


SOUTHAMPTON — Concerns about equipment maintenance, facilities conditions and having enough staff are the main takeaways from a detailed report on the state of the Fire Department.

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Southampton welcomes new Council on Aging director


SOUTHAMPTON — Christina Johnson lived in Southampton until she was five years old, she’s not new to town. But she is the new director of the Council on Aging.

“I grew up in...
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Myers Produce to be in Food Bank building in Hatfield by year’s end


HATFIELD — During a meeting on July 21, the Hatfield Planning Board approved a site plan review for Myers Produce, the regional distributor and trucking company that will set up shop at 97 N....
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Celebrate Southampton brings fun and community together


SOUTHAMPTON — Residents of Southampton will gather together this weekend for Celebrate Southampton, an event filled with music, a picnic, memories and family-friendly activities.

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Support for superintendent falls apart in HRSD


WESTHAMPTON — On June 30, the education association representing teachers and support staff at Hampshire Regional School District, also known as HRSD, voted to declare no confidence in Superi...
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Residents raise concerns over bridge projects in Williamsburg


WILLIAMSBURG — Officials from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation met with residents and town officials to discuss the replacement of the Bridge Street and South Main Street bridge...
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$20 million proposed for farmers impacted by extreme weather


HATFIELD — The Massachusetts Senate recently passed a $513 million supplemental budget for fiscal year 2023, which includes $20 million in relief for farmers impacted by severe weather.

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Southampton preps for next phase of new public safety building


SOUTHAMPTON — Southampton’s Select Board was set to sign a contract with HKT Architects at its Aug. 1 meeting that would move the plan for a new public safety building into a new phase....
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Latest new normal storm flooded fields in Hatfield, little else


HATFIELD — July 16’s heavy thunderstorm engorged the Connecticut River and its tributaries, the Mill River among them. Existing measures to prevent flooding — and that stormwaters...
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The undead teach life skills at Zombie Survival Course in Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON — Matt “Animal Man” Gabriel brought his Zombie Survival Course to the Edwards Library last week, including a table full of Nerf guns and crossbows. Kids gathered round...
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Southampton Select Board moves forward with busy summer


SOUTHAMPTON — The Southampton Select Board continued with a busy slate of information gathering regarding new financial software for the town, adjustments to rules and regulations for personn...
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Southampton renews EMedia public access contract


SOUTHAMPTON — Jeff Mastroianni, executive director of Easthampton Media — also called EMedia — came before the Selectboard on July 11 to discuss renewal or extension of the town&r...
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Southampton anticipates Mountain Waters funding news


SOUTHAMPTON — To protect and permanently conserve over 1,000 acres of primarily forested land around Pomeroy Mountain and the Tighe-Carmody Reservoir, Kestrel Land Trust applied for a $1.25 m...
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State auditor visits Williamsburg to talk about major issues


WILLIAMSBURG — On June 28, State Auditor Diana DiZoglio paid a visit to the Anne T. Dunphy School in Williamsburg to talk about issues that impact Massachusetts and how her office is working ...
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HRSD school committees reject Faginski-Stark


WESTHAMPTON — On June 22, members of the five school committees of the Hampshire Regional School District voted almost unanimously to reject the candidacy of Erica Faginski-Stark for assistan...
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Southampton awarded grant to develop rail trail


SOUTHAMPTON — Town officials received word last week that a Mass Trails grant for $320,000 was awarded for design, engineering and permitting work on the proposed Greenway Rail Trail.

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Pelham Select Board talks new clerk, new walking path


PELHAM — It’s back to the drawing board as far as the town clerk position. Select Board Chair Bob Agoglia told David Shanabrook, the other member present to open June 20’s meeting...
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Immigration facility, stormwater occupy Southampton Select Board


SOUTHAMPTON — Earlier this month, town officials were contacted by the governor’s office and two state agencies about the possibility that an immigrant processing facility would be loca...
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Hatfield Select Board discusses vandalism, litter on farms


HATFIELD — John Pease of the Agricultural Advisory Commission came before the Select Board on June 13 to report on complaints he received while doing research for the current comprehensive pl...
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Southampton Planning Board welcomes new members


SOUTHAMPTON — Mark Darnold and Stephen Thor Johnson won seats on the Planning Board in local elections this spring. Both residents bring significant experience in municipal planning to the wo...
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Worthington businesses host pub crawl murder mystery


WORTHINGTON — Eric and Aaron Frary, co-owners of the Goldenrod Country Inn, will be prime suspects on June 17 in the sip and solve murder mystery, a collaboration among five local watering ho...
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Hatfield Planning Board passes special permit for hotel


HATFIELD — During its meeting on June 7, the Hatfield Planning Board unanimously decided to pass the special permit for a three-story hotel on 16 West St.

The vote, according to the b...
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Comerford advocates for birthing center bill at June 7 meeting


State Sen. Jo Comerford (D-Northampton), spoke in favor of a bill she helped file during the June 7 Joint Committee of Public Health.

The legislation, “An Act updating the regulations...
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White resumes ownership of Cummington quarry


CUMMINGTON — The Zoning Board of Appeals granted a special permit to Matthew White to operate the stone quarry on the Goshen town line, located on Berkshire Trail, which was most recently run...
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Westhampton signs up to wait for power aggregation


WESTHAMPTON — Spring Town Meeting this month voted in favor of aggregating electricity purchases for residents of the town, which may lower the rates for every kilowatt hour. The Selectboard ...
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Southampton Selectboard meets with school representatives about budget concerns


SOUTHAMPTON — At a May 23 meeting, the Southampton Selectboard received updates from representatives from the Hampshire Regional School District about why an excess and deficiency refund was ...
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Time pressure pushes solar vote in Williamsburg


WILLIAMSURG — Twenty people attended the May 17 meeting of the Energy and Public Safety Building Committees, including the fire and police chiefs, the end users of the public safety complex b...
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Hatfield voters pass Prop. 2 1/2 override to aid schools


HATFIELD — A $1.25 million Proposition 2½ general override was passed at the Hatfield town election on May 16.

In a 602-444 vote, Hatfield residents approved the override, whic...
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Southampton Town Meeting approves override vote, honors two of its own


SOUTHAMPTON — Southampton Town Meeting members approved 31 of 33 articles on May 9, including the town’s operating budget for the fiscal year 2024, bringing an override vote to the town...
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Pelham playground upgrades to improve accessibility


PELHAM — A child in a wheelchair can’t get around the playground at Pelham Elementary School, the wood chips are too deep. That really bothers Venuta Carulli.

“The playgrou...
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Comerford testifies for home equity bill during Judiciary committee


A bill that aims to protect equity for homeowners who are facing foreclosure saw testimony during the state’s Joint Committee on the Judiciary on May 9.

Filed by State Sen. Jo Comerfor...
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Override vote highlights concerns in Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON — The warrant for the May 9 Annual Town Meeting included Article 7, which asks voters to authorize a Proposition 2½ override of $332,555.26. The proposed override will empo...
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Cooler Communities event ties school into town planning in Hatfield


HATFIELD — Science teacher Emily Case wants her students to understand the flood of 1936 not just from a scientific perspective, but as part of their discussion surrounding climate change, th...
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Public hearing on proposed Hatfield hotel continues to later date


HATFIELD — A public hearing for a proposed three-story hotel on 16 West St. will continue at a future meeting so the Planning Board can determine exact legal stipulations for the project. ...
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Williamsburg Energy Committee welcomes new member, discusses solar


WILLIAMSBURG — Faced with a new challenge — mounting a solar array on the roof of the new public safety complex — the Energy Committee welcomed a new member last week, Jonathan Gr...
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Hatfield looks to join other communities with state flag vote


HATFIELD — If a petition’s article passes at Town Meeting, Hatfield could become the next community that supports the changing of the Massachusetts state flag from its current iteration...
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Southampton Select Board approves proposed budget, town meeting warrant


SOUTHAMPTON — The Southampton Select Board will put forth an almost $19 million budget and request an additional $332,000 as part of an override to fully fund the town for the next fiscal yea...
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Hampshire Regional returning excess funds to towns


SOUTHAMPTON — Member towns of Hampshire Regional School District are getting a pleasant surprise this budget season: a refund. The district will make a distribution of Excess and Deficiency m...
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Pelham introduced to community responder model


PELHAM — Michael Hilliard, retired from the Baltimore Police Department, told Pelham residents that armed police often make a tense confrontation on the street even more dangerous. That&rsquo...
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Westhampton Library writes five year plan for improvements


WESTHAMPTON — According to Library Director Meaghan Schwelm, the new five year plan for the town library will free up money for new items for the “trybrary” and maybe fix up the b...
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Southampton annual Town Meeting to decide on landmark names


SOUTHAMPTON — Residents hoping to see the East Street Bridge and part of Labrie Field named after a loved one received a boost from the Select Board last week. The board voted to include arti...
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Southampton senior center plans move along, committee recommends location


SOUTHAMPTON — During a Select Board meeting on April 11, members of the Senior Center Feasibility Committee presented the final plan recommendation of the feasibility study regarding a new se...
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Southampton Planning Board grants subdivision preliminary approval


SOUTHAMPTON — The Planning Board granted preliminary approval to a proposed 40-unit housing subdivision on College Highway, to be located between Lynn Drive and Gunn Road.

The proposal...
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Comerford talks rural aid with Hatfield Select Board


HATFIELD — State Sen. Jo Comerford (D-Northampton) paid a visit to the Hatfield Select Board on April 4 to offer some legislative updates for the 2023-24 session and answer questions pertaini...
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Search for new Southampton COA director under way


SOUTHAMPTON — During their meeting on March 28, the Southampton Select Board discussed the charge of the Council on Aging Director Search Committee, the group responsible for finding the town...
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Westhampton’s treasurer search turns another corner


WESTHAMPTON – Candidates for the treasurer position responded to a call for those services by the Selectboard, who met on March 20 to discuss the proposals received. The options are limited, ...
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CAC to host flag raisings, luminaria event in upcoming month


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – Communities across Hampshire County will be partnering with CAC, the Children’s Advocacy Center of Hampshire County, to recognize Child Abuse Prevention Month with fl...
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Police reform bill the last straw for Cummington PD


CUMMINGTON — Police Chief Michael Perkins, on the force since 2005, tapped into his institutional memory during a public meeting about the future of his department. On March 9, he told reside...
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Hampshire committee stays current budget course


WESTHAMPTON — School districts have been accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) for at least 50 years. The stamp of approval was universally recognized and ...
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Quabbin Health District part of Public Health program


WARE — Five partnership teams in communities across the United States were selected for the inaugural cohort of a new program for the de Beaumont Foundation: Innovative, Multi-sector Partners...
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Feasibility committee discusses new senior center design in Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON — The Ad Hoc Senior Center Feasibility Committee and Abacus Architects conducted a meeting at the William E. Norris School on March 1 to talk about the progress that has been made...
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Proposed three-story hotel on West Street in Hatfield discussed


HATFIELD — The Hatfield Planning Board conducted a public hearing on March 1 to go over plans for a three-story hotel proposed for 16 West St.

According to the proposal, Kirit Patel o...
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Heritage Tavern offers Hatfield food, history


HATFIELD – The bar at the center of the Heritage Tavern has a different look. Under the counter, the front gains an elegance from long bands of pale wood against a black background.

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Proposed health cut for Hampshire Regional triggers concerns


WESTHAMPTON — Stephanie Faas, health education coordinator for Hampshire Regional School District (HRSD), responded to news that Superintendent Diana Bonneville, in an effort to reduce distri...
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Hatfield town clerk provides information for local elections


HATFIELD – With town election season almost around the corner, Hatfield Town Clerk Lydia Szych provided important details on the town website and at the Feb. 14 Board of Selectmen meeting reg...
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Linnehan retiring from Southampton COA in June


SOUTHAMPTON — Council on Aging (COA) director Joan Linnehan recently announced she will retire in June from the position after five and a half years. How does she sound? Grateful to the town....
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Resident addresses engine brake issue on Elm, Maple streets in Hatfield


HATFIELD — Local citizen and realtor Micki Sanderson approached the Hatfield Select Board during their Feb. 7 meeting to address concerns around the use of engine brakes from trucks traveling...
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Pelham community center warms up with new heat system


PELHAM – Separating heat from winter air is still counter-intuitive, but after a full year of use the air source heat pump installed in the community center is drawing rave reviews from John ...
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Williamsburg author writes Irish romance mystery


WILLIAMSBURG — Difficult love and disappearing parents are the currency of romance and mysteries for young people, but local author Robert T. McMaster recently published a novel, “Rose ...
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Southampton project committees compare notes


SOUTHAMPTON – The Ad Hoc Senior Center Feasability Committee and Public Safety Building Committee (PSBC) met on Feb. 2 to see if either group had settled on any of over half-a-dozen possible ...
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Few questions raised at Westhampton bridge hearing


WESTHAMPTON – The first public meeting for the project to replace the bridge on Perry Hill Road Extension took place on Jan. 31. Groundbreaking for the new span is scheduled for the spring of...
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Hatfield Select Board considers pickleball proposal


HATFIELD – A proposed pickleball facility on 121 West St. may require a zoning bylaw amendment, according to the Hatfield Select Board.

