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Northampton City Council to consider dispensary cap in future

Date: 9/13/2022

NORTHAMPTON – Due to some public outcry about a proposed cannabis retail store planned for 143 Main St. in Florence, the Northampton City Council is considering future discussions about a possible cap for the number of dispensaries within the city.

Currently, the city features a booming cannabis market with 12 dispensaries already open, while another one awaits approval by state regulators. A 14th, the one proposed for Florence Village, is currently going through its year-long process with the state and Cannabis Control Commission, as well.

When this was discussed in 2018, the council decided to not institute a cap on dispensaries in the city, but after some public opposition to the proposed Florence shop, to the point where a petition against the proposed dispensary was circulating on social media, the council may reconsider a cap in future cannabis discussions through their various committees.

The City Council could at any time institute a cap on host community agreements, which are the state-required sign-off documents from local government that allows a business to seek a license in the cannabis industry. In fact, the city considered putting the cap at 10 dispensaries when they conducted discussions in 2017 and 2018.

“There’s a lot of information we need to seek,” said Ward 2 Councilor Karen Foster, during the Sept. 1 council meeting. “Each of our committees has a different angle… it’s like a spider web to think about the number of layers of consideration if we were to look at, is a cap the way to go or not?”
During the Sept. 1 meeting, many residents spoke against the consistent spread of dispensaries across Northampton and Florence, arguing that their various areas of expertise were reasons to show cynicism.

Michael Willers, a pediatric cardiologist, said during the period that he has seen cannabis addiction rise in his young patients and called for a cap.

“The cannabis lobby will tell us that, in fact, there is no such thing as addiction with marijuana, but that is clearly not true, and the science and scientific papers will tell us that,” he said.
Another Florence resident, who identified as a sober cannabis addict of 15 years, said that the proliferation of dispensaries has made it difficult for recovering addicts to go on a walk without seeing a dispensary. “The myth that pot is harmless is an extremely dangerous lie.”

Ward 1 City Councilor Stan Moulton proposed the idea of bringing the conversation to the Finance Committee to look at the financial impact and consequences of a cap on dispensaries.

“I do think it’s a good time to have this discussion,” said Moulton. “I think it is appropriate to, as part of our consideration about what the potential impact of a cap would be, to look at now the mapping of where dispensaries are in the city and look at that question of density.”

Councilors Jamila Gore, Marianne LaBarge, and Marissa Elkins all believed specific legislation is necessary to take steps forward in this process. “We’re here to talk about legislation; that’s the point,” said Elkins. “I do not find it a good use of our time or our city department head’s resources to just have discussions.”

Gore, meanwhile, specifically said she wants a cap on cannabis at this point.

“I think just for the business aspect of it and for the revitalization of the city, I think we’ve oversaturated the market a little bit,” said Gore.

Council President Jim Nash said that he wants to consult Police Chief Jody Kasper to see if there are recurring problems associated with the substantial number of dispensaries in the city. By collaborating the Police Department, as well as other city departments, the council believes they will acquire crucial information for future decision-making.

“I know Chief Kasper is really good with data, and this would be out there,” said Nash. “That’s what I’m looking for.”

Regardless of legislation, the council plans on conducting fruitful discussions in the coming weeks to figure out a proper pathway.

“This is the beginning of these proceedings,” said Councilor Garrick Perry. “Northampton is a very special place, and I think discussions like these are very vital.”

Florence Pot Shop

Earlier in August, Reminder Publishing reported on a new proposed cannabis retail shop in Florence called Euphorium LLC, if Mayor Gina-Louise Sciarra signs a host agreement with the business.

The shop, which is currently allowed by right in the Florence Village, would be managed and owned by the father and son duo Marco and Richard Aranzullo, two longtime residents of Connecticut, while Blue Skies Unlimited affiliate and 20-year resident of Florence Ezra Parzybok acts as the consultant on the project. Parzybok is also a Social Equity Applicant in Massachusetts; with over 35 successful state submissions of retail, cultivation, independent testing laboratory and manufacturing licenses, and has been a social advocate for medical cannabis since it became legal in the state a decade ago.

Across two community meetings, the second of which occurred at Florence Civic Center on Sept. 7, village residents expressed opposition to the idea of a dispensary in their neighborhood, citing concerns about cannabis addiction, their suspected influence of cannabis on children and families in the area, as well as a belief that 12 dispensaries are more than enough. Others have wondered why Euphorium chose this particular location.

Parzybok told Reminder Publishing at the end of July that the owners considered other locations, but Northampton became the ideal spot due the city’s promise that a cannabis business would be treated like any other business.

“If I could wave a magic wand, Marco would be on some busy street in Springfield as close to Connecticut as possible as a strategic placement,” said Parzybok. “But Springfield currently does not have an opportunity to event start the permitting process for retail because they have a completely different system of how they choose these.”

The owner of the building that houses Pizza Factory, who Parzybok said is also a Florence resident, told Aranzullo and Parzybok that the current landlord will not renew rent for the Pizza Factory, which is something the duo found out about before choosing Florence for the retail shop. The goal is to have the shop open in June 2023, and the Pizza Factory lease ends in December. The owners chose the Florence location after researching several others across Western Mass.

The second meeting allowed residents to submit questions about the dispensary before the Sept. 7 date, but many people present at the meeting continuously interrupted Parzybok during his presentation to voice their concerns.

During the meeting, Parzybok presented scientific evidence to refute concerns from residents that the presence of a dispensary could cause an increase in usage among local children. He also noted that adults in Massachusetts are allowed to grow marijuana in their own homes, and also stated that the Cannabis Control Commission sets standards for marketing, packaging, and building design that avoid exposing children to danger. Signs with words like “marijuana” and other associated slang are also banned.

Throughout the meeting, Parzybok also compared the way society treats alcohol to the way it treats cannabis, noting that package stores usually allow children to enter with their guardians. Currently, anyone under 21 is not allowed to enter a dispensary. Parzybok also attempted to mitigate people’s concerns about product availability to children, saying that all products are locked in a vault at the end of the night, where even employees cannot access it.

If the host agreement is signed, Euphorium will undergo a three-month state review process.