Date: 2/14/2023
PALMER — The Town Conservation Commission hosted public hearings, at the Feb. 7 meeting, approving motions for the go ahead for construction on two town projects.
Chair Donald Blais Jr. opened the meeting by welcoming new Conservation Agent Heidi Mannarino to the town.
The commission heard first from representatives from the State Department of Fish and Game who were presenting a proposal for construction of the Swift River fishing platform at 1st Street.
Terry Smith and George Willis with the department’s Office of Fishing and Boating Access outlined the plan for commission members.
Working from an already existing land management agreement with the town from 2005 and making use of private donation funding and budget financing, Willis and Smith presented diagrams for the development of a fly-fishing station adjacent to the already anticipated shore fishing area that would be designed as handicapped accessible.
“It’s on a bend in the river that’s very productive from a fisherman’s standpoint”, according to Smith.
Willis and Smith in their presentation to the commission, detailed the steps to be taken to prevent an increase of foot traffic in the area by walkers and hikers.
Much of the presentation visually outlined the protection of the surrounding land areas as well as the water access. The protection of the existing trail network was measured against the activity of those wanting to fish.
Smith puts the construction timeline at 30 days — about 4 and a half weeks — after the initial dig planned for the first of April.
Willis also presented the outline for tree clearing necessary to advance the construction.
The commission voted unanimously to approve the project for construction of an elevated fishing platform with an ADA accessible gravel pathway along the Swift River.
The commission then heard the application for the proposed construction of a new athletic track for Palmer High School, to include an improved stormwater drainage system and the replacement of the perimeter retaining walls.
Emett Lawless, speaking for Tighe and Bond on behalf of the town, presented the plans for a new track and field facility at Palmer High School.
As proposed, the project involves removal of the current materials, specifically the asphalt to make way for the construction of a new, 6-lane, 400-meter track in its place.
The site is located within the100 foot buffer zone and the 50 foot No Disturb Zone at 4105 Main St.
Lawless said there will be an installation of a new, synthetic turf field along with an improved drainage system and an upgraded bleacher structure.
Some regrading would be necessary as part of the overall project, along with slight tree clearing, but Lawless says, “the stormwater drainage system would be a major component of the overall project.”
The project is not yet out for bid, and the project can only be undertaken in the summer months when school is not in session.
The commission unanimously approved the proposal without exception.