During their meeting on Jan. 26, the Select Boa...
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Hatfield looks at possible FY24 budget override


HATFIELD – The police and fire chiefs met with the Select Board and Finance Committee last week, kicking off the budget planning for fiscal year 2024 (FY24) with very difficult news. Both chi...
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Southampton Select Board receives updates on elementary, high school


SOUTHAMPTON – During the Southampton Select Board’s Jan. 17 meeting, the board met with representatives from the Norris Elementary School, Hampshire Regional High School and Hampshire R...
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Hatfield selects Letourneau as new veterans’ services agent


HATFIELD – During their meeting on Jan. 10, the Hatfield Select Board officially chose resident Joseph Letourneau as the town’s part-time veterans service agent.

Letouruneau, wh...
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Goshen librarian remembered for quiet passions


GOSHEN – The much-loved former director of the library, Martha ‘Marty’ Nell Noblick, passed away on Dec. 14. Now, her memory might best be honored by stocking a bird feeder.

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Westhampton boards meet for bylaw rewrite review


WESTHAMPTON – John Shaw and the Zoning Bylaw Review Committee (ZBRC) have been meeting for over seven years now, working to update the town’s zoning laws, a task that hasn’t been ...
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New public safety building rises from old school site in Williamsburg


WILLIAMSBURG – The Helen E. James School was torn down last year to make room for the town’s new public safety complex, home for fire, police and emergency services. This year the proje...
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Southampton's ad hoc senior center committee seeks more input


SOUTHAMPTON – Last year, about 200 seniors answered a questionnaire on what elder services they would like to see in town. That’s only 10 percent of local elders, so to better prepare f...
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Southampton purchases railbed for greenway


SOUTHAMPTON – After working on the purchase process for well over a year, Southampton has officially acquired the 3.5-mile defunct railbed from the Pioneer Valley Railroad Co. (PVRC).

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Survey results are ready for downtown Chesterfield property


CHESTERFIELD – On Oct. 17, 2022, the Select Board hosted a meeting with Wright Ostermier Landscape Architects (WOLA) to learn about the hopes residents have for the 6 North Rd. property, in t...
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Southampton Selectboard elects Mancino to Public Safety Building Committee


SOUTHAMPTON – During their regular meeting on Dec. 20, the Southampton Selectboard elected Mark Mancino as the 11th member of the town’s Public Safety Building Committee (PSBC) and also...
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Dunphy students in Williamsburg continue to outperform statewide averages


WILLIAMSBURG – Superintendent Diana Bonneville began her presentation about the district’s planned improvements for the coming year and said, “If you want to find out the quick, d...
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Hatfield School Committee conducts preliminary budget discussions


HATFIELD – During their Dec. 15 meeting, the Hatfield School Committee conducted preliminary discussions about their upcoming budget planning for 2023-2024.

According to Hatfield supe...
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Eversource tree contractor cuts too many trees in Cummington


CUMMINGTON – Many residents were shocked last week after Eversource contractor Lewis Tree Service felled almost two dozen large and healthy sugar maples along Brick House Road. On Dec. 15 the...
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Images sought for Westhampton annual report


WESTHAMPTON – This year, the town’s administrative assistant, Douglas Finn, wants to document more in the annual report than the usual facts and figures about the previous year. He put ...
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Southampton Town Meeting approves Affordable Housing Trust


SOUTHAMPTON – An Affordable Housing Trust to help with the town’s affordable housing percentage will soon be established after a Special Town Meeting vote passed the article by majority...
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Pelham unveils Habitat for Humanity projects


PELHAM – Megan McDonough, Executive Director of Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity (Habitat), appeared before the Planning Board on Dec. 14 to relay good news for the town, mixed with praise...
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Tax collector saves Westhampton from fiscal problems


WESTHAMPTON – At a meeting of the Finance Committee on Dec. 7 members learned the town’s previous treasurer, Jennifer Day – currently the treasurer in Southampton – left abo...
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Southampton Select Board discusses ZBA issues


SOUTHAMPTON – After receiving an application from Town Treasurer Jen Day to serve on the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), the Southampton Select Board discussed the need to fill positions on th...
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Hatfield Select Board accepts water and sewer rate increases


HATFIELD – During their meeting on Nov. 29, the Hatfield Select Board accepted a recommendation for the town’s water and sewer rate to each rise by 10 percent during the second half of ...
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15 articles on the slate for Southampton Town Meeting


SOUTHAMPTON – On Dec. 13 residents in Southampton will have the opportunity to vote on 15 warrant articles as a part of the town’s Annual Town Meeting at 7 p.m. at the William E. Norris...
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Review committee gets feedback on zoning changes in Westhampton


WESTHAMPTON – Hoping to conclude a long revisioning process, the Zoning Bylaw Review Committee (ZBRC) met with residents on Nov. 30 to solicit comments for what committee members hope will re...
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Hatfield sewer extension project granted additional funds


HATFIELD – The sewer extension project on Route 5 ran into additional drainage problems that could’ve been very expensive. Fortunately, this month the town received another $1.5 million...
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Pitrat named new Hatfield Elementary School principal


HATFIELD – Melissa Pitrat, incoming principal at Hatfield Elementary School (HES), completes a learning loop in her new job.

“I’m excited to be here as principal and feel f...
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With bridge complete, focus turns to East Street in Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON – Now that the renovation of the East Street bridge is complete town officials are looking to modernize the street itself, a substantial project first discussed in 2003. The diffi...
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Cahillane elected as Hampshire County Sheriff for six more years


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – After an eight-month race, Patrick Cahillane will once again helm the Hampshire County Sheriff position for his second six-year term.

While some towns still need to...
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Southampton officials celebrate East Street Bridge opening


SOUTHAMPTON – Town officials and state legislators gathered on Nov. 3 to celebrate the monumental grand opening of the new East Street Bridge, a project that has been in the works for well ov...
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Block grant application to include ‘risky’ town


WESTHAMPTON – As much as $700,000 in grant money may come to the town, in the next 18 months or so, now that Westhampton will be included in the next application for a Community Development B...
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Veterans Day services and events scheduled across Hampshire County


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – With Veterans’ Day right around the corner, communities across Hampshire County and the region will be honoring veterans with a variety of events and services on and ...
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New Southampton conservation agent a wetlands specialist


SOUTHAMPTON – Frustrated by the Japanese knotweed invading your land? The town’s new conservation agent, Nicolas Pietroniro, knows how to get rid of the fast-spreading invasive species....
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Snow Farm hosts annual Second Sale fundraiser in Nov.


WILLIAMSBURG — “To the artist, they might be seconds, but most pieces look perfect, and prices are perfect, too,” according to Snow Farm: The New England Craft Program.

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Fall Festival returns to Westhampton post-coronavirus pandemic


WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Fall Festival returned to the town Center on Oct. 16. After a two-year hiatus, the festival brought a variety of fall themed activities to the town center, inclu...
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Southampton taps Green Communities grant money


SOUTHAMPTON – Spending money from the Green Communities (GC) program may seem like picking mana from the trees, but Jon Lumbra tried to slow the picking down so the town makes no mistakes wit...
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Water main replacements anticipated in Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON – James Walunas, Water Commissioner, didn’t realize he was asking for the moon. He submitted a request for $1.62 million to replace a significant piece of the town’s w...
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Residents speak out on possible uses for 6 North Rd.


CHESTERFIELD – Emily Wright, landscape architect, tried to stay on message about community desires for the 6 North Road property. Resident Jonathon Parrott had concerns about the back story.<...
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Hatfield town clerk requests grant funds to save old records


HATFIELD – Ashes to ashes, dust to paper, Lydia Szych will not let the dead be lost.

Szych, the town clerk, appeared before the Select Board last week to gather support for a Communit...
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Healey travels to Hampshire County to visit small businesses


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – On Oct. 13, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Maura Healey visited cities in Hampshire County to learn more about the local business leaders in the area.

Healey joi...
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Gittelson stresses ethical transparency as a write-in candidate for sheriff


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – The Hampshire County Sheriff’s race will be contested, after all.

Only a couple of days after coming in second place behind Sheriff Patrick Cahillane in the p...
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Westhampton Fall festival returns post-COVID-19


WESTHAMPTON – The 15th annual Westhampton Fall Festival will take place on Oct. 16 at the Town Center on 1 North Rd. from 12 - 4 p.m. The festival is co-sponsored by the Friends of the Westha...
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More seers needed for Westhampton’s visioning process


WESTHAMPTON – Residents rarely get the chance to redesign their town, but on Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. locals will get together for a visioning process.

The Westhampton Master Plan Work Group...
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Public safety complex in Southampton moves ahead with RFQ


SOUTHAMPTON – The next step in the public safety complex project will be to find a design firm.
The first step in that process will be for design companies to submit a Request for Qual...
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Residents debate potential bike path in Hatfield


HATFIELD – Mark Gelotte, a member of the Open Space Committee, on Sept. 22, opened the meeting about a proposed bike path that would create an unbroken travel corridor for riders from Elm Cou...
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Foothills district talks opioid settlement money


WESTHAMPTON – Robbie Armenti voiced frustration with the Westhampton Selectboard at the Sept. 21 meeting of the Foothills Health District (FHD). Discussion turned to spending money from the f...
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Early voting calendar set for Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON – The town of Southampton is gearing up for the Nov. 8 general election with the release of important early in-person voting dates.

According to Town Clerk Luci Dalton, ea...
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Hatfield to host information session about bike trail


HATFIELD – Diana Szynal, chair of the Select Board, announced a meeting about the Connecticut River Bike Trail last week by saying, “We know there has been a lot of interest in this &nd...
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Southampton Select Board receives Senior Center Feasibility update


SOUTHAMPTON – With the feasibility work underway for a potential new Senior Center in Southampton, the Select Board met with the Ad Hoc Senior Center Feasibility Committee to discuss the next...
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‘Field of Dreams’ may become warehouse, dog park


HATFIELD – Representatives from Stiebel Eltron, makers of solar panels and other manufactured goods, came before the Planning Board on Sept. 7 to introduce plans for a multi-use development a...
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Cahillane wins Democratic primary for sheriff


NORTHAMPTON – After an arduous night, and an even longer campaign, current Hampshire County Sheriff Patrick Cahillane officially defeated challengers Caitlin Sepeda and Yvonne Gittelson to wi...
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Southampton Senior Center receives $50,000 in ARPA funds


SOUTHAMPTON – Council on Aging Board Chair Janet Cain recalls the last time state money was allocated to the Senior Center.

“The last time we got a check, it was $6,000 from [for...
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Traditional country fair continues traditions


CUMMINGTON - The 154th edition of the Cummington Fair was presented Aug. 26 through 28 and featured many of the attractions for which the country fair is well known. On Aug. 28, there was a gatheri...
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Hatfield's proposed fire training facility gets first public hearing


HATFIELD – Fire Capt. Luke Longstreet presented plans to about twenty residents last Thursday evening for a house-like facility for training in structure fires. In a second phase, a structure...
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Campground applicant withdraws 200-acre proposal in Williamsburg


WILLIAMSBURG – Christopher Duval, owner of Beaver Brook Golf Course, appeared before the Zoning Board of Appeals last week, along with over 70 residents opposed to Duval’s proposal for ...
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Community chorus in Southampton seeks new singers in return from COVID-19 break


SOUTHAMPTON – For more than three decades, the Voices of the Valley Community Chorus has entertained the region with songs.

Previously known as the Southampton Community Chorus, the gr...
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Southampton police offer new Resident Reassurance Program


SOUTHAMPTON – The Southampton Police Department is inviting members of its community to participate in the new Resident Reassurance Program. The program serves as a daily check-in with the Po...
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Westhampton School Committee discusses initial draft of strategic plan


WESTHAMPTON – With the school year fast approaching, the Westhampton School Committee met on Aug. 16 to conduct preliminary discussions about their 2022-2025 Strategic Plan for the entire Ham...
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Residents gather to Celebrate Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON – Celebrate Southampton was hosted at Conant Park in Southampton. The celebration included music, food exhibits and a craft fair.

