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Palmer craft store celebrates one year of one-of-a-kind creations

Date: 6/6/2022

PALMER – Just A Little Craft Store celebrated their one-year anniversary of opening by having an anniversary celebration week from May 4 -7 to thank patrons for their support.

Owner Cheryl Moriarty said, “We opened a year ago on May 6 and [the store has] done very well. I’m pretty happy because a lot of small businesses don’t usually last the first year. We have so much talent here that people keep coming back for unique gifts.”

Just a Little Craft Store supports local artisans and crafters with a place to display and sell their creations. They have roughly 44 different crafters who bring their own hand-made products to the store where Moriarty watches over their products and sells it for them.

“We have hand-made soaps, cards, pillows and lots of different decor,” Moriarty said. “There’s just so much I can’t even describe all the things that we have, but it’s gone better than I thought it would. I didn’t know how it was going to take off. Because of COVID[-19], craft fairs and people going in and out of stores came to pretty much a standstill, so I’m pretty happy that it’s gone as well as it has.”

Moriarty has been crafting for 40 years; making hand-crafted suncatchers with crystals and crystal beaded trees. After seeing a craft fair set up where there were individual spaces for crafters, Moriarty decided to open her own craft store. She and her daughter got a list of crafters and sent a message out to them asking if they would be interested in coming to the store. Then, they advertised the shop on Facebook, and noted they were looking for crafters to display their items.

Moriarty and her daughter take photos of new inventory as it’s coming in and post the pictures on Facebook. “When we get a new crafter in, we highlight them and welcome them,” Moriarty added. “We take pictures of their area and all the items they have to sell.”

Their crafters are constantly updating their areas for the season or holiday. With summer right around the corner, Just A Little Craft Store has some summer decor, lawn decor, suncatchers, metal artwork, plaques, wreaths and signs that apply to the season.

Additionally, some crafters have jewelry, handmade cards and other handmade items for all ages.

“The best part is all the talent that’s in here, showcasing it and selling it, I love it,” Moriarty responded. “My goal is to get the word out even more and let people know we’re here. If they’re looking for that unique gift or that unique something for someone, we pretty much have it.”

Just A Little Craft Store is located at 1085 Park St. Suite 103, in Palmer. They are open Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m., Thursdays from 10 a.m.- 6 p.m. and Saturdays from 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.