Date: 7/29/2022
PALMER – Palmer resident Windy Pearman has been painting flowers, cartoons, animals, inspirational quotes and other designs on river rocks she’s found locally and hides them around town.
“This was just something off the top of my head I decided to do,” Pearman said. “I’ve always been pretty crafty. I’ve worked with pottery and I’m a mom of four, so I’ve always tried to bring art into our daily routines and activities, but never anything community-oriented.”
She continued, “I lived in many different areas, but I find Palmer a really nice area and it made me want to give back a little to the town. It’s great for me to go out in nature to find rocks, bring them home and use them as a free canvas.”
Pearman has been working from home since the coronavirus pandemic began, and painting, for her, is another way to keep herself busy while she’s watching TV, or her children are there. Her goal is to show people that it does not cost a lot of money or take a lot of time to give back to the community and to be kind.
Pearman responded, “It’s easy to forget about other people in your daily lives, but it’s also pretty simple to remember that there’s other people out there and not everybody has an amazing day every day.”
Awhile back, Pearman’s husband ended up pulling out a few rocks and painting them with the family. Soon she started painting the rocks, and said she found it enjoyable. As Pearman painted, her skill grew. Then, she and her husband took a trip to Florida to Sanibel Island where seashells were hidden all over the island.
Pearman thought that was a nice activity in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and inflation, if someone took their family to the park or stopped at the post office and a little present was waiting for them.
Pearman said she hopes by the end of the summer it catches on a little bit more and people get excited over it. She said she is trying to get residents to post when they find the rocks, so she can keep track of how many are found and who finds them. Pearman has also talked to the Palmer Public Library about doing a painting class with some children, bringing in the rocks and supplies to let them experience painting as well.
“I hope to continue on as long as I have a supply of rocks and the time to do it,” said Pearman. “I don’t know what more could come of it, however I hope to bring some business to the Just a Little Craft Store up the road, because small businesses are the heart of our town.”
She continued, “I love seeing how my skills have grown and how my ideas evolved. It’s interesting because I never would have thought that I could have been a painter or done work as well as I’ve done. It’s very self-rewarding in a time where a lot of us don’t have time to pat ourselves on the shoulders so much anymore. I just want to show kindness and enjoy myself.”
So far, she’s painted 20 rocks and hid them in the Pine Street area of Palmer, Converse Middle School, Baystate Wing Hospital, Goodwill and the post office. Pearman writes “Palmer Rocks” on the back of her creations to let those know where the rocks come from and will post hints on Facebook as to what area the rocks are being placed.