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Goshen election, ATM pay bills, appoint officers

Date: 6/14/2022

GOSHEN – The 2022 town election, which took place June 4, reseated many incumbents and also saw several new names on the ballot.

The Annual Town Meeting on May 21 executed town business efficiently beneath a tent in the field behind the town offices. Moderator Keith Wright led the 38 residents there to discuss issues and vote.

Articles 1, 2, 3 and 4 authorized scheduled debt payments. The articles passed with the requisite majority, or unanimously, and authorized installments be paid in the coming fiscal year on the town’s F350 pickup truck of $6,768, the 2019 Mack primary plow for $22,674, the Ford Interceptor cruiser for the Police Department at $11,525.01, and the 2021 Yanmar tractor for $9,853.60.
Article 5 sought the transfer of $332,223.13 from the free cash account to the stabilization account.

The article passed with the necessary majority.

Article 6 passed unanimously, which saw land located on assessor’s map 5, lot 97, purchased for $15,000 for the general use of the Highway Department. Article 7 also dealt with Highway Department issues by authorizing $12,000 for tree removal, which may reduce internet service disruptions, among other benefits.

Article 8 authorized the transfer from free cash to the OPEB (other post-employment benefits)Liability Trust fund the amount of $5,000. Another $734.87 was authorized for transfer out of free cash, in Article 9, for payment of bills from 2021 for the disposal of solid waste and the purchase of books. A unanimous passage was required to pay bills from prior years.

Article 10 worked to rescind excess debt appropriated from previous borrowing. Repair of the cap on the landfill was overfunded for $39,664, $6 was overfunded for a 2019 Ford Super Duty F350 pieckup truck, and $6,400 remains from the borrowing for a tractor.

Article 11 authorized budget amounts for general town government for $478,880, public safety for $237,622, public works for $482,778, public health and sanitation for $88,870, community services for $100,321, and pension and insurance for $191,231. Education was funded for $1,670,583, while another $115,000 was authorized for deposit to capital stabilization.

Article 11 sought a debt exclusion for $57,511 and an overall town budget of $3,422,796. The article passed with the necessary majority.

Article 12 asked voters to establish a Municipal Light Plant (MLP) for the town’s internet service. The article passed, which then necessitated Article 13. Article 13 sought and received authorization to fund the MLP for $26,100 from Connect America Fund Phase II federal grant funds.

In Article 14 voters once again authorized the Select Board to appoint officers for the town. Article 15 set the wage amounts for town officers, including $5,150 for the chair of the Select Board. Both articles passed.

Article 16 dealt with Community Preservation revenues and expenses. Voters unanimously authorized $8,500 for administrative expenses and funded reserves for historic resources at $17,000, that amount also authorized for both community housing and open space. The reserves account for holding unassigned monies was funded for $110,000. Voters unanimously authorized those distributions.

Article 17 set spending limits for revolving funds, which allow town departments to carry out business. The four revolving funds for animal control, the Board of Appeals, the electrical inspector, and a fund for the reimbursement of ambulance fuel usage, were funded by voters.

Article 18 empowered the Board of Assessors, Board of Health, Finance Committee, Planning Board, Select Board and the Tilton Town Farm supervisors to carry out the necessary duties of the town. Votes reached the necessary majorities.

According to information made available by the town, the elections on June 4 saw a total of 88 ballots cast out of a possible 801, or 11 percent of the electorate. Seven absentee voters took part from a distance.

Henrietta R. Munroe was the caucus nominee for the almoner position, a three year seat, and received 86 votes to win. Incumbent Diane E. Bushee also received 86 votes, which put her on the Board of Assessors for three more years. A three year seat on the Board of Health also returned to incumbent Laura A. Barrus, who drew 83 votes, while caucus nominee Joshua E. Lafond received 84 votes to secure a one year seat on that body.

Neil Godden did not run for re-election to the Chesterfield/Goshen Regional School Committee. Carla Raymond and Andrew Watt were nominated for that seat at the town’s caucus. Raymond serves the town via the Cultural Council and Watt was elected this year as a library trustee. Raymond won the seat with 48 votes to Watt’s 37.

Kristine A. Bissell secured a three year seat on the Finance Committee with 84 votes, while Gina M. Papineau also secured a three year seat with 83 votes. Ruby E. Hutt and Andrew B. Watt won two years seats on the library trustees with 83 and 84 votes respectively.

The race for the two year seat of moderator drew write in votes for three candidates, with Steve Estelle and Michael Kurland drawing one vote each, Keith Wright receiving 28 votes, and Corey M. Carvalho drawing 52 votes.

Carvalho, however, is not able to occupy the position. According to Town Clerk Kristin Estelle, Carvalho learned that his position in the trial court system precludes him from holding an elected position. Wright, the previous moderator, agreed to step back into the position, if needed.

“We are still awaiting guidance from the Secretary of State, the Elections Division,” Estelle said, “on how to proceed with this situation.”

The five year position on the Planning Board went to incumbent James R. Barrett, who ran unopposed. Julie E. Hooks, who ran unopposed for the three year seat, won with 82 votes, with six blank ballots.

Peri H. Hall of 9 Lily Pond Lane was a caucus nominee and ran unopposed for a seat on the Select Board. Hall received 87 votes.

Roger A. Culver was re-elected as the incumbent Tilton Fruit Farm Supervisor, a one year position. He ran unopposed.

Town Clerk Kristin Estelle wished to thank her assistant, Gina Papineau, and custodian Ron Loven and his wife, Joanie, who performed most of the work of setting up the elections.