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Southampton Select Board agrees to keep single tax rate for fiscal year 2021

Date: 12/16/2020

SOUTHAMPTON – On Dec. 8, the Southampton Select Board approved to remain at the same tax rate of 1.0 for all of the town’s properties for the fiscal year 2021 (FY21).

Principal Assessor Martha Leamy said the estimated tax rate looks to be a total of $15.97, a 15 cent increase from the previous year’s rate, $15.82.

As of press time, Leamy said because of where they are at in the process of submitting the rate to the state, she cannot guarantee that it would be that exact number.

Leamy told Reminder Publishing that the tax classification hearing happened later than town officials would have liked because the preliminary values were not approved by the state. She added that this FY21 was a re-evaluation year. Re-evaluations used to happen every three years but the state changed it to every five, making the process more detailed.

“You still have to have a classification hearing every year but this year, the properties are gone through more thoroughly and we have to have the proposed values put forth and approved before we can go to this next step of final approval,” she said.

Despite it taking longer to approve a tax rate, Leamy said the tax bills will be printed and sent out before the new year.