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Velis: state can pass economic bill and provide refunds


SOUTHAMPTON – State Sen. John Velis believes Massachusetts has the resources to pass the long-debated economic development bill and provide refunds to local taxpayers.

Velis made his ...
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Music fans enjoy return of in-person Valley Music Showcase


SOUTHAMPTON – The Valley Music Showcase celebrated the return of its live, in-person shows at Glendale Ridge Vineyard on July 31.

The Valley Music Showcase had suspended its in-person ...
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Forum highlights alternatives to emergency response in communities


NORTHAMPTON/AMHERST – On July 31, Our Revolution Massachusetts spearheaded the second part of a forum on initiatives by Massachusetts cities and towns to fundamentally change the way policing...
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Southampton property owners respond to letters about senior center, safety complex


SOUTHAMPTON – The town of Southampton is continuing their pursuit of identifying properties in town suitable for a new senior center and public safety complex.

During a meeting on Jun...
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Candidates state cases for Hampshire County sheriff


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – Candidates for the Hampshire County Sheriff race faced off during the first forum ahead of the State Primary Election on Sept. 6.

The Easthampton Democratic City Com...
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Hatfield social enterprise farm gets first program grant


HATFIELD – Last month, Prospect Meadow Farm (PMF), a ServiceNet program for adults with developmental delays, won a $595,000 grant for social enterprise agencies. Most of the grant will pay t...
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Former ‘mascot’ takes over Pelham Fire Department


PELHAM – Dennis Nazzaro, the new fire chief, is a hard core history buff and the newest member of the Historical Society. Now he wants to combine his two passions so everyone knows the histor...
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Westhampton Public Library hosts new exhibit


WESTHAMPTON – During the month of August, the Westhampton Public Library will host the works by The Garden: a Center for Grieving Children and Teens, a Cooley Dickinson VNA & Hospice prog...
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Bulk of construction completed on Southampton's East Street Bridge


SOUTHAMPTON – The bulk of the work on the East Street Bridge in Southampton is finished, with the remainder of the work to occur over the next two months, according to Highway Superintendent ...
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Ski Show Tournament returns for 37th year


NORTHAMPTON – For the 37th year, the Oxbow Ski Show site at Old Springfield Road at Curtis Nook Road in Northampton will host the Eastern Region Ski Show Tournament.

According to Becc...
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Westhampton Selectboard discusses status of new public safety complex


WESTHAMPTON – During their July 18 meeting the Selectboard discussed the new public safety complex project located at 48 Stage Rd. and shared news that the project should be completed by Octo...
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Children enjoy library’s alpaca story time in Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON – The Edwards Public Library in Southampton was the site of an alpaca meet-and-greet and story time for children as part of the library’s summer reading program events.

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CES receives grant to expand access to healthy food, physical activity


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – Collaborative Educational Services (CES), the nonprofit educational service agency based in Northampton, is a recent recipient of a Mass in Motion grant, part of a statewid...
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Hilltown 6 Potters open their studios for two-day tour and sale


WESTERN MASS. – On the fourth weekend in July, nine Hilltown potters will open their studios and kilns again for all to enjoy and explore.

Whether one is a loyal follower of the nation...
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Worthington fire chief looks for new faces


WORTHINGTON – Ginger Scott and her husband, Rick, the town’s new volunteer fire chief, saved a man’s life in 2007. Driving through Chesterfield, they saw a commotion and stopped t...
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Westhampton church to host annual Blueberry Festival


WESTHAMPTON – Nothing says summer more than a slice of delicious blueberry pie baked fresh from the oven. This American classic will be just one of many blueberry treats on the menu during Th...
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Southampton awarded $300,000 for continued work on Greenway


SOUTHAMPTON – On June 28, the town of Southampton was awarded $300,000 toward Greenway design, engineering, and permitting for a shared-use accessible bike and pedestrian path.

The mo...
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Hatfield Housing Authority presents plan for FY23


HATFIELD – On June 21 officials from the Hatfield Housing Authority (HHA) presented the town’s housing plan for fiscal year 2023 (FY23). The good news is that maintenance projects at th...
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In Cummington, Main Street becomes an art gallery


CUMMINGTON – Beckie Kravetz’s interactive sculpture, “Time to Reflect: A Human Sundial,” lets people use their own shadow, a symbol of death, to tell time. Time, and looking...
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Southampton seeks senior center, safety complex locations


SOUTHAMPTON – Two committees have been working to identify properties in town suitable for a new senior center and public safety complex. According to discussions at the Select Board meeting ...
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Westhampton business benefits children and environment


WESTHAMPTON – When Julia Volkman took a temporary break from teaching at the Pioneer Valley Montessori School in Springfield, she left to adopt a child. She never dreamed the time off would l...
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Williamsburg ATM funds public safety complex, capital improvements


WILLIAMSBURG – Annual Town Meeting, which took place this year on June 6 at the Anne P. Dunphy School, underwrote capital projects, made select changes to the town’s bylaws and authoriz...
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Williamsburg Planning Board receives home marijuana cultivation pitch


WILLIAMSBURG – Following a Town Meeting approval of marijuana establishments, a potential home business went before the Williamsburg Planning Board to discuss plans for a cultivation setup....
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Hampshire Regional High School Golf Tournament returns June 26


SOUTHAMPTON – The annual Hampshire Regional High School (HRHS) Golf Tournament is returning to the Southampton Country Club on June 26.

Spearheaded by the HRHS Booster Club, which is ...
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Southampton girl makes scouting history


SOUTHAMPTON – Abby Thibodeau has done what no other boy or girl has ever accomplished in Western Massachusetts. The 17-year-old has earned the rank of Eagle Sco...
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Hampshire Regional superintendent reports on entry findings


WESTHAMPTON – Last fall Diana Bonneville, the new superintendent of Hampshire Regional School District (HRSD), presented to the school committees of all five member towns an Entry Plan that d...
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Easthampton's Cherry Street green infrastructure project set for summer


EASTHAMPTON – In a continued effort to create a greener community, the city of Easthampton is in the process of tangibly starting a project on Cherry Street to bring in more green infrastruct...
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Libraries continue storied tradition of summer reading programs


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – Whether you’re at the beach, in the mountains or just staying home, chances are you’ll be reading this summer, and local libraries are rewarding you for paging ...
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Pelham election, Town Meeting take care of business


PELHAM – Town elections on May 17 filled most of the open seats in local government. Annual Town Meeting, hosted this year on May 14, addressed challenges facing the town, reinvested authorit...
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Southampton Town Meeting approves FY23 budget of over $19 million


SOUTHAMPTON – A budget of $19.1 million was passed for the town of Southampton at this year’s Annual Town Meeting.

The largest chunk of this year’s budget will go to educat...
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Goshen election, ATM pay bills, appoint officers


GOSHEN – The 2022 town election, which took place June 4, reseated many incumbents and also saw several new names on the ballot.

The Annual Town Meeting on May 21 executed town busines...
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Chesterfield to put town on display for the Fourth


CHESTERFIELD – Organizers of the town’s 75th Fourth of July parade will have their clipboards and coffees in hand as they gather on the corner of Bryant and South Streets waiting for fl...
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Northwestern DA's Child Abuse Unit challenged amidst steady stream of reported cases


NORTHAMPTON – A steady stream of new cases involving the most vulnerable within the Northwestern District has prompted the Northwestern District Attorney’s Office to add a prosecutor&rs...
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Hatfield Planning Board okays cannabis grow operation


HATFIELD – Planning Board member James Tarr anticipated disgruntlement from abutters after the board voted 4-0 to approve the application by Farmacy LLC for an outdoor cannabis grow operation...
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Partial election results indicate Johndrow wins Selectboard race


WESTHAMPTON – Westhampton’s Annual Town Election, which was conducted on June 4 at Town Hall, featured only a couple of contested races.

According to partial results provided by...
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Hampshire Regional chairs agree on transportation contract


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – The Hampshire Regional School Committee came to a decision about its transportation contract on May 24 with a well attended Zoom meeting .

The new agreement with Dur...
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Southampton moderator hosts info session on Town Meeting warrant


SOUTHAMPTON – Southampton Town Moderator Robert Floyd hosted an information session on May 26 during which he read this year’s draft warrant with Annual Town Meeting looming.

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Southampton furniture maker awarded life-changing grant


SOUTHAMPTON – Kristina Madsen is a high-end furniture maker, working in solitude as she brings form and definition to wood. She designs and builds one-of-a-kind cabinets, chests, beds and oth...
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Performer lineup set for Hatfield Summer Concert Series


HATFIELD – Get your blankets and lawn chairs ready because the lineup is set for the 2022 Hatfield Summer Concert Series.

Starting off the series will be the band DECADES, an oldies da...
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Pop and rock stars from the past return to Worthington


WORTHINGTON – David Pollard had a hunch people in his small rural town and across the region would cheer for singers and bands from the 60’s and 70’s who came to town for an encor...
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Hatfield election takes on ‘Norman Rockwell’ atmosphere


HATFIELD – Town Clerk Lydia Szych loves election day. Every year, Town Hall turns festive as candidates campaign in the sunshine and voters choose who will sit on committees and boards.

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New variant, changing risks as coronavirus pandemic persists


NORTHAMPTON – A new wave of infections, primarily from the BA.2.12.1 variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is driving a surge in COVID-19 illness. Every county in the commonwealth, according to st...
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McGovern voices concerns about Leeds VA recommendations to McDonough


NORTHAMPTON – During a phone call with Veterans Affairs (VA) Secretary Denis McDonough, Massachusetts Congressman Jim McGovern officially expressed his concerns...
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Uncontested races dictate Southampton Annual Town Election


SOUTHAMPTON – The 2022 Southampton Annual Town Election featured zero contested races for various board seats in town.

The May 17 election at the Senior Center represented the first y...
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Cummington town elections, ATM see low turnout


CUMMINGTON – Spring is the busy season for elections and town business, but this year residents stayed home. Fewer than 10 percent attended Annual Town Meeting (ATM) to decide the town’...
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Chesterfield settles issues, election doesn’t fill seats


CHESTERFIELD – The Annual Town Meeting (ATM) on May 9 cleaned up the municipal books. The yearly town election the week before, however, didn’t fill all of the important vacancies in to...
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Worthington Annual Town Meeting, election draw solid turnout


WORTHINGTON – High winds and chilly temperatures didn’t stop voters from leaving home May 7 to vote for candidates and keep the fire chief a part-time position.

According to Katr...
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Hatfield residents vote against moving sewage pump site


HATFIELD – During their Annual Town Meeting on May 10, Hatfield residents voted against moving elements of a water and sewer extension project away from the The Waxwing restaurant area on Wes...
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Comerford hosts ‘People’s Town Hall’


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – Hampshire, Franklin and Worcester District state Sen. Jo Comerford hosted her fifth report-back in her second term called “The People’s Town Hall with Sen. Jo C...
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Westhampton approves all budgetary items during Annual Town Meeting


WESTHAMPTON – During the Annual Town Meeting on May 14 at Town Hall, the residents of Westhampton gathered and voted to approve 36 articles, the majority of which featured budgetary items and...
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Southampton Memorial Day Parade returns after two-year hiatus


SOUTHAMPTON – The annual Memorial Day Parade in Southampton returns for the first time since 2019 on May 30 at 9 a.m.

According to Southampton Town Clerk Luci Dalton, the parade is in...
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Election voting doubles in Williamsburg over Mountain Road project


WILLIAMSBURG – The Annual Town Election on May 2 this year drew a heavy turnout of voters looking to settle the race for the Select Board seat of chair David Ma...
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Cannabis critics raise new issues in Hatfield


HATFIELD – “How do we know we won’t have box trucks leaving Hatfield at 3 a.m.?” Robert Wykoff asked the Planning Board. “How do we know … we won’t become...
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Congressman McGovern: Putin is guilty of war crimes


Congressman James McGovern thought he was going to Poland to discuss the war in Ukraine with Polish officials on May 2. What he didn’t know is that House Speake...
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Hatfield School Committee: regionalizing won’t save money


HATFIELD – The school department has consistently scraped to save nickels and dimes, but this year the change jar is empty. As a result, taxpayers will see an i...
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Southampton Annual Town Meeting moves to June 7


SOUTHAMPTON – During a meeting on April 26, the Southampton Select Board decided to push the Annual Town Meeting to 7 p.m. on June 7 at William E. Norris School.

