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Monson Select Board Parking Committee formed after business complaints

Date: 6/15/2023

MONSON — The Select Board, looking to address complaints they have received from business owners that parking downtown was not readily available for their clients, has begun the process of building a Downtown Parking Study Committee.

“The Monson Select Board is looking for a landlord of apartments or a business from between Woodbine on Cushman Street down to Harvey’s Auto Repair on Hampden Avenue to be a part of a newly formed committee to study parking in the downtown area. This committee will be comprised of the police chief, Steve Kozloski, Fire Chief Brian Harris, Highway Surveyor Ben Murphy, a business owner and a landlord,” Town Administrator Jennifer Wolowicz said.

“We have received letters of interest from landlords and business owners on Main Street,” she added.

The goal of this committee is to advise the Select Board on any changes that may be recommended for parking regulations in the Main Street area for the purpose of improving parking available for local businesses, according to Wolowicz.

It is a temporary committee, and the board would like the committee to “work expeditiously to provide recommendations,” Wolowicz said.