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Quiet local election draws just 93 Westhampton residents to the polls

Date: 6/15/2021

WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Town Election on June 5 featured no contests when it came to the election and reelection of town officials.

According to Katrin Kamimsky, the Westhampton town clerk, 93 registered voters participated in this year’s annual election. The town of Westhampton contains 1,319 registered voters.

“Everyone appearing on the ballot was either elected or reelected,” said Kaminsky. Prior to the election, Kaminsky told Reminder Publishing that a low turnout was expected since there were no contests or ballot questions.

The ballot featured several candidates who were either re-elected or elected to their respective positions. Maureen Dempsey was re-elected to the town’s Selectboard for a three-year term, while Walter Morrey was re-elected to the Board of Assessors for a three-year term. Scott Johndrow was re-elected to the Hampshire Regional School Committee for a three-year term, while Thomas Jenkins was re-elected for a one-year term as their tree warden.

Other reelections included Patrick Coffey for a three-year term on the planning board; Benjamin Warren as the moderator for a one-year term; Tad Weiss for a three-year term on the Finance Committee; and Robert Miller for a three-year term as the constable in Center District.

First time elected officials include Ian Stith for a three-year term on the Elementary School Committee; Marilyn Witherell for a two-year term on the Board of Assessors and for a three-year term on the Finance Committee; Winifed Gorman for a one-year term on the Board of Assessors; Richelle Hurd for a three-year term on the Finance Committee; and Carolyn Whipple and Angela Griefen for three-year terms on the Library Trustee.

Additionally, the Annual Town Meeting from May 8 will reconvene on June 19 at 9 a.m. at the Westhampton Elementary School. Two articles will be discussed when the meeting reconvenes. The first article involves the funding, designing and construction of a breakroom at the Westhampton Highway Department garage. A written estimate of how much the total project will cost is expected to be provided that day.

The other article discussion will involve the possible transfer of free cash to balance the budget. According to the Westhampton website, this article was originally held “in anticipation of state assessments and disbursements and final vote of budget items.”

Holds were also placed on long term debt items contained in their budget spreadsheet. The first line item involves the remaining balance for the design of the public safety complex in combination with the highway pickup.

The other line item involves the principal and interest of the bond for the construction of the public safety complex. The combined principal debt for that line item sits at $191,832 and the interest for that debt sits at $728.96. According to the town website, these line items were held in “anticipation for determination of principal payments.”