Date: 8/31/2022
PALMER – A deliberation on the superintendent’s contract raised some concerns among School Committee members during their Aug. 24 meeting.
Currently, the contract for Patricia Gardner, superintendent of Palmer Public Schools, will expire in 2024.
Joseph Nompleggi, School Committee member, noted that Gardner was an interview finalist in several districts to serve as their superintendent. Amid Palmer’s district improvement plans, teacher’s contracts and more, Nompleggi believes that changing superintendent’s during this three-year process would be “pretty disruptive.”
He shared that Gardner has done a “good job” in her role and would like to extend her contract to 2025, to allow for these ongoing changes in the district to be complete.
Sandra Noonan, vice-chair, said, “I have several objections to any contract extension at this time. The uncertainty of what might transpire in three years is one of the factors that prompts me to pause and think about what a contract of this length might involve.”
She went on to say, “There were two incidents that I questioned the superintendent about several weeks ago where she did not fulfill her contractual duties.” Noonan shared that the questions involved Gardner’s contract and the teachers’ contract. She noted that she did receive an answer on one, but not both questions.
During the last School Committee meeting, members reviewed Gardner’s superintendent evaluation. “There were several areas of concern,” said Noonan. The issues included lack of clear communication, issues with school culture, among others.
“Staff and administrative retention and high school choice numbers are still additional areas of concern,” said Noonan. She referenced the 20-plus teachers and staff that have left Palmer Public Schools this year alone.
Noonan shared that last fall; a staff survey was conducted. She described it as an “eye opener” but also “concerning.” She explained, “When a large segment of the staff who responded spoke of the lack of support around discipline issues, and not feeling valued and respected, we listened.”
As a result of this, Noonan said they would like to redo the survey in a few months. Before considering any contract extension, she shared that many improvements would need to be seen.
Anthony Braden, School Committee member, said he is “on the fence” with the contract extension as he has seen and heard both positives and negatives since joining the committee last year.
To the various comments made, Gardner replied, “I think that I’ve done a really good job since I’ve been here. I took over a district that was level three and we moved out of that in a year and a half, and we have maintained a level two standing.”
She expressed the difficulties in being a superintendent, but believes she does her job to the best of her ability – while always putting the students first.
Several committee members shared that they would also like to see another survey occur before a decision is made.
Noonan made a motion to table a contract extension for Gardner at this time. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
Reorganization of School Committee
Gardner began the meeting with a reorganization of the School Committee. After asking for a nomination for chair, Noonan nominated current Chairperson Bonny Rathbone. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.
Rathbone then asked for nominations for vice-chair. Branden nominated Noonan. The motion was also seconded and unanimously approved.
Washington D.C. Trip
The Washington D.C. trip for Palmer High School (PHS) students was unanimously approved by the School Committee.
Susan North, principal of PHS, said there has been a change for the out-of-state field trip. She explained that they are “going back to the tradition” of traveling from May 30 to June 2. The new advisor for the trip will be PHS history teacher Jake Trevallion. The trip is only for eighth grade students.
Aside from the date change, North noted that everything else will remain the same.