Date: 1/18/2023
PALMER – The process to find a new superintendent of Palmer Public Schools has begun, with the establishment of an Advisory Search Committee.
On Jan. 6, an application was posted to the district’s website, explaining that representatives are needed to assist the School Committee in the search.
The Advisory Search Committee will be tasked to narrow a pool of candidates to a group of three to five finalists to be sent to the School Committee. The search committee will be made up of 14 individuals including three parents, three teachers, two administrators, one student, one paraprofessional, two School Committee members, one Town Council member and one community member.
School Committee Chairperson Bonny Rathbone said they followed the same format of the last search committee, with a few minor adjustments.
When an individual applies through the school’s website, the applications are sent directly to School Committee member Joe Nompleggi. The deadline to apply was Jan. 17.
As of Jan. 9, Rathbone said 32 applications had been received.
On Jan. 18, after Reminder Publishing’s deadline, the Advisory Search Committee was appointed during the School Committee meeting. Rathbone said the School Committee would be reviewing all the applications and voting on them.
Once the search committee is determined, Rathbone explained that a brochure will be completed and posted to the Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) website. The brochure is strictly for candidates interested in applying for the vacant superintendent position.
Additionally, Rathbone shared, a survey will be posted to the towns website for people to express their thoughts and opinions on what they would like to see in the next superintendent. This includes characteristics, visions for Palmer Public Schools and more. At the time of the interview, Rathbone said she was hoping to have the survey posted on Jan. 13.