The meeting was origi...
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Contracts signed for new Williamsburg public safety complex


WILLIAMSBURG – On April 21, the Board of Selectman authorized the signing of contracts for the dismantling of the Helen E. James School and the construction of a new public safety complex on ...
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Gittelson’s Hampshire County sheriff campaign focuses on education


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – Goshen resident Yvonne Gittelson recently announced that she would be running as a Democratic candidate for the Hampshire County sheriff position with hopes of improving th...
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Familiar nominations gap for Westhampton FinCom


WESTHAMPTON – The town’s beloved hand-cranked ballot box, built in 1936, will soon be in service for the town elections, scheduled for June 4 this year. As in past years, the struggle w...
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Pelham residents to vote on Annual Town Meeting’s 20 articles


PELHAM – The Select Board may soon have a new name. The name change to Board of Selectmen is one of 20 articles included on the warrant for Town Meeting, scheduled for May 14.

Three ar...
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Williamsburg Board of Selectmen incumbent faces challenger


WILLIAMSBURG – There are few contested races on the ballot for the May 2 Annual Town Election, but one could have a significant impact on the direction of the town.

Patrick Sumner hop...
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Westhampton Open Space Committee envisions preservation


WESTHAMPTON – Don’t like those sweltering 100 degree days? Add 23 more every summer. That’s the commonwealth in 2050.

That shocking statistic was presented at a visioning s...
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Vanasse announces candidacy for Hampshire County sheriff


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – Pittsfield native and current Florence resident John Vanasse recently announced his candidacy for the Hampshire County Sheriff position.

Vanasse, 45, told Reminder ...
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Worthington conducts hearing in-law apartment bylaw


WORTHINGTON – On March 28, the Planning Board gave residents a look at a proposed bylaw change that would allow mother-in-law apartments of up to 900 square feet. The bylaw would also offer d...
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Cannabis growers field questions about Hatfield proposal


HATFIELD – During questioning of the applicants for a permit to grow cannabis in fields along North Hatfield Road abutters and residents learned that when all the acres intended for cultivati...
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State House of Representatives drops victim assistance funding


WESTERN MASS. – The Massachusetts House of Representatives dropped a $20 million amendment that would forestall federal program cuts to the Massachusetts Office of Victim Assistance (MOVA) th...
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William E. Norris School Committee recommends FY23 budget


SOUTHAMPTON – The William E. Norris School Committee passed the proposed fiscal year 2023 (FY23) budget at just over $5 million following a public hearing during their March 30 meeting. This ...
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Hatfield Planning Board looks to share planner


HATFIELD – Stephanie Slysz, chair of the Planning Board, came before the Select Board to make a third request for a part-time planner. This year, Slysz might get support for the Planning Boar...
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Pelham Select Board mulls changes to streamline Town Meeting


PELHAM – The battle over warrant articles at the last Town Meeting was so contentious, and confusion so prevalent, the Selectboard is looking for ways to make the issues more transparent and ...
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Domb looks back on past term in Third Hampshire District as she prepares to run again


AMHERST – As state Rep. Mindy Domb prepares for a re-election bid later this year, Reminder Publishing was able to interview her on her thoughts from this past term and what she hopes to acco...
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Southampton Select Board, Easthampton Media talk capital funds


SOUTHAMPTON – Jeff Mastroianni, recently hired to manage Easthampton Media, came before the Select Board last month to ask for capital improvement money. In turn, Select Board member Maureen ...
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Hampshire County sheriff announces re-election campaign


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – Hampshire County Sheriff Patrick Cahillane has announced that he is seeking a second six-year term in charge of the Sheriff’s Department at the Hampshire County Jail ...
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Hatfield wastewater treatment project wins USDA grant


HATFIELD – The town applied for a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) grant to upgrade the local wastewater treatment plant, which is 35 years old. The Selectboard recently learned...
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Caitlin Sepeda announces candidacy for Hampshire County sheriff


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – Caitlin Sepeda, a registered nurse who has worked in two Western Massachusetts correctional facilities, has announced her candidacy for a six-year term as sheriff of Hampsh...
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Late Southampton resident leaves millions for new senior center


SOUTHAMPTON – David “Red” Parsons passed away last year and willed money to the town for a new senior center. Officials of the Council on Aging (COA) didn’t learn until last...
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Cummington resident finding a new direction in paint


CUMMINGTON – Bill Adams had a high stress job in the Navy – he was head of aircraft maintenance for the Pacific Fleet – until he retired to Maple Leafs Farm with his wife, Jane, a...
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Pelham Democrats caucus for state delegate


PELHAM – On March 5, the Pelham Town Democratic Committee gathered to caucus, an early step in the process of electing delegates to the state nominating convention. At the nominating conventi...
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East Street Bridge project in Southampton expected to be finished in fall


SOUTHAMPTON – The East Street Bridge replacement project is set to be finished by the fall, according to Town Administrator Ed Gibson.

“The project itself will end up being late...
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Local ski official recalls Beijing Winter Olympics


CUMMINGTON – Laura Sullivan spent most of February in China, officiating at the Winter Olympics, perched on ski slopes almost as steep as cliffs. What made the ...
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Westhampton seeks input on OSRP through survey


WESTHAMPTON – The town of Westhampton is looking to update their Open Space & Recreation Plan for the next seven years.

As part of their initial steps, the Open Space & Recrea...
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Local fire departments receive education grants


NORTHAMPTON – A couple of weeks ago, the Baker-Polio Administration announced that 234 municipal fire departments received $1.8 million in grant funding to support fire education program for ...
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Southampton Housing Authority pushes for affordable homes


SOUTHAMPTON – The recent survey on housing told Jim Seney, chair of the Housing Authority, exactly what residents want and need – affordable places to live –but also why it’...
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Southampton Council on Aging seeks more participants for Memory Café


SOUTHAMPTON – The Southampton Council on Aging (COA) received a Title III grant through Highland Valley Elder Services to conduct a monthly Memory Caf&eacu...
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Hampshire County, other Mass. communities, receive Fire Safety Grant


WESTERN MASS. – In a continued effort for fire safety education, the Baker-Polito Administration has awarded nearly $2 million in fire education grants to fund fire safety for youth and senio...
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Easthampton and Southampton rescind mask mandate


EASTHAMPTON – During their Feb. 22 meeting, the Easthampton Board of Health elected to immediately lift their mask mandate, which has been in place since September.

According to ...
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School committees across Hampshire Regional lift mask mandates


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – School committees across the Hampshire Regional School District have made important decisions regarding mask protocols over the past few weeks.

Early in the month, t...
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Pelham school budget will increase to maintain services


PELHAM – The proposed Pelham School District budget will increase 2.3 percent next year, the bump driven by contracted increases in employee compensation. A dro...
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Williamsburg Public Safety Complex on time and on track


WILLIAMSBURG – The new Public Safety Complex that will be built at the location of the now-defunct Helen E. James School building is still on schedule for completion in July 2023.

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Southampton police chief: employees deserve premium pay


SOUTHAMPTON – Town employees deserve additional compensation for keeping the town on track during the pandemic, according to Police Chief Ian Illingsworth. Last week he also told the Select B...
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Split Hampshire Regional School Committee approves increased budget


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – The School Committee of the Hampshire Regional School District passed a budget for the 2022-2023 school year of $16.1 million. According to the presentation by district sta...
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Hampshire Regional School Committee votes to end masking


WESTHAMPTON – Following suit with new state regulations, the Hampshire Regional School Committee voted on Feb. 14 to relinquish its mask mandate at the end of the month.

On Feb. 9, the...
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Enrollment period for new Goshen broadband service open


GOSHEN – The initial subscription period for the town’s new fiber optic broadband network is underway.

According to Wayne Glaser, vice-chair of the Select Board, there have been...
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Grant funds crisis team response in Granby, South Hadley


SOUTH HADLEY – Continuing their efforts to promote and create more efficient responses to mental health and crisis calls, the South Hadley Police Department has received grant funding of $30,...
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Mount Holyoke College professor finds rare dinosaur bone in Amherst


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – Mount Holyoke College geology professor Mark McMenamin and his wife Dianna were out and about on their 40th wedding anniversary and stumbled across something that would mak...
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Hampshire, Franklin county bridges included in state’s list of repair projects


WESTERN MASS. – Several area bridges could get needed repairs thanks to funding supported by Gov. Charlie Baker.

Baker announced on Feb. 3 a plan to invest $3 billion in 146 bridge pro...
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Westhampton Select Board receives public input on ARPA fund uses


WESTHAMPTON – The Select Board opened their Jan. 31 meeting with a public hearing and discussion to go over possible benefactors in town from American Rescue Act (ARPA) Funds.

The hear...
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Rapid test distribution begins in Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON – The Southampton Selectboard met to discuss a variety of agenda items including COVID-19 cases in the town and in-home rapid test distribution on Feb. 1.

According to Tow...
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New Hingham school budget needs more numbers


CHESTERFIELD/GOSHEN – New Hingham Regional School Committee members sat for a first look at next year’s budget. Principal Jesse McMillan presented th...
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Black Birch Vineyard growing more than grapes


HATFIELD – It’s no surprise that Michelle Kersbergen, co-owner of Black Birch Vineyard, enjoys talking about food and wine, how they stimulate culture....
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Hampshire Regional SEPAC supports kids and families with IEP, 504 plans


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – The Hampshire Regional Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is looking to reignite better support, networking and education to p...
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Maple sugaring house paintings on display at the Westhampton Library


WESTHAMPTON – With February now upon New Englanders, what better way to sweeten the bitterness of winter than fresh-tapped maple syrup from local maple sugaring houses?

In honor of th...
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Health Policy Forum, UMass discuss public health recommendations


AMHERST – The Massachusetts Health Policy Forum at Brandeis University and the University of Massachusetts Amherst (UMass) hosted a free virtual forum on Jan. 26 to examine the latest legisla...
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Community Preservation Act cash attracts projects in Hatfield


HATFIELD – Two questions dominated last week’s Open Space Committee meeting. The first, whether the town should build a pavilion or repair a footbridge, was complicated by the second qu...
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Fire departments receive much-needed grants for essential services


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – The Baker-Polito administration recently awarded $5 million in grant funding to 306 Massachusetts fire departments to help purchase a variety of equipment to make the jobs ...
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Hatfield School Committee gets budget preview


HATFIELD – Interim Superintendent Michael Wood brought a draft of the fiscal year 2023 (FY23) Hatfield school budget to the School Committee on Jan. 12 He sounded a cautionary note about Scho...
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Discussion on use for ARPA money heats up


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is a competitive grant program signed into law in March 2021 to help municipalities replace revenue and other losses due to the pandemic...
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Southampton Town Clerk’s Office gears up for important changes


SOUTHAMPTON – With Southampton officially becoming a two-precinct town as of Dec. 31, there are some changes and important information residents must be aware of for the upcoming year.

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Comerford, legislature want universal mask mandate in Massachusetts


WESTERN MASS. – State legislature has made it clear to Gov. Charlie Baker that a universal mask mandate for the entire state of Massachusetts is the correct route to curb the burgeoning cases...
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Southampton Select Board approves funds for more COVID-19 testing


SOUTHAMPTON – During a Jan. 4 meeting, the Southampton Select Board approved up to $15,000 from ARPA funds for as many rapid COVID-19 testing kits as possible for the town at that price.

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Hampshire, Franklin County municipalities respond to omicron increases


WESTERN MASS. – The numbers of COVID-19 infections due to the omicron variant has increased so sharply in the last week the Shutesbury Select Board closed Town Hall. The public health agent i...
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Dog control remains a topic of conversation in Pelham


PELHAM – In a widely distributed letter to dog owners, also posted on the town website, the Selectboard summarized the changes to the bylaws on leashing and control enacted this year, and how...
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Pelham’s sizzling home market driven by investors, students


Editor’s Note: The original version of this story printed on Jan. 6 contained factual inaccuracies. In the interest of correcting the record, Reminder Publi...
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Williamsburg Board of Health approves mask mandate


WILLIAMSBURG – The Williamsburg Board of Health unanimously approved a mask mandate for all indoor public spaces during a Dec. 30 special meeting over teleconference.

According to boa...
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Southampton Select Board approves Public Safety Building Committee makeup


SOUTHAMPTON – During a Dec. 21 meeting, the Southampton Select Board officially approved the general composition of the Public Safety Building Committee.

In a unanimous vote, the Sele...
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Southampton to conduct vaccine clinic on Jan. 8


SOUTHAMPTON – The town of Southampton is planning to host a family vaccine clinic on Jan. 8, according to town Health Director Geraldine Swanson.

“It’s going to be very im...
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Committee reviews Pelham’s capital plans


PELHAM – Prowlers, steeples, schools and pumper trucks were the talk of the town at the recent Capital Planning Committee meeting.

John Trickey, chair of the body that meets every year...
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Northampton, Hatfield to share health services


HATFIELD – Northampton won a state grant for shared health services and approached the town of Hatfield about supplying those services for free. The new program went live on Dec. 4.

