Date: 8/8/2022
LUDLOW – Later this year Ludlow will have a new website and the town is looking for residents to submit photos of events and locations around town to be uploaded to the new site once it’s finished.
Town Administrator Marc Strange told Reminder Publishing discussions about the website initially began in June, which led to a design meeting with Civic Plus, the company putting the website together, in July.
“We went through the information on our current website, how much of that information we wanted to migrate over to the new site, what we wanted the tabs to look like, a color scheme and stuff like that, it was more of a design meeting,” he said.
Strange said the project will be funded through the town budget and will cost around $16,000 in the first year for the design, migration and hosting of the site. In the following years it will cost around $6,000 per year for Civic Plus to continue to maintain the site.
Once it is completed, Strange said residents can expect the website to be more “user-friendly.”
“One of my big priorities coming into this job was expanding communication, certainly allowing the town to be able to communicate with residents and businesses, and vice versa easier. These websites allow you to do that, you can get to any page you want within two clicks,” he said.
Along with being able to reach parts of the website faster, the changes will also include a search bar, a calendar for meetings, news announcements and a functionality for residents to reach out to town members.
Strange said residents can expect the new website to be up and running around Thanksgiving.
Along with building a new website, Strange said the town is also looking for photos of places and events around town to go up on the site. As of press time, Strange said no photos had been submitted.
“There’s so many great spots in town to take pictures of and you can go online and find them but they are not high enough in quality. Really anything that captures the spirit of Ludlow we’d love to take a look at, obviously the clock tower is on the town logo and town seal, that is certainly one of the iconic photos we’d love to have on there,” he said.
Photos can range from photos of people playing soccer at Lusitano Stadium, pictures of Festa or even pictures of landscapes around town.
Strange added that he is hoping residents participate and send in some photos for review.
“I would love to invite people to take pictures and send them in because short of this we will have to hire professionally, and we’ll have to pay for it. This way residents can feel proud that their work’s on the website and I think that’s a good thing,” he said.
Photos can be submitted to