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Swistak-Rooks named Southampton 2021 Citizen of the Year

Date: 8/24/2021

SOUTHAMPTON – Kaitlyn Swistak-Rooks, a member of the Southampton Board of Health, was officially announced as the town’s Citizen of the Year for 2021 during the Celebrate Southampton weekend.

According to Southampton Health Director Geraldine Swanson, there were 13 letters of nomination submitted to the Southampton American Legion Post 168, and nine of those letters were all nominations for Swistak-Rooks.

“Feeling super honored to be nominated for Citizen of the Year in Southampton,” said Swistak-Rooks, in a Facebook post.

American Legion, which has been presenting this award to Southampton residents for decades, recognizes someone within Southampton who has gone above and beyond in the community to help residents and/or facets of society.

In early spring, Southampton residents were asked to nominate someone over the age of 18, and if the nominee was a town official, then the reason for the nomination could not involve their job.

During normal years, the Legion usually presents the award during the yearly Memorial Day Parade, but because of COVID-19, the town decided to instead present the award during the Celebrate Southampton weekend on Aug. 13 and 14.

“I was completely surprised,” Swistak-Rooks, regarding how she felt when they gave her the award. She told Reminder Publishing that she did not know she had won until they officially announced it. “I was really appreciative.”

Swistak-Rooks, who also does Ad-Hoc work for the town, was mainly nominated for the work she did for the Southampton Council on Aging, especially when vaccines first became available at the beginning part of this year. With appointments racking up, and the elderly population having a difficult time navigating the technology involved for signing up, Swistak-Rooks decided to take matters into her own hands.

To alleviate some of the initial pressure, Swistak-Rooks asked much of the elderly population to provide their personal information to her so she could coordinate with the Council on Aging, and officially sign them up. From there, Swistak-Rooks would stay up at odd hours of the night refreshing different tabs and looking for open appointments.

“It really reduced the anxiety for them,” said Swistak-Rooks. “When you get somebody an appointment, it makes their day.”

Her assistance stretched beyond the elderly population. She and the Board of Health able to acquire a vaccination appointment for every teacher in Southampton in just the first week and a half they were eligible. “She truly deserves the award,” said Swanson.

The Council on Aging posted a similar sentiment on their Facebook page after the award ceremony: “Congratulations to Kate Swistak Rooks, Southampton’s 2021 Citizen of the Year. You made it possible for so many Seniors to get there vaccines back in early 2021. You were up in the middle of many nights getting appointments confirmed. Well deserved,” it read.

As time goes on, Swistak-Rooks will continue to embrace important projects for the community, especially when it comes to acquiring funding for those projects. “Being awarded funding is like winning the lottery,” she said.

Currently, she is working on the Conant Park improvement plan with the help of the community survey that was sent out earlier this summer. A master plan will be created based on the results and what needs to be fixed.