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Comerford files legislation to stop video, broadcasts while driving


NORTHAMPTON – On Dec. 14, state Sen. Jo Comerford introduced new legislation to strengthen the Massachusetts hands-free driving law by banning any driver from broadcasting or recording themse...
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Southampton approves funding for Conant Park splash pad, walking path


SOUTHAMPTON – During a Special Town Meeting on Dec. 14, Southampton voted to approve $192,500 from the Community Preservation Act undesignated fund account for costs associated with the desig...
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Power aggregation agreement moves forward


PELHAM – Local electric bills may soon drop a bit, and the energy will be cleaner, as the effort to establish an aggregator in the Pioneer Valley is approaching the next procedural step.

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Action grant to fund Westhampton’s planning goals


WESTHAMPTON – Last year, town officials secured a planning grant from the state’s Municipal Vulnerability Program (MVP). This year the town won an action grant to bring the plans to fru...
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Southampton School Committee discusses morale-boosting options


SOUTHAMPTON – The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a strain on the daily lives of teachers, students and staff – especially when it comes to mental health.

During a meeting on...
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Principal’s resignation the latest challenge for Hatfield schools


HATFIELD – This fall has been a difficult time for Michael Wood, the superintendent at Hatfield schools. An outbreak of 40 cases of COVID-19 roiled the school community, testing disrupted cla...
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Meekins Library seeks public’s input on its five-year plan


WILLIAMSBURG – Beverly Bullock, director of Library Services in Williamsburg, would like you to answer a few questions. The survey will help guide the Meekins Library over the next five years...
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‘Heart of the Hilltowns V’ highlights Johns’ portraiture work


CUMMINGTON – Oil painter Jeanne Johns begins a portrait, strangely enough, by talking.

“I pick people to have conver...
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Distinguished Young Women of Greater Easthampton crowns Giannetti


EASTHAMPTON – The Distinguished Young Women of Greater Easthampton hosted their 56th annual competition on Nov. 7. Nora Giannetti, a high school senior from Southampton, was crowned the winne...
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Annual Monte’s March collects more than $500,000


WESTERN MASS. – For the 12th straight year, Monte Belmonte, radio personality at WSRI 93.9 – The River, led a 43-mile, two-day trek across various locations in Western Massachusetts to ...
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Southampton Special Town Meeting to decide fate of Conant Park project


SOUTHAMPTON – The fate of proposed improvements to Conant Park will rest in the hands of voters at the Dec. 14 Special Town Meeting.

The town was the recipient of a $100,000 Parkland A...
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Williamsburg Select Board elects to maintain single tax rate for FY22


WILLIAMSBURG – During a Nov. 18 meeting, the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen decided to maintain a single tax rate for all classes of property including personal property, industrial, commerc...
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Pelham School Committee considers grade 6 move, reopening pre-K


PELHAM – On Nov. 17, the School Committee had conversations about a pair of sensitive subjects – restarting the pre-kindergarten program and moving the sixth grade to Amherst.

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Single tax rate approved by Westhampton Selectboard


WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Selectboard recently voted to maintain the town’s single tax rate for fiscal year 2022.

Assistant Assessor David Zagorski made the recommendation to...
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Comet embarks on another adventure with new book


WESTHAMPTON – Westhampton resident Nancy Ronan recently published “Comet Goes to the Farm,” her second book in the “Adventures with Comet” series starring her 6-year-o...
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Southampton's ambulance wage issue to go before Special Town Meeting


SOUTHAMPTON – Southampton voters will have the opportunity to weigh in on a measure proposed by the town’s fire chief to improve ambulance staffing and response levels through better co...
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Board of Health addresses COVID-19 issues at Hatfield Elementary


HATFIELD – The Vax Bus, a mobile clinic for COVID-19 vaccines, will visit 10 elementary schools in Western Massachusetts by Dec. 3. Sunderland hosts the bus on Nov. 19. Hatfield, currently su...
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Southampton Select Board votes to maintain single tax rate


SOUTHAMPTON – The town of Southampton will continue to use a single tax rate for property in town for fiscal year 2022 (FY22).

The Select Board unanimously approved a single tax rate a...
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Comerford reacts to Racial Inequities in Maternal Health hearing


WESTERN MASS. – Over the course of the past six-plus months, the Massachusetts Legislature’s Joint Committee on Public Health’s Racial Inequities in Maternal Health Commission, co...
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Culverts top Hatfield’s Hazard Mitigation Plan


HATFIELD – Mimi Kaplan, a senior planner with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, began her discussion of the Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) proposed for the town, by getting to the point: ...
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Westhampton's first female Eagle Scout builds benches for library


WESTHAMPTON – Eagle Scout Ella Cleary recently built 13 new benches for the Westhampton Public Library. Cleary is the first female Eagle Scout in Westhampton’s history.

Cleary ch...
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Hatfield Select Board creates traffic control officer position


HATFIELD – Police Chief Michael Dekoschak came before the Select Board recently, seeking approval to create a hybrid position in the department: traffic control officer.

“Many de...
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Hatfield’s water, sewer rates increase by 5 percent


HATFIELD – After discussion, the Select Board voted to increase the town’s water and sewer rates each by 5 percent, dispelling a rumor that the increase would be 25 percent. Select Boar...
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Open Field Press launches three new local poetry books


NORTHAMPTON/AMHERST –  Available Potential Enterprises (A.P.E.) is sponsoring an Open Field Press launch of three news books of poetry from Trish Crapo of Leyden, Anne Love Woodhull, and...
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Westhampton library showcases LaFrance’s work in new exhibit


WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Library’s gallery showcases a new art exhibit from local artist Alma LaFrance.  

LaFrance’s exhibit, titled “Art and the Coronaviru...
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Hampshire Regional School Committee adopts staff vaccine mandate


WESTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional School Committee adopted a new policy at its Oct. 25 meeting mandating that Hampshire Regional High School personnel must vaccinate against COVID-19.

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Southampton Select Board receives update on town’s COVID-19 status


SOUTHAMPTON – The Southampton Select Board reviewed the city’s current COVID-19 statistics during their meeting on Oct. 26.  

“The numbers in Massachusetts and here in...
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Williamsburg elementary teachers, staff must vaccinate against COVID-19


WILLIAMSBURG – During a meeting on Oct. 20, the Williamsburg School Committee voted 4-1 to approve a vaccine mandate for teachers and other staff at Anne T. Dun...
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Easthampton, Hadley police announce co-response partnership


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – The Easthampton and Hadley Police Departments have announced the addition of co-responding mental health clinicians as a full-time resource in assisting the police departme...
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No need for National Guard in Amherst, Hadley, Frontier schools


WESTERN MASS. – Staffing and supply shortages hobbled the roll-out of pooled testing for COVID-19 in schools across the commonwealth, but local parents need not fret.

ov. Charlie...
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Westhampton Planning Board OKs new location for Maitri Learning


WESTHAMPTON – A local business got an important OK from the town that will allow for its continued growth.

The Planning Board at its Oct. 12 meeting approved Julia Volkman’s appl...
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Legislative redistricting signals change throughout Hampshire, Franklin counties


WESTERN MASS. – The winds of change varied for local state legislators from a gentle breeze to gale force as the Redistricting Committee unveiled its proposal for new district boundaries on O...
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Williamsburg selectmen discusses contract addendum in Depot Road project


WILLIAMSBURG – With construction for the Depot Road Culvert project underway, the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen discussed a request for an addendum for additional payment from the engineeri...
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Hatfield water, sewer rates set to jump


HATFIELD – Sewer and water rates will bump upward if the Selectboard votes as the superintendents of both utilities suggest. The increase will only be a fraction of the 25 percent increase th...
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Pelham Select Board debates Special Town Meeting warrant


PELHAM – The Select Board and other town officials continued to finalize the warrant for the fall Special Town Meeting, but left the two controversial dog-related articles for voters to tweak...
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Conservation walks in Southampton focus on sustainability, climate change


SOUTHAMPTON – A “conservation walk” will take place at Whittemore Conservation Area in Southampton on Oct. 16 to teach residents about conservation, climate change and sustainabil...
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Business partners plan to open second restaurant


HATFIELD – A tasty meal is harder to find in Hatfield since Double B’s Bar and Grill closed. That’ll change in the spring when Bill Wooldridge and Justin Killeen, new owners of th...
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By-Law Advisory Committee receives public input on drafts


SOUTHAMPTON – The Southampton Bylaw Advisory Committee conducted a public meeting on Sep. 21 to collect input from the community about three new draft bylaws that the town hopes to implement ...
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Williamsburg anniversary festivities taking shape


WILLIAMSBURG – During the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen’s Sept. 23 meeting, the board received an update on the status of the 250th Anniversary Committee, the Anne T. Dunphy School HV...
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Comerford spearheads MCAS legislation


WESTERN MASS. – With legislators across the state filing bills targeting Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) testing in schools, Hampshire, Franklin and Worcester County stat...
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Officials hear feedback on Southampton’s housing needs


SOUTHAMPTON – The Southampton Housing Authority hosted the first of two open forums to receive feedback on the communities priorities and concerns as it continues the process of formulating i...
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Chesterfield struggles to fill spots on boards and committees


CHESTERFIELD – With several vacancies across boards and committees in town, Chesterfield is looking for volunteers to fill those gaps.

Town Administrator Brenda Lessard said the bigges...
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Hatfield Select Board receives Fire Department grant update


HATFIELD – During the Hatfield Select Board’s Sept. 14 meeting, the board received an update from Fire Chief Bob Flaherty about a Firefighters Assistance Grant and discussed water and s...
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Dog control issues dominate Pelham’s Town Meeting warrant


PELHAM – Angry growling may be heard at Pelham’s fall Town Meeting on Oct. 23. Half of the warrant articles concern dogs and their errant owners.

The Conservation Commission wrot...
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Local organization preparing to help with influx of Afghan evacuees


WESTERN MASS. – With an influx of immigrants from Afghanistan expected to enter the region, the Center for New Americans, which is based in Amherst, Northampton and Greenfield, is preparing t...
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Westhampton officials receive presentation on possible private cemetery


WESTHAMPTON – A representative from the Kestrel Land Trust and two representatives from Green Burial Massachusetts met with Westhampton’s biggest municipal boards to conduct a prelimina...
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Hampshire Regional School Committee votes mask policy into handbook


WESTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional School Committee unanimously voted to include their masking policy for COVID-19 within their middle and high school handbook during its Sept. 7 meeting. <...
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Southampton School Committee discusses possible vaccine mandate


SOUTHAMPTON – Hampshire Regional Superintendent Diana Bonneville presented a draft to the William E. Norris School Committee of possible protocol during their Sept. 8 meeting that could requi...
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Williamsburg selectmen talk 250th Anniversary Committee


WILLIAMSBURG – During the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen’s Sept. 9 meeting, the board discussed vacancies on the 250th Anniversary Committee and agreed to request the rest of the CARES...
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Chesterfield-Goshen Regional School Committee discusses health and safety policies


CHESTERFIELD/GOSHEN – During the Chesterfield-Goshen Regional School Committee meeting, the committee discussed COVID-19 health and safety protocols for the 2021-2022 school year.

To s...
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Residents approve four articles at Williamsburg Special Town Meeting


WILLIAMSBURG – During a Special Town Meeting on Aug. 31, residents of Williamsburg voted to approve four warrant articles, including funds for water and sewer fees, funds for the Depot Road c...
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Committee seeks resident input on proposed bylaw changes in Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON – The Southampton By-law Review Advisory Committee is asking all Southampton residents to review and comment on three different draft bylaws that the town hopes to include for the...
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Cummington Fair returns


CUMMINGTON – The 152nd Cummington Fair returned on Aug. 26 to 30.

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Hampshire Regional School Committee approves masking


WESTHAMPTON – During its Aug. 23 meeting, the Hampshire Regional School Committee voted in favor of a policy that requires all students, faculty, and staff to wear masks inside Hampshire Regi...
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Westhampton library showcasing local artist’s work this month


WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Public Library is hosting a show of paintings from local artist CE Whiting during the month of September.

The show, titled “Thankful,” featur...
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Hatfield Select Board questions mask mandate for schools


HATFIELD – During the Hatfield Select Board’s Aug. 17 meeting, the board met with the Board of Health to discuss masks in schools and municipal buildings....
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Southampton Board of Health issues stricter mask guidance


SOUTHAMPTON – In an Aug. 11 announcement, the Southampton Board of Health implemented stricter mask guidelines to combat the growing number of COVID-19 cases caused by the delta variant.

