Date: 4/27/2021
WORTHINGTON – The Worthington Planning Board hosted a public hearing on April 23 for a citizen’s petition to amend the Zoning By-Law frontage requirements from 400 feet to 280 feet, to be presented at Annual Town Meeting.
Amy Wang, Planning Board chair, introduced Tina McCarthy, author of a citizen’s petition warrant article that will be put to Town Meeting, as she shared both opinions and facts on the frontage issue.
McCarthy explained she and her partner have been wanting to buy a house in Worthington, however they haven’t been able to due to the 400 feet frontage requirement.
She emphasized, “The 400 feet everywhere doesn’t make sense.”
Through McCarthy’s research, she discovered Worthington has double the frontage requirements of their neighboring towns.
McCarthy conducted a survey of 594 Worthington residents. Results showed 42 percent of current built lots don’t conform.
“In the 1980s, 39 houses were built and didn’t conform,” stated McCarthy.
She added, it’s “astonishing” that she wasn’t able to build a single family house on a parcel large enough to build a road through.
Since the start of COVID-19, house values have sky-rocketed- affecting many people.
McCarthy’s proposal is to reduce frontage to 280 feet. If reduced, this would create 60 building lots on parcels already developed.
She went on to say this would be available for subdivision and would enable more homes to be built.
Following McCarthy’s presentation, Planning Board members and public attendees were able to ask questions and make comments.
Some questions pertained to variance, which McCarthy said they will not be receiving, along with Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) land. Some land in Worthington is already APR land meaning it can’t be built on.
Concerns were raised, as some voiced their opinions of not wanting more houses because it “won’t do anything.”
Additional comments included the idea of bringing this important topic beyond Town Meeting as audience members believe it shouldn’t be taken lightly.
This petition will be taken to Town Meeting on May 1, and needs a two thirds majority to carry.