Date: 6/1/2022
PALMER – Incumbents Erica Nadeau and Sandra Noonan are running for three-year terms on the School Committee. This race is not contested.
In advance of the election, in an effort to inform voters, Reminder Publishing asked the candidates the same series of questions on their candidacies and visions for Palmer. Below are their responses, organized in alphabetical order by last name.
Reminder Publishing (RP) Tell voters about your professional and personal background.
Nadeau: I am a forensic scientist employed with the Massachusetts State Police Crime Laboratory – Springfield Satellite Lab. I am a supervisor of the Criminalistics Unit where I oversee five analysts that process evidence submitted by local and state agencies for biological material, prepare samples for DNA and testify in court. I have been employed at the Crime Laboratory since August 2003. I am also part of the Crime Scene Response Unit where I am responsible for dispatching and responding to crime scenes. I am a member and past president of the Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists. I am a wife to an amazing husband and supportive father, Jeff, and a mother to a smart, funny and beautiful daughter, Emily. In my spare time, I enjoy yoga, a good meal, great wine and exploring the great outdoors while camping, as well as spending as much time as I can spare with my friends and family. I was born and raised in Maine and moved to Massachusetts in 2003. Palmer has been my home since 2014.
Noonan: My name is Sandy Noonan, and I am running for a second three-year term on the Palmer School Committee. I have been a resident of Palmer since 1974. My five children went to local schools, all graduating from Palmer High School, well-prepared for their varying future endeavors. In 1991, I began teaching as my youngest child was entering seventh grade. I spent my entire career of 24 years at Converse Middle School teaching math, reading and predominantly social studies, to fifth, sixth and seventh graders. I retired five years ago but knew I wanted to remain involved in the field of education, hence the initial run for School Committee. I am also involved locally in the Palmer Public Library as a member of the board of directors, as a volunteer at the Library Loft, as a member of the Palmer Cultural Council and as a volunteer at Palmer Food Share.
RP: Why have you decided to run for this position/re-election?
Nadeau: I was appointed to the School Committee in October 2021 to fill a vacancy for a term that ends in June 2022. My involvement with the School Committee has been brief up to this point and I am enjoying myself enough to make a commitment for another three years if elected. I have a lot to learn and am excited for an opportunity to make a difference. With a young daughter in the Palmer Public Schools, I am encouraged to stay active in a capacity that can have a positive impact on her education and for other young children and young adults in this community.
Noonan: I decided to run for a second term because I like to think that the current School Committee is making some great strides and I want to continue the work we have been doing. My goal has always been increased transparency and robust discussion. I believe in asking a lot of questions and not just accepting things as reported to us. I also believe in listening to all of the stakeholders – the parents, the students and the staff at our two schools. It’s amazing what one hears at sporting events, school functions and in the grocery store. People have a lot of concerns and questions and these need to be addressed in public forums.
RP: What do you see as the three largest issues in the school district? How will you address said issues?
Nadeau: Three issues I currently view as being important to the Palmer Public School District are providing exceptional educational opportunities to our students, ensuring the teachers and staff have the support and resources to make their jobs as easy and enjoyable as they can be and to ensure the school facilities are maintained and improved upon as necessary. I believe that input from and an open dialogue between parents, students, teachers, staff and the administration play a vital role in the success of improving upon these issues. I look forward to working with the administration and Town Council on future school budgets so we can be fiscally responsible. I am also focused on bringing public comments and concerns to the School Committee meetings and facilitating a discussion where both sides will be heard and considered.
Noonan: I believe the issues I have been speaking to these past three years – staff retention, school choice numbers and the concerns raised on the staff survey earlier this school year – are the most pressing facing Palmer schools. We have seen an alarming number of excellent, well-qualified staff leaving Palmer schools. The question is why? I want staff members to want to remain in Palmer. I am also concerned about the number of students who opt out of Palmer schools via school choice. I’m hopeful that a number of new classes being offered at our high school will motivate students to stay in our schools. We need to do a better job touting our schools’ achievements. We have great kids and staff doing a lot of amazing things. Low staff morale and discipline issues are also a concern. It’s very difficult to pinpoint the cause of these. COVID-19 has definitely played a part, bringing with it increasing numbers of mental health concerns; it is crucial that we find effective ways to deal with these issues. I think redoing the staff survey from last fall will give us some valuable information as to whether needed improvements are being made. There seem to be serious efforts in this direction – hopefully these improvements are maintained and built upon.
RP: With the superintendent potentially leaving the district, how would you work with a new superintendent to carry out the vision of the Palmer Public Schools District?
Nadeau: Whether it be the current or any future superintendent, I will do my best to work collaboratively with them towards their goals and the goals of the School Committee by listening and being objective.
Noonan: I like to think I would lead with an open mind, always listening, but continuing to ask questions and make myself available to all of Palmer’s stakeholders. I would want to gauge how the superintendent is on building relationships with the School Committee and other town officials, but also with our school admin teams and all school staff member groups. I am optimistic about our future and excited to be a part of that.