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Swistak-Rooks named Southampton 2021 Citizen of the Year


SOUTHAMPTON – Kaitlyn Swistak-Rooks, a member of the Southampton Board of Health, was officially announced as the town’s Citizen of the Year for 2021 during the Celebrate Southampton we...
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Westhampton School Committee takes cautious route with guidelines


WESTHAMPTON – During a Aug. 17 meeting, the Westhampton Elementary School Committee unanimously voted for strict COVID-19 safety guidelines for the start of the...
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Westhampton Food Bank settling into new location


WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Food Bank that was first established at the start of the pandemic is making headway in a new location inside of the Westhampton Congregational United Church of C...
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Hampshire County Census data meets legislators' expectations


WESTERN MASS. – Area legislators say the information provided by the 2020 Census largely met expectations.

While initially delayed, the U.S. Census Bureau released population data that...
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Williamsburg's Energy Committee makes safety complex recommendations


WILLIAMSBURG – After the town approved funding for the new public safety complex during a Special Town Meeting on April 3, the Williamsburg Public Safety Complex Building Committee has been m...
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Hatfield School Committee working on final COVID-19 policy


HATFIELD – With school set to begin on Aug. 26, the Hatfield Board of Health announced on Aug. 13 it would be requiring masks in school buildings while the School Committee works to finalize ...
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Williamsburg selectmen approve warrant


WILLIAMSBURG – During the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen’s Aug. 12 meeting, the board approved the warrant for a Special Town Meeting on Aug. 31 and discussed new mask requirements ins...
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Southampton announces mask guidance for town buildings


SOUTHAMPTON – On Aug. 11, the Southampton Board of Health implemented updated face covering guidance to combat the growing presence of the delta COVID-19 variant.

The guidance states ...
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School committees in Easthampton, Southampton approve initial COVID-19 guidelines


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – The Easthampton School Committee and the William E. Norris School Committee approved masking and other COVID-19 guidelines during their respective meetings.

Allison ...
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Worthington School Committee approves masking policy


WORTHINGTON – The Worthington School Committee voted on Aug. 5 to approve COVID-19 safety guidelines that would require mask wearing for most people at the R.H. Conwell School to start the 20...
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Celebrate Southampton announces upcoming event lineup


SOUTHAMPTON – After a year without an event, the annual Celebrate Southampton officially unveiled their full schedule for Aug. 13 and 14.

According to the Celebrate Southampton Facebo...
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Westhampton discusses COVID-19 guidelines for school


WESTHAMPTON – During an Aug. 3 meeting, the Westhampton Elementary School conducted initial discussions about what COVID-19 guidelines may look like to start the 2021-22 school year.

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Flexibility added to deadline on Depot Road culvert project in Williamsburg


WILLIAMSBURG – During the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen’s July 29 meeting, the board discussed the Depot Road culvert project, HVAC repairs to the Anne T. Dunphy School and a potentia...
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Southampton Housing Production Plan data to be presented at meeting


SOUTHAMPTON – A community meeting is scheduled for Sept. 22 to go over baseline data with Southampton residents involving the town’s desired Housing Production Plan.

The meeting,...
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Dinosaur bill seeks to protect, provide access to fossils


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – A revived “dinosaur bill” filed by state Rep. Dan Carey seeks to figure out how to adequately protect and provide public and professional access to archaeologic...
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Worthington Selectboard hears input on Route 143 roundabout


WORTHINGTON – During the Worthington Selectboard’s July 20 meeting, the board listened to public testimony over the roundabout on Route 143.

The roundabout project initially went...
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Williamsburg selectmen agree to pursue waiver for Dunphy HVAC


WILLIAMSBURG – The Williamsburg Board of Selectmen met for a special meeting on July 20 to discuss moving forward with HVAC repairs for the Anne T. Dunphy school.

To start the discussi...
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Pelham artist selected for display at Springfield’s Pynchon Park


PELHAM – Local artist Roberley Bell has been selected for an art installation at Springfield’s Pynchon Park for the SPark! Igniting Our Community project.

This is a two-year pub...
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Local police departments adapt to recent reforms


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – On July 1, many provisions from the Massachusetts police reform law, titled “An Act relative to Justice, Equity, and Accountability in Law Enforcement in the Commonwe...
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Hatfield Select Board discusses town-owned vehicle policy


HATFIELD – During the Hatfield Select Board’s July 13 meeting, the board discussed updating the policy for town-owned vehicles that employees take home and received an update on the tow...
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Williamsburg selectmen debate Dunphy School HVAC


WILLIAMSBURG – During the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen’s July 15 meeting, the board discussed repairing the HVAC system at the Anne T. Dunphy School and the Massachusetts Department ...
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Easthampton, Southampton discuss transportation funds


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – In advance of Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker signing a proposed the proposed transportation funding bill, local officials discussed its plans for the funding.

The ...
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Southampton kicks off summer concerts


SOUTHAMPTON – The Southampton Free Summer Concerts series returned on July 14 for the first time in almost two years because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Leading o...
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McGovern, Comerford host PFAS briefing


WESTERN MASS. – On July 14, Hampshire, Franklin, Worcester District state Sen. Jo Comerford and Massachusetts Second District Congressman Jim McGovern hosted a Facebook Live discussion about ...
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Rachel’s Table launches Growing Gardens program


WESTERN MASS. – In order to promote more sustainable programs and offer more food to its constituents across its 53 agencies, Rachel’s Table launched its new Growing Gardens program wit...
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Hilltown 6 Pottery Tour returns in-person after online event in 2020


HILLTOWNS – After the COVID-19 pandemic forced the annual Hilltown 6 Pottery Tour to take place online in the fall of 2020, the tour will return in person and online on July 24 and 25.

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Westhampton Town Hall reopens to the public


WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Town Hall and Town Hall Annex are officially back open to the public for business purposes.

According to Town Clerk Katrin Kaminsky, appointments are rec...
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Southampton surveying surrounding communities on Conant Park


SOUTHAMPTON – The town of Southampton is conducting a multi-phased park improvement plan within Conant Park to help improve the park’s accessibility, enhance amenities, and bring local ...
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Hilltown Plein Air Painters present ‘Coming out of COVID’ at Westhampton Public Library


WESTHAMPTON – The Hilltown Plein Air Painters have opened with a show of paintings done during the pandemic titled “Coming Out of COVID” at the Westhampton Public Library through ...
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Williamsburg selectmen hear concerns about MassDOT project


WILLIAMSBURG – During the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen’s July 1 meeting, the board received a lengthy public comment session from residents concerned about a restoration project for ...
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Cummington Fair president excited about 2021 return


CUMMINGTON – After canceling the annual fair in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cummington Fair organizers announced it would be returning from Aug. 26 to 29.

Albert Judd, president...
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Hatfield School Committee chooses Wood for interim superintendent job


HATFIELD – During a meeting on June 29, the Hatfield School Committee discussed interviews with the finalists for the interim superintendent position before agreeing to offer a contract with ...
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Racial Inequities in Maternal Health Commission hosts first listening session


WESTERN MASS. – In the first of four listening sessions, the Massachusetts Legislature’s Joint Committee on Public Health’s Racial Inequities in Maternal Health Commission, co-cha...
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Hilltown Shared Fire Services Report discussed at public hearing


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – On June 23, the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission hosted a public hearing on Zoom about a report for shared fire services in Goshen, Chester...
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Southampton residents reject override budget at Annual Town Election


SOUTHAMPTON – During the Annual Town Election, Southampton residents voted 800-479 to not pass the town’s override budget of $718,466.51.

If passed, the city would have assessed ...
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Local teens ride in support of those fighting Parkinson’s


SOUTHAMPTON – Luke Enright of Southampton and Liam Reynolds of Westhampton, both 17, are participating in a cycling ride charity event to help raise $50,000 for DopaFit, Inc. in Southampton.<...
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Westhampton resident releases new book to help teens through awkward times


WESTHAMPTON – Westhampton resident Maeve Ronan has released her new book to the public titled, “It’s the Awkwardness for Me: 3 Ways to Make Being a Teen Less Awkward.”

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Westhampton Selectboard approves extended hours for Outlook Farm


WESTHAMPTON – During a June 14 public hearing, the Westhampton Selectboard officially approved a license that extends the public and private hours for Outlook Farm Winery & Brewery on 136...
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MassDOT hosts public hearing for proposed Mountain Street project


WILLIAMSBURG – On June 16, representatives from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) hosted an online public hearing for the renovation of Mountain Street.

Greg Fra...
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Williamsburg selectmen approve mask recommendation for town offices


WILLIAMSBURG – During the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen’s June 17 meeting, the board met in person for the first time since the beginning of COVID-19 and discussed mask recommendation...
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Hatfield Select Board rescinds COVID-19 emergency order


HATFIELD – During the Hatfield Select Board’s June 15 meeting, the board voted to remove all emergency orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic and give authority over all COVID-19 issue...
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Westhampton Annual Town Meeting reconvenes to address unfinished business


WESTHAMPTON – During the Westhampton Annual Town Meeting Reconvene on June 19, residents voted 21-4 in favor of appropriating money for a new break room in the Highway Department garage.

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Easthampton, Hampshire Regional school districts will continue meal programs this summer


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – With summer vacation around the corner, Hampshire Regional School District and Easthampton Public Schools (EPS) will continue to offer free meals for students and families....
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Hilltown Open Art Studio Tour sneak peek slated for June 20


WORTHINGTON – After hosting its last event in the fall of 2019, the Hilltown Arts Alliance will be hosting a sneak peek event ahead of the Hilltown Open Art Studio Tour on June 20 at 2 p.m. a...
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Fair Share Amendment advances to ballot with Hampshire County support


HAMPSHIRE COUNTY – Local legislators lauded the advancement of a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would increase taxes for the state’s richest residents.

With su...
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Quiet local election draws just 93 Westhampton residents to the polls


WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Town Election on June 5 featured no contests when it came to the election and reelection of town officials.

According to Katrin Kamimsky, the Westhampton ...
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Southampton residents reject zoning change at Annual Town Meeting


SOUTHAMPTON – In a 127-31 vote during the Annual Town Meeting on June 13, Southampton residents decided against making a zone change on 173 & 175 College Hwy.

The land is currentl...
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Decision could lead to systemic immigration law changes


AMHERST – After the United States Supreme Court opened the door for potential immigration law reform with its decision in the Niz-Chavez vs. Garland case, representatives for Lucio Perez, an ...
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Williamsburg selectmen debate building reopening, meetings


WILLIAMSBURG – During the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen’s June 3 meeting, the board discussed reopening town buildings on June 15 and returning to in-person public meetings.

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McGovern, local organizers celebrate new Food Bank farm


HADLEY – On June 4, members of the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts met with local representatives to discuss its newer farm in Hadley and discuss the risks of food insecurity across the st...
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Hatfield hosts 350th anniversary parade


HATFIELD - Hatfield celebrated their 350th birthday as a town on May 30 with a parade in the rain. The celebration was supposed to occur in 2020, but the pandemic del...
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Southampton’s first marijuana dispensary opens on College Highway


SOUTHAMPTON – A recreational cannabis dispensary called Dreamer Cannabis has opened as the first and only licensed dispensary in the town of Southampton.

Located on 15 College Hwy., U...
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Williamsburg Planning Board signs ANR for Old Goshen Road easement


WILLIAMSBURG – During the Williamsburg Planning Board’s May 24 meeting, the board agreed to sign an Approval Not Required (ANR) for a permanent conservation easement on Old Goshen Road ...
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Hatfield hosts Municipal Vulnerability Plan listening session


HATFIELD – The town of Hatfield hosted a listening session on May 24 to discuss its draft of Hatfield’s Municipal Vulnerability Plan (MVP).

Town Administrator Marlene Michonski ...
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Board of Health discusses reopening Williamsburg town buildings


WILLIAMSBURG – The Board of Health hosted a conference call on May 25 to discuss guidelines for opening town buildings. This meeting stemmed from the decision made by Gov. Charlie Baker to li...
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Williamsburg Annual Town Meeting slated for June 7


WILLIAMSBURG – On June 7, residents of Williamsburg will convene at the Anne T. Dunphy School for the town’s Annual Town Meeting to vote on 22 warrant articles.

Article 1 is a re...
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Southampton hosts forum to introduce June election candidates


SOUTHAMPTON – On May 25, the Town of Southampton hosted a “Meet the Candidates” forum where residents were able to learn more about the Select Board candidates for the upcoming To...
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Westhampton Selectboard seeks guidance on reopening public buildings


WESTHAMPTON – Members of the Westhampton Selectboard hope they will soon receive guidance from the Board of Health regarding the reopening of town buildings.

