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Southampton moderator hosts info session on Town Meeting warrant

Date: 6/8/2022

SOUTHAMPTON – Southampton Town Moderator Robert Floyd hosted an information session on May 26 during which he read this year’s draft warrant with Annual Town Meeting looming.

The proposed annual operating budget for fiscal year 2023 (FY23) listed as article 13 on this year’s draft warrant is for $19.1 million, just under a $1 million increase from last year’s proposed budget.

One request of note is Article 19 that looks to appropriate $231,000 to purchase a new wheel loader for the use of the Highway Department. Article 15 requests $967,759.88 for the water enterprise budget.
The town will also vote to transfer $139,895.20 to the Capital Stabilization Fund, $101,412.60 to the operating stabilization fund, and $33,804.20 to the Operating Stabilization Fund, all from the town’s free cash account.

Article 25 proposes the town transfer or appropriate $50,000 from the Public, Educational and Government (PEG) Access Capital Fund to the town’s PEG access designee, Easthampton Media. The money will help fund the replacement, upgrading and installation of the PEG TV broadcasting, streaming and recording equipment at their facility for the purposes of broadcasting on the local cable channels.
Additionally, funds will be used to update and upgrade studio and field production equipment used by members and staff.

Article 17 seeks to transfer $15,000 from free cash to the account for Mass Trails grant match for design and engineering costs for the Greenway Bike and Pedestrian Trail if the town receives the grant. Article 22 seeks to transfer $7,400 from the capital stabilization fund to the Norris Elementary School capital budget to fund repairs to the roof at the school.

A proposal for $56,000 from the Capital Stabilization Fund to the Highway Department capital budget to fund the replacement of the heating system for the town highway garage is listed as article 21.
Notable Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds are requested to be used for a couple different projects. One request is Article 32 that seeks $125,000 from the Community Preservation account to the Housing Authority where said funds would be transferred from the Community Preservation Surcharge Community Housing Account for the purpose of acquiring 1.32 acres of property and for associated costs of the acquisition to be used for affordable housing. The project is an effort from the town to produce more affordable housing within the community.

The final article listed on the 2022 draft warrant is Article 33 which requests Community Preservation Act funding for a land purchase for aquifer protection. The request seeks $443,700 from the CPA undesignated account for the purpose of acquiring approximately 76 acres of land on Pomeroy Meadow Road. The town looks to acquire the land for conservation, passive recreation and/or water supply and drinking water protection services.

If approved, the town would authorize water commissioners to apply for a Drinking Water Supply Protection (DWSP) grant and then determine the best use of the land for water protection.
Town Administrator Ed Gibson says this year’s draft warrant is in line for the standard yearly warrants presented by the town but added it is sometimes unpredictable what will be the main focus of residents at Town Meeting.

“I’ve found over the years that I might look at something and say ‘this might be somewhat controversial, or generate conversation,’ and the item comes up and guess what, it moves right along and there is very little conversation, and vis versa,” Gibson said. “It’s hard to predict.”

Gibson added that Southampton residents and voters are well informed people who want to know how the town is spending their money so conversation could arise from anywhere.