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Ludlow's Harris Brook Elementary School raises money for Wreaths Across America

Date: 12/15/2022

LUDLOW – Students and staff at Harris Brook Elementary School organized a loose change drive, raising $1,200 which was donated to Wreaths Across America to help pay for wreaths for Island Pond Cemetery.

On Dec. 17, Wreaths Across America will be celebrated and the graves of all veterans in Ludlow will have a wreath laid on their headstone.

Harris Brook Elementary School third grade teachers Carrie Joseph and Michele Manganaro-Thompson coordinated this fundraiser.

Joseph said, “It all started several years ago when Michele came to me saying she heard that Agawam Veterans Memorial Cemetery needed more wreaths and asked what we could do. At the time we were working at Chapin Street School and was only second and third grade.”

Not only did the staff love the idea but the kids enjoyed it just as much.

“We decided to do a penny/lose change drive. We asked students to bring in their change. They did just that, and even brought dollars and checks. It was wonderful.” Joseph said.

After hearing that Wreaths Across America was being recognized in Ludlow, Joseph and Thompson thought it be best to help locally. “We learned a company was working on getting Wreaths Across America for the gravestones in Ludlow and wanted to continue the loose change drive to help.” Joseph said.

Joseph added, “This was our first year doing it at the new school, which is double the size of students. The children and community are always so generous to helping us raise money for this wonderful organization.”

The loose change drive has been a successful way of raising money for Wreaths Across America according to Joseph.

“We have done this for a few years, but we did pause during the Covid [-19] years. We are very grateful to LUSO Bank who has allowed us to use their coin sorting machine free of charge. They even helped us count the coins because it can take hours pouring the change into the machine.” Joseph added.

Joseph and Thompson invited Ludlow Director of Veterans Services Eric Segundo and Brenda Shields, a representative from Capital Driver Leasing who fundraises for Ludlow’s Wreaths Across America to accept the donation.

Segundo said, “We are grateful for all the students who helped to raise money for our veteran’s wreaths. It is in keeping with the motto of Wreaths across America; Honor, Remember and Teach.”