The board requested a list...
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Hampshire school officials discuss All Districts’ Committee


WESTHAMPTON/SOUTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional school committees met for a joint session on May 26 to discuss a proposed All Districts’ Agreement that would eventually lead to an all ...
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Hatfield to cap 350th celebration with parade


HATFIELD – In 2020, Hatfield reached its 350th anniversary, however, the pandemic put a damper on any type of celebration. Rather than eliminating planned events, the town decided to postpone...
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Cummington Annual Town Meeting slated for June 4


CUMMINGTON – On June 4, Cummington residents will take part in the Annual Town Meeting at the Community House at 7 p.m. to vote on 17 warrant articles.

Cummington Finance Committee Cha...
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With no contested races, Westhampton election turnout expected to be low


WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Annual Town Election will occur on June 5 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Town Hall on 1 South Rd.

This year’s ballot features a number of different c...
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Hotz tapped as interim principal at Hampshire Regional


WESTHAMPTON – Lauren Hotz was recently appointed as the new interim school principal at Hampshire Regional High School for the 2021-2022 school year.

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Edwards Public Library reopens for limited browsing


SOUTHAMPTON – Limited browsing officially returned to Edwards Public Library in Southampton on May 18.

According to information released by the library, limited browsing will be availa...
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Southampton residents to vote on proposed override budget


SOUTHAMPTON – Three articles that could appear on the Southampton Annual Town Election ballot as ballot questions will be discussed during the Annual Town Meeting on June 12.

If ...
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Residents upset over Article 13 vote at Hatfield Town Meeting


HATFIELD – Residents in Hatfield gathered on May 11 to vote on 30 warrant articles presented by the town during its Annual Town Meeting.

While most articles passed quickly, Article 13 ...
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Jasa Farms agrees to revise, resubmit Cummington marijuana cultivation proposal


CUMMINGTON – The Cummington Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) hosted a hearing on May 12 for the Jasa Farms marijuana cultivation facility.

The applicant was seeking approval for an outdo...
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Goshen municipal broadband installation project continues


GOSHEN – The town of Goshen has chosen Whip City Fiber to install municipal broadband internet systems throughout various neighborhoods.

Installation of the distribution network began ...
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Williamsburg selectmen approve Town Meeting warrant


WILLIAMSBURG – At the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen’s May 13 meeting, the board approved the Annual Town Meeting’s warrant articles and agreed to opt out of the state’s mo...
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Registrations accepted for Hampshire Regional golf outing


SOUTHAMPTON/WESTHAMPTON – The annual Hampshire Regional High School (HRHS) Golf Tournament will officially take place  on June 27 at the Southampton Country Club.

The HRHS Booste...
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Westhampton Town Meeting approves 'pollinator-friendly community’ status


WESTHAMPTON – During the Annual Town Meeting on May 8, residents of Westhampton voted to adopt a resolution declaring Westhampton to be a “pollinator-friendly community.”

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New fitness facility set to open at Red Rock Plaza in Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON – A new Anytime Fitness location will be open to the public on Aug. 1 at 15 College Hwy. in the Red Rock Plaza.

Jeff Swanson, owner of Anytime Fitness in Belchertown, Nort...
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Local pens children’s book starring her golden retriever


WESTHAMPTON – Westhampton resident Nancy Ronan recently self-published her first children’s book titled “Comet Goes Geocaching.”

The book, which mainly stars her Brig...
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Alcohol license approved for Hatfield's Smithsonian Chowder House


HATFIELD – At the Hatfield Board of Selectmen’s May 4 meeting, the board approved a wine and malt beverages license for Smithsonian Chowder House and received an update on COVID-19 in t...
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Hatfield set for quiet election with one contested race


HATFIELD – Ahead of Hatfield’s annual town election on May 18, Town Clerk Lydia Szych said there is just one contested race for the Housing Authority and only one candidate for two vaca...
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Williamsburg Board of Selectmen discusses town administrator transition


WILLIAMSBURG – At the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen’s May 6 meeting, the board discussed the upcoming transition between town administrators and received updates on the Highway Depart...
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Low turnout a common theme for Hampshire Country town elections


WESTERN MASS. – Local elections have recently taken place in Goshen and Worthington on May 1, and Chesterfield and Williamsburg on May 3. While positions and results varied across towns, one ...
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Graham’s trail cam receives honor at Natural History Filmmaking Festival


WESTHAMPTON – Through the work of a singular backyard trail cam, local Westhampton resident George Graham has recently won Best Trail Cam/Backyard Film in the 2...
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Hampshire Regional School Committee OK’s wrestling season


WESTHAMPTON – During a May 3 meeting, the Hampshire Regional School Committee unanimously approved the Hampshire Regional High School (HRHS) wrestling season.

The approval comes with ...
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Grant will fund Southampton’s conservation education efforts


SOUTHAMPTON – The Southampton Open Space Committee is educating townspeople and landowners about conservation and open space.

The committee received a Neighborhood Outreach Grant from ...
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MCAS at William E. Norris Elementary School begins May 10


SOUTHAMPTON - The Southampton Elementary School Committee conducted a meeting on on April 28, during which the principal repor...
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Williamsburg selects community’s next town administrator


WILLIAMSBURG – Across two meetings on April 27 and 28, the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen interviewed three candidates for the upcoming town administrator vacancy before voting to enter nego...
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Westhampton talks climate change preparedness during MVP listening session


WESTHAMPTON – The town of Westhampton conducted a virtual Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) public listening session on April 29 to talk about how Westhampton could sustain future we...
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Richard C. Allen Memorial Scholarship applications available


SOUTHAMPTON – Applications for the Richard C. Allen Memorial Scholarship Award are now available through May 7 for graduating high school seniors who live in Southampton.

Applicants mu...
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Zoning ammendment to go before Hatfield Town Meeting


HATFIELD – The Hatfield Planning Board hosted a Public Hearing on April 14 to discuss the consideration of an amendment to Town Zoning Map by changing a portion...
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Jasa Farms plans to bring marijuana license application to Cummington ZBA


CUMMINGTON – Jasa Farms LLC has applied for and is awaiting the approval on a marijuana license in Cummington.

This marijuana establishment is an outdoor cultivation only facilit...
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Citizen’s petition would reduce residential frontage requirement in Worthington


WORTHINGTON – The Worthington Planning Board hosted a public hearing on April 23 for a citizen’s petition to amend the Zoning By-Law frontage requirements from 400 feet to 280 feet, to ...
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With debt exclusion approved, Williambsurg selectmen discuss public safety complex


WILLIAMSBURG – During a special election on April 19, Williamsburg residents voted 358 in favor to 187 opposed to approve a debt exclusion that would allow the town to go above the Propositio...
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New superintendent to play role in determining new HRHS principal


WESTHAMPTON – Hampshire Regional High School will be in search of a new principal within the next couple of months after current principal Kristen Smidy recentl...
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Westhampton's MVP public learning session to occur virtually


WESTHAMPTON ­­– The town of Westhampton will be conducting a virtual Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) public listening session on April 29 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.

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Preparations for Celebrate Southampton 2021 are underway


SOUTHAMPTON – After being canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Celebrate Southampton event will officially return on Aug. 13 and 14.

According to the Celebrate Sou...
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State’s first female fire chief to retire


GOSHEN – After serving 32 years on the Goshen Fire Department and 15 years as the state’s first female fire chief, Susan Labrie has announced plans for her upcoming retirement.

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Zoning Board of Appeals hosts hearing for used car dealership


WILLIAMSBURG – During the Williamsburg Zoning Board of Appeals April 13 meeting, the board opened a public hearing regarding an application for a used car dealership on 146 Main St.

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Family day at the library


SOUTHAMPTON–Children and their families participated in educational activities and story time at Edwards Public Library in Southampton on April 14.

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School Committee agrees on FY22 budget proposal


WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Elementary School Committee met on April 13 to discuss the proposed budget for fiscal year 2022 (FY22).

The budget request for Annual Town Meeting is $1.9...
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Post 168 seeks nominations for Citizen of the Year


SOUTHAMPTON – Nominations are officially open for the Southampton American Legion Post 168 Citizen of the Year award in 2021.

The organization, which has been presenting this award for...
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Southampton announces new emergency rental relief program


SOUTHAMPTON – The town of Southampton has announced a short-term emergency rental assistance program for Southampton renters who are experiencing an economic hardship due to COVID-19.

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Hampshire Regional celebrates Week of the Young Child


SOUTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional School District Coordinated Family & Community Engagement Grant (CFCE) spearheaded a group of events for elementary school playgroups in celebration o...
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No violations found in Hatfield’s 2020 Water Quality Report


HATFIELD – Hatfield’s Annual Water Quality Report for year 2020 has been released by the Hatfield Water Department.

Anthony Lastowski, Hatfield’s highway/water superintende...
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Worthington School Committee hears pitch for $1.2 million in FY22


WORTHINGTON – The Worthington School Committee met on Apr. 8 to present and review the proposed budget for fiscal year 2022 (FY22).

The budget request for Annual Town Meeting is $1.2 ...
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Preserving natural, public spaces important to Williamsburg, surveys show


WILLIAMSBURG – During its April 8 meeting, the Williamsburg Board of Selectmen discussed an extension for tenants at the Helen E. James building and received a presentation on Open Space and ...
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DopaFit launches ‘Limitless’ initiative for people living with Parkinson’s disease


SOUTHAMPTON – DopaFit, a Parkinson’s disease movement center, is currently spearheading a new initiative called “Limitless.”

The goal of this initiative is to empower...
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Grant will help develop link between Manhan Rail Trail, Columbia Greenway


SOUTHAMPTON – The town of Southampton received $100,000 from a state grant to help purchase an inactive railroad corridor, 3.5-miles in length from the town line with Easthampton to the cente...
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Southampton Planning Board gridlocked on zoning change request


SOUTHAMPTON – During a public hearing on April 7, the Southampton Planning Board voted in a 2-2 gridlock for a motion to not recommend a zone change for 173-175 College Hwy.

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Past year is one Williamsburg COA director won’t soon forget


WILLIAMSBURG – This past year has been one that people don’t want to remember, but for Williamsburg Council on Aging (COA) Director Melissa Wilson, it has been a year that she will neve...
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Hatfield School Committee talks after school programming with CES


HATFIELD – On March 30, the Hatfield School Committee met to discuss the possibilities of creating an after school – along with a potential before school – program.

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Planning for Mill River Greenway shared use path underway


WESTERN MASS. – The Mill River Greenway is undergoing many projects, with the most substantial and protracted being a shared use path.

According to their website, “The Mill Rive...
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Williamsburg Special Town Meeting OKs public safety complex funding


WILLIAMSBURG – Voters in Williamsburg convened for a Special Town Meeting on April 3 to vote on two warrant articles.

For the first article, residents were asked to vote to appropriate...
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Westhampton candidates to be chosen at April 11 Town Caucus


WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Town Caucus will take place on April 12 at 6:30 p.m. at the Westhampton Highway Garage.

The purpose of the caucus is to nominate local officials for cand...
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Southampton Mothers’ Club accepting scholarship applications


SOUTHAMPTON – The Southampton Mothers’ Club recently announced that their yearly Achievement Award Application is now available online.

The application is available for Southampt...
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First Congregational Church unveils ‘renewal quilt’


SOUTHAMPTON – On March 27, First Congregational Church of Southampton revealed a collection of different artwork by community members joined together to form a paper quilt.

According ...
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Hatfield superintendent presents $6.1 million school budget


HATFIELD – Hatfield Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Martin McEvoy unveiled to the School Committee the district’s proposed $6.1 million fiscal year 2022 (FY22) budget at its March 25 ...
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Parade will kick off Whately’s 250th birthday celebration


WHATELY – The town of Whately will celebrate their 250th anniversary in 2021 and 2022.  

Whately was incorporated in 1771 and named by Gov. Thomas Hutchinson after Thomas Whately,...
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Westhampton resident creates knitting group to support nonprofits


WESTHAMPTON – Nancy Ronan, a resident from Westhampton, recently created a charity knitting group with her friend titled “CommuKnitty” to help fill a need for local nonprofits. ...
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William E. Norris ready for return to classrooms


SOUTHAMPTON – William E. Norris Elementary School is ready to allow students back into their doors for in-person learning five days a week starting on April 5.

During a School Committ...
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Debt exclusion for Westhampton Public Safety Complex approved


WESTHAMPTON – Westhampton residents officially approved a Proposition 2 ½ debt exclusion that now allows the town to proceed with the construction of their new public safety complex on...
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Southampton's summer concerts set to return in July


SOUTHAMPTON – Southampton Free Concerts recently announced that, if all goes well, their annual summer concert series will return on July 14.

