Date: 11/13/2019
NORTHAMPTON – Women are rising in the Western Mass Tractor Pullers Association, as evidenced at the WMTPA Annual Banquet at the Bluebonnet Diner in Northampton on Nov. 9.
Although overall points winner Clifford Clark, Jr. of Clark’s Excavating in Williamsburg remains on top, he was beaten several times this year by Elizabeth Massa of Chester, second place winner overall in the 5,000 lb. and 6,000 lb. enhanced tractor category.
Massa has been gunning for Clark’s top spot for several years, and laid down the challenge earlier in the season at Chester on Track.
Clark was also beaten once this year by rookie puller Jessica Snow of Pittsfield, for which she won an award at the banquet, “2019 Rookie Puller to Beat Cliff Clark.” Snow had previously competed in the Lawn & Garden class, but this was her first year pulling on a farm tractor.
Massa, who is a plumber by trade, founder of the Western Mass Hilltown Hikers, and serves on several other area boards, said there are only seven women out of 250 members in the WMTPA, but their membership is growing. Two years ago, 30 new members joined, including four women.
Massa also won the “Most Unbalanced Tractor” award, for her signature pulling style. “Because I always do the wheels up; pull my tractors up in wheelies at every pull, (which) seems to be my signature. Spectators love it,” Massa said.
Donald York, former Superintendent of Buildings in Westfield, won the “Most Broken Down Puller Award,” which also earned him the “Old Crank Award” this year.
Association Secretary Mary Johnson, who also serves as president of the Westfield Fair, was recognized for her more than twenty years of service to the WMTPA.
•2019 First Place Points Winner
Lawn & Garden 1400# Class - John Thompson, Blandford
Points Winners:
•2019 First Place, Paul Pappas, Russell, 2500# Class, 4500# Class.
•Myron Marcoulier, Chester, 8000# Class
•Liz Massa, Chester, 5000# Enhanced Class, 6000# Enhanced Class
•Don York, Westfield, 11000# Class (tie), 12500# Class, 14000# Class, The Old Crank
•2019 Most Rebuilds At The Track And Off And Broken Down Most Often
•2019 Most Unbalanced Tractor
Liz Massa
•2019 Consistent Senior Track Worker Dave Greenwood, Huntington
•2019 Consistent Senior Track Worker Sonny Lafonde, Huntington