Date: 8/25/2020
SOUTHAMPTON – Residents gathered in their cars on Aug. 16 at Red Rock Plaza for classic music to support people battling Parkinson’s disease.
During the concert, viewers were treated to music from Rod Stewart, portrayed by Rick Larrimore, and Elvis, portrayed by Ray Guillemette Jr.
In order to keep up with social distancing guidelines, the cars were parked with one space in between with listeners staying in their cars or setting up lawn chairs as a tailgate. Concert goers were also required to wear masks when getting up from their cars.
Chad Moir, the founder of DopaFit, a nonprofit Parkinson’s exercise and movement center, said that he originally came up with the idea for a car concert when trying to brainstorm ways to get people together safely.
He said, “We were trying to figure out a way to get people together and to continue enjoy some of the things life has to offer while doing it safe and socially distanced. Being in your car with your family and listening to music, kind of struck us as one of the safest ways to do that.”
He added that despite COVID-19, Southampton’s Town Hall and Health Department thought this was a great way to get people together.
“Southampton Town Hall was supportive of what we were trying to do and the way we have it set up with the cars being spaced out and with people being in their cars, there wasn’t much the Public Health Department saw as a risk,” he said.
Moir said that all of the funds raised from the concert will go right back into DopaFit.
He said that they decided use Rod Stewart and Elvis music because it’s the music their demographic listens to.
Moir said, “We wanted something that would appeal to our demographic. We have a very large member population who are a part of the aging adult community, so we thought it would be something special for them to enjoy as well.”
Before the concert, he was hoping for at least 40 cars to show up.
Moir said that he hopes DopaFit can organize similar events in the future. “We hope that if this is successful that we will be able to hold another with a different lineup of music for other generations.”