Date: 12/19/2022
MONSON – The 2022 Monson toy drive wrapped up after receiving assistance from the Select Board.
On Dec. 13, resident Kristine Duval and Town Clerk Mary Watson went before the board with a Gifts to the Town request. “We are requesting some assistance this year,” said Duval. “We have handled – I would say – probably 95 percent of the town’s portion but there’s also a leg of it that is the school department.”
After receiving the school department’s list on the day of the Select Board meeting, Duval shared, it was “pretty extensive.”
She continued, “It’s a little late in the game to try and find new donors from residents so we’re requesting a $500 gift to help us complete their portion.”
Watson said, “The Select Board has generously given us a donation from Gifts [to] the Town in the past, but it’s been a couple of years.”
Select Board Chair Pat Oney said, “I think the reason you haven’t been asking us is because you’ve done such good work raising funds and getting people to donate in the past few years.”
Watson agreed and added, “It’s a very generous community.”
The request was unanimously approved by the Select Board to grant $500 from the Gifts of the Town to the Monson toy drive.
The toy drive collection ended on Dec. 14. Duval noted that everything goes directly to the children of Monson.