Date: 5/16/2022
LUDLOW – On May 9, Ludlow residents gathered in the Ludlow High School Auditorium to vote on 15 warrant articles as part of Annual Town Meeting.
Prior to the Annual Town Meeting, residents voted on two articles as part of a Special Town Meeting to wrap up the fiscal year 2022 (FY22) budget. These items were to transfer money from available funds to for unpaid bills and over expended accounts and to transfer money from free cash to cover additional Police Department overtime expenses. Both articles passed.
Articles 1, 2 and 3 were all housekeeping items contained in the warrant every year. Article 1 was to hear and act on the reports of town officers, Article 2 was to hear and act on the reports of committees and Article 3 was a request to raise and appropriate the needed funds for town purposes and to fix the salary of all elected officials in FY23. All three articles passed.
Article 4 was a request to set the spending limits for already established revolving funds including $5,000 for CPR training revolving fund, $0 for the on-site sewage system revolving fund, $20,000 for the vaccine revolving fund, $50,000 for the consultants revolving fund, $80,000 for the wetlands revolving fund, an amount yet to be finalized for the purple bags revolving fund and $5,000 for the dog park revolving fund. Residents passed the article.
Article 5, which was passed at Town Meeting, was a request to raise and appropriate $5,000 to be spent by the Celebrate Ludlow Committee for fireworks and general expenses related to the town-wide event, as well as allowing other donations and to be made to the committee’s special revenue fund.
Article 6 involved a request to raise and appropriate $3,500 for the Commission on Disability for training, marketing materials, supplies and any other expenses, which ultimately residents passed.
Both Articles 7 and 8, passed by residents, were requests from the Board of Public Works to be able to utilize state Chapter 90 Highway funds and to enter into a contract with the Massachusetts Department of Transportation for the construction and maintenance of public roads.
Article 9 involved a request to fund the capital improvement projects for FY23 which totals at about $1.6 million, while Article 10 was a request to appropriate funds for the FY23 reserve fund. Article 12 is a similar request to transfer money into the town’s stabilization fund. Each article was passed by residents at Town Meeting.
Article 11 was a request to fund the Building Infrastructure article passed at the October 2012 Special Town Meeting with the purpose of assessing and addressing repairs, maintenance and reconstruction of municipal buildings. Residents passed Article 11.
Finally, Articles 13, 14 and 15 were all requests for zoning changes from the Planning Board. Article 13 was a request to change the property located at 0 and 694 Chapin St. from Agricultural to Residence A zoning. Article 14 was a request to extend the Agriculture Moderate Density Overlay District over the entire property located at 279 Cady St. Article 15 was a request to change the property located at 244 Hubbard St. from Residence B to Business B. Each zoning change article was passed by residents in attendance.