Date: 2/8/2023
MONSON – Three parcels of land located on the upper part of Hovey Road will be permanently protected after the town of Monson received a Local Acquisitions for Natural Diversity (LAND) grant.
The parcels of land were purchased from the Booker family. The first parcel was purchased in 2021 and the other two were purchased in early 2023, explained Community Preservation Commission (CPC) Chairman Glenn Colburn. The land is now owned by the town but is maintained by the CPC.
Colburn shared that the town of Monson received $265,271 from the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) LAND grant, which is 68 percent of the $390,000 purchase price of the property.
The $390,000 was a “bargain sale,” that was reduced by the Booker family, said Colburn. This was also done on Parcel A, he added.
Parcel A is 66 acres of land, Parcel B is 22.5 acres and Parcel C is 41 acres.
“Because of the bargain sale from the Booker family, [we allowed] them to name [the land the] Jean M. Booker Conservation Area,” Colburn said.
He continued, “The three Booker parcels will be permanently protected with a conservation restriction held by Opacum Land Trust.” The goal with the conservation restriction is to keep the land – essentially – as it is now.
Colburn noted that the town was awarded funding at the spring 2022 Special Town Meeting to purchase the remaining parcels, along with being awarded the LAND grant.
Currently, the town is waiting for the conservation restriction to be approved by the state. Although the terms of the conservation restriction are approved, signatures still need to be collected.
Colburn went on to explain that the LAND grant is a reimbursement grant. To be reimbursed, there are several items that need to be addressed beforehand. This includes installing kiosks on the three parcels of land, signage on the kiosk to acknowledge the grant from the EOA, a public parking area, among others. Everything must be completed by June 30.
In addition to this grant, Colburn said Monson has used the LAND grant on several other properties in town such as the Mitchell property, acres on Silver Street and Flynt Quarry, to name a few.
He shared, “With that 68 percent [of the total purchase price], it allows us to spread the money out and make these purchases.”