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Ludlow Senior Center and Fire Department kick off Sand for Seniors program

Date: 1/4/2023

LUDLOW – Senior Center Director Jodi Zepke and Fire Chief Ryan Pease announced that the Ludlow Senior Center and Ludlow Fire Department kicked off their “Sand for Seniors” program.

The program is an initiative to help decrease the likelihood of falls on ice this winter.

“It is a great program because it helps the older adults stay safe by being able to spread sand and salt on their walks. It is a safety thing, but it also allows them to not be isolated,” Zepke said. “Being able to get out of the house is so important. We encourage seniors to take the van if they are unsure about driving to the center.”

As part of the program, Senior Center staff and firefighters delivered five-gallon buckets of sand and salt to seniors’ households for them to have in case of inclement weather.

Nearly 40 seniors registered for the program in November through the Senior Center.

Zepke said, “We have done the program for a few years. We partnered with Scott Ganho from [at the time] Luso Federal Credit Union and they supplied the buckets and helped us deliver. Scott is now at PeoplesBank and they have sponsored the buckets for the last two years. The Fire Department fills and delivers the buckets. It has been a great partnership with the banks and the Fire Department.”

Zepke said herself and the Senior Center is thankful for the Ludlow Department of Public Works for donating the sand and salt, as well as the People’s Bank for donating the buckets.

“We are very pleased to have so many organizations in town working to support the safety of our seniors. I am grateful to the Senior Center staff for organizing this and Ludlow firefighter for making these deliveries. I also am grateful to the DPW and PeoplesBank for their generous donations, which made this initiative possible.” Zepke said.

The winter is a dangerous time that presents icy traveling conditions, according to Pease.

“In the winter, we often see an increase in falls caused by icy surfaces, especially in our senior population,” Pease said.

He added, “Falls are a major concern for Ludlow Fire and the Senior Center, and we want our older residents to know that we are here for them and ready to help in any way we can. We hope that our initiative to give seniors easy access to de-icing agents will lower the likelihood of falls during the colder months.”

Zepke said to learn more information about the program to call the Ludlow Senior Center at 583-3564 and any interested seniors can still sign up for the program by calling the center while supplies last.