After losing an entire year of concerts d...
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Westhampton's ‘Skinny Bridge’ closed for replacement for foreseeable future


WESTHAMPTON – The Kings Highway “Skinny Bridge” section in Westhampton will be closed for the majority of the year to construct a new bridge.

According to William Jablonsk...
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Hampshire Regional School Committee approves budget, announces superintendent finalists


WESTHAMPTON – After a three-hour meeting, the Hampshire Regional School Committee approved their fiscal year 2022 (FY22) budget, announced the superintendent finalists, approved a new phased-...
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Edwards Public Library to host ASL classes


SOUTHAMPTON – Edwards Public Library is offering residents 10 years of age and older the opportunity to learn American Sign Language (ASL).

Youth Librarian Johanna Rodriguez Douglass s...
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Hampshire Regional School Committee approves Fall II sports


WESTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional School Committee voted to move forward with Fall II sports ­– which include basketball, indoor track, track, baseball, and football.  ...
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Committee to announce Hampshire Regional superintendent finalists soon


WESTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional School Committee plans to announce the finalists for the district’s superintendent vacancy in the near future.

In August 2020, former Hampshi...
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School Committee reviews Southampton’s COVID-19 status


SOUTHAMPTON – The William E. Norris School Committee met for their weekly special meeting to discuss the weekly COVID-19 public health report released by the state.

Based on the data f...
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Community Outlook 2021: Westhampton Public Safety Complex rests in the hands of voters again


WESTHAMPTON – A new year means new beginnings ­– sometimes with even bigger and better improvements. In 2021, a new safety complex may be constructed, while the existing complex loc...
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Community Outlook 2021: Southampton Selectboard Chair Maureen Groden


Southampton is looking forward to a happier and healthier 2021! We are grateful to all our first responders, town employees and volunteers who have worked hard during 2020 to keep our residents and...
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Community Outlook 2021: 1st Hampshire District state Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa


The 191st session of the General Court ended at about 5 a.m. on Jan. 6 and the 192nd began just a few hours later, an unprecedented but much welcome move, signaling that the House is keenly focused...
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Committee continues development of five-district agreement for Hampshire schools


WESTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional School District is currently in the process of creating a five-district agreement.

Interim Superintendent Michael Sullivan is the facilitator for ...
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Hampshire Regional unveils proposed $16 million budget


WESTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional School Committee is projecting a $16 million budget for the fiscal year 2022 (FY22), a 4.2 percent increase from last year’s $15.4 million budget....
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Westhampton Selectboard interviews town clerk candidate


WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Selectboard met on Feb. 8 to discuss their town clerk search, reviewed the fiscal year 2022 (FY22) salary proposals, and performed a grant review.

The boa...
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Hampshire Regional High School principal provides update to School Committee


WESTHAMPTON – Hampshire Regional High School Principal Kristen Smidy gave updates on quarter one, new cohort information, transportation, Clarke program, and sports at the Hampshire Regional ...
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Southampton town administrator presents Open Space and Recreation Plan


SOUTHAMPTON – On Jan. 20, Town Administrator Ed Gibson gave a presentation to the Planning Board on the Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) for the board’s approval.

The Planni...
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Westhampton public safety complex funding to be put to vote again


WESTHAMPTON – During the Jan. 26 Westhampton Selectboard meeting, Chair Phil Dowling presented the estimated budget for the public safety complex and the board agreed to put the issue before ...
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Hampshire schools adjust learning models as COVID-19 situation changes


WESTHAMPTON – With the uncertainty of the coronavirus, school committees find themselves constantly making changes to their learning models to ensure the safety of their students.

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Edwards Public Library offering weekly magic lesson


SOUTHAMPTON – Families can now learn a new magic trick every Monday from magician Ed Popielarczyk. On Mondays at 11 a.m. through March 15, Edwards Public Library will upload a magic trick....
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Westhampton native’s book helps teens cope with depression


WESTHAMPTON – Westhampton native and author Maeve Ronan is using her experiences to help young people better understand and cope with mental illness.

She’s accomplishing this thr...
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Easthampton health agent joins Southampton Police Department


SOUTHAMPTON – Eashampton’s Health Agent Brianna Eichstaedt has recently joined the Southampton Police Department as a part-time officer.

Eichstaedt grew up in Southampton and tol...
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Hampshire School Committee won’t allow sports competition


WESTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional School Committee met on Dec. 21 to discuss winter sports and voted on a member to join the steering and screening committee.

School Committee Chair...
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Westhampton Selectboard approves single tax rate again


WESTHAMPTON – On Dec. 22, the Westhampton Selectboard voted to maintain a single tax rate for all of the town’s properties for the fiscal year 2021 (FY21).

With a tax rate factor...
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Westhampton Selectboard waiting on state in order to host tax classification hearing


WESTHAMPTON – On Dec. 7, the Selectboard met to discuss their fiscal year 2021 (FY21) budget, schedule a tax classification hearing, and discuss their search for a new treasurer.

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Southampton Select Board agrees to keep single tax rate for fiscal year 2021


SOUTHAMPTON – On Dec. 8, the Southampton Select Board approved to remain at the same tax rate of 1.0 for all of the town’s properties for the fiscal year 2021 (FY21).

Principal A...
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Southampton Almoners continue long tradition of assisting those in need


SOUTHAMPTON – A committee elected by the citizens of the town of Southampton, known as the Almoners, has been around for decades. The group was created with the purpose of administering inter...
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Southampton Police, Lions Club to conduct toy drive on Dec. 12


SOUTHAMPTON – The Southampton Police Department and the Southampton Lions Club will host their fifth annual Lions Club Toy Drive on Dec. 12 from 9:30 a.m. until 12 p.m.

Due to coronavi...
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Hampshire Regional teacher receives national science award


WESTHAMPTON – During the Hampshire Regional School Committee’s Nov. 9 meeting, Tara O’Brien, an earth and environmental science teacher at Hampshire Regional High School, received...
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Westhampton Elementary School Committee discusses COVID-19-related policies


WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Elementary School Committee met on Nov. 10 to discuss policies on loaner computers for students, mask requirements, and snow days.

If a student loane...
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Sabadosa gears up for second term representing 1st Hampshire District


WESTERN MASS. – State Rep. Lindsay Sabadosa is approaching the end of her first term in office and is excited to continue much of the work that she has been doing for another two years.

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A turkey and all the fixings available at First Congregational Church of Southampton


SOUTHAMPTON – Thanksgiving is nearing and the First Congregational Church of Southampton has already started to prepare to make sure that families can enjoy a meal.

Candice Iwanicki wh...
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Hampshire Regional School Committee approves half-day hybrid learning model


WESTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional School Committee approved a half-day hybrid learning model for grades 7-12.

The transition from the school’s current model to the half-day hy...
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Interim superintendent focuses on present and future of Hampshire Regional School District


WESTHAMPTON – As teachers and students in Westhampton and Southampton are still adjusting to change due to COVID-19, the head of their school system is doing the same.

Brought back fr...
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Southampton's Edwards Library continues weekly storytimes


SOUTHAMPTON – The Edwards Public Library continues to host storytime and an educational activity every Wednesday morning at the Pavilion in Conant Park at 10:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.

When t...
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Southampton conducts Special Town Meeting at Labrie Field


SOUTHAMPTON – The Special Town Meeting took place on Oct. 17 on Labrie Field. Town Administrator Edward Gibson said about 95 voters attended.

The meeting started at 10 a.m. and lasted ...
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Edwards Public Library hosts Halloween celebration


SOUTHAMPTON – Edwards Public Library hosted a Halloween event at its pavillion at which children and their families made crafts and received treats. 

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Good Eats to Go readies for November opening at Red Rock Plaza


SOUTHAMPTON – Good Eats to Go is opening across the street from the Big Y Plaza on Route 10 in the Red Rock Plaza. It will be drive-thru only with grab and go style meals.

Co-owners Kr...
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School committees select Sullivan as interim HRSD superintendent


WESTHAMPTON – On Sept. 22, the school committees of the Hampshire Regional School District voted unanimously to have Michael Sullivan as their interim superintendent. Sullivan will fill ...
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Southampton Select Board hears update on East Street Bridge project


SOUTHAMPTON – On Sept. 22, the Select Board heard an update on the progress of the East Street Bridge reconstruction planning that included a prognosis that the work could be completed by the...
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Library collects masks for Westhampton Elementary students


WESTHAMPTON ­– The Board of Health has asked the Westhampton Public Library to collect handmade cloth face masks so the elementary school students have extra masks for the school year. Th...
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Southampton election yields failure to vote for School Committee seat


SOUTHAMPTON ­– The William E. Norris School Committee had a failure to elect for one of its three-year seats during the Sept. 1 State Primary Election.

While candidate Katie Chils...
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Hampshire school committees make principals acting interim superintendents


WESTHAMPTON – Hampshire Regional school committees hosted a joint meeting on Sept. 3 with representation from Southampton, Westhampton, Chesterfield-Goshen, and Williamsburg to discuss an act...
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Former Hampshire Regional School District superintendent hired in Wilbraham


WILBRAHAM – Former Hampshire Regional School District Superintendent Aaron Osborne was recently hired as director of finance and operations for the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District ...
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Southampton finally hosts Annual Town Meeting after COVID-19 delays


SOUTHHAMPTON – After three months of waiting, the Annual Town Meeting took place on Aug. 15 on Labrie Field. Town Administrator Edward Gibson said approximately 110 registered voters and arou...
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Locals gather in Southampton for classic music to support Parkinson’s patients


SOUTHAMPTON – Residents gathered in their cars on Aug. 16 at Red Rock Plaza for classic music to support people battling Parkinson’s disease.

During the concert, viewers were tre...
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Westhampton School Committee talks options following Osborne’s resignation


WESTHAMPTON – In the wake of the sudden resignation of Hampshire Regional Superintendent Aaron Osborne on Aug. 14, the Westhampton School Committee began discussing possible options for repla...
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Westhampton, Southampton announce reopening plans for 2020-21


WESTHAMPTON – School districts have been busy trying to plan for the 2020-2021 school year. Due to COVID-19, the planning looks a lot different.

Westhampton has chosen to start the sch...
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Friends of Southampton Open Space conducting logo contest


SOUTHAMPTON – The Friends of Southampton Open Space (FOSOS) is a newly founded independent, tax-exempt organization, whose mission is to support the preservation of Southampton's open space f...
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School Committees reopening meeting interrupted by hackers


WESTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional School Committees met for a joint meeting on July 30 to discuss their reopening plans. A decision could not be made and no consensus could be reached but ...
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Southampton continues to wait for approval of rescheduled election


SOUTHAMPTON – A month later, the town is still waiting on the state to approve to reschedule their Annual Town Election. The election that was originally scheduled for June 23 was rescheduled...
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Norris Elementary School faces budget reductions


SOUTHAMPTON – The town of Southampton has asked Norris Elementary School to make budget cuts for this upcoming school year.

Greg Bennett, a member on the school committee, shared that ...
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Contract awarded for Westhampton Town Hall and Annex roof replacement


WESTHAMPTON – The Town Hall and Annex building will receive a new roof by FRG Contractor Corporations from Everett. The company had the lowest bid, with a total project cost of $46,845.

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Hampshire Regional School Committees to meet to discuss return to school plans


WESTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional School Committees will host a joint meeting to vote on its preferred reopening plan on July 30.

According to the Department of Elementary and Secon...
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HRSD releases draft plan for return to school in fall


WESTHAMPTON – The Hampshire Regional School District released a draft of its return to school plans for the 2020-21 school year on July 17.

Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Edu...
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First Congregational Church adds to food pantry services


SOUTHAMPTON – The First Congregational Church of Southampton has added an additional food pantry option for families in need due to COVID-19.

The Summer Community Cupboard Program for ...
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Southampton transfer station announces changes to service


SOUTHAMPTON – Effective July 1, recycling protocol may look a bit different. The transfer station announced some changes to what can and can’t be recycled.

The changes are due to...
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Loiselle honored as Southampton COA Volunteer of the Year


SOUTHAMPTON – The Council on Aging (COA) recently honored its vice chair, Lori Loiselle, as their Volunteer of the Year.

“Lori is an accomplished businesswoman and born leader, ...
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Easthampton, Westhampton reach ambulance agreement


EASTHAMPTON/WESTHAMPTON – The city of Easthampton will provide ambulance service to the town of Westhampton through an agreement that was recently negotiated by the two municipalities.

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DopaFit, Art Cart help Parkinson’s patients tackle illness


SOUTHAMPTON – Between exercises, art activities, and handwriting workshops, the Art Cart and DopaFit facilities in Southampton help residents fight Parkinson’s disease and help keep a p...
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