Date: 5/25/2021
WESTHAMPTON – The Westhampton Annual Town Election will occur on June 5 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Town Hall on 1 South Rd.
This year’s ballot features a number of different candidates up for election or current town officials up for reelection.
The current ballot includes: incumbent Maureen Dempsey for a three-year Selectboard term; incumbent Walter Morrey for a three-year Board of Assessors term; Marilyn Witherell for a two-year Board of Assessors term; Winifed Gorman for a one-year Board of Assessors term; incumbent D. Patrick Coffey for a three-year Planning Board term; three candidates – Richelle Hurd and Witherell as well as incumbent Tad Weiss for three three-year terms on the Finance Committee; Caralyn Whipple and Angela Griefen for two three-year Library Trustee terms; incumbent Scott Johndrow for a three-year seat on the Hampshire Regional School Committee; Ian Stith for a three-year Westhampton Elementary School Committee term; incumbent Benjamin Warren for a one-year term as moderator; incumbent Tree Warden Thomas Jenkins for another one-year term; and incumbent Rober Miller for a three-year term as Center District constable candidate.
An opening for a two-year term on the Planning Board yielded no candidates.
“No [contested] races or questions on the ballot so a low turnout is expected,” said Westhampton Town Clerk Katrin Kaminsky, regarding election day.
According to Kaminsky, 1,322 residents in Westhampton are considered registered voters. The voter registration deadline was May 16.
For those who do not want to vote in-person on June 5, there is a link to a vote by mail application that is available on the town website at
The town requests that people bring this application to the black Town Hall drop box as soon as possible.
Residents also have the option sending an email request to the Town Clerk with voter name, voter residential address, and mailing address if different. The Town Clerk’s email is Ballots may be returned via Town Hall drop box or USPS, according to the town website.
Anyone looking to participate in early vote by mail must have their ballots submitted to the Town Hall by 12 p.m. on June 5.
Masks or face coverings will be required for those planning to vote in-person on June 5.
The Westhampton Annual Town Meeting also plans to reconvene at the Westhampton Elementary School on June 19 at 9 a.m. Two articles from the May 8 meeting were held until the reconvene. One involves the design and construction of a breakroom in the Westhampton Highway Department Garage, while the other involves the possible transfer of free cash to balance the budget.
Holds were also placed on long term debt items under Article 5. One line item includes the remaining balance for the design of the public safety complex in combination with the highway pickup, and interest for that debt. The other line item involves the principle and interest of the bond for the construction of the new public safety complex.