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Gerry’s Music Shop owner blows horn on stolen planter

Date: 8/16/2022

SOUTH HADLEY – A brass tuba flower planter has been stolen from Gerry’s Music Shop and owner Jim Provost is hoping for its safe return, no questions asked.

When Provost arrived at the shop the morning of Aug. 9, he saw one of the decorative brass tuba flower planters outside the front door was missing. All that remained was evidence of drag marks across the pavement, dirt, and flowers.

Provost said the tuba planters were added three years ago as an investment into making Gerry’s Music Shop more attractive to the South Hadley community and more musically appealing to local musicians. He added that since making the change they have received many comments of appreciation and positive reactions from those who have seen the unique decoration.

“It’s really more frustration from both our staff as well as my wife and I. As a business, we work very hard to promote music and make sure our store is a safe and fun place to be,” Provost said. “For someone to take that away and take it away from our customers and take it away from us was pretty frustrating.”

The police were called the same morning and an officer came by the shop to take photos of the scene and write up a report. Provost himself has ruled out the possibility of children being behind the crime. He felt if children had tried to steal the tuba, the item would have been too heavy, therefor it could not have gone far and he would have likely found it damaged close to the property.

Provost said they do not have any current leads but through discussions among staff, Provost feels that it was most likely someone trying to recycle the brass for money.

“We find it very funny because if you went to go recycle the brass, the most you’re going to get is $30 to $35 worth,” Provost said. “As a staff, we all agreed that, boy, if somebody needed money that bad just knock on my door and I’ll give you $30.”

The missing tuba is solid brass and stands about 40 inches tall. It was attached to an underground concrete pad that was dragged behind the building and loaded into a vehicle. A second tuba, which was not stolen, was attached to Gerry’s sign back when the shop opened in 1946 and was used as display in the store before being turned into a planter.

Provost was relieved the tuba with sentimental value was not stolen or damaged but still feels hurt by the theft of the other planter. He hopes the tuba can be returned and welcomes a change of heart from those who stole the planter.

“We are very sad and feel some sense of being violated. We work hard to make Gerry’s look good in the community, and to bring music to everyone, but that falls on deaf ears. All we ask is that if you have the tuba, please return it, or let us know where we can pick it up. If you see the tuba anywhere, please call Gerry’s and let us know,” Provost said. “Even if they want to drop it off in front of our store at night, we don’t even need to know who it is. It would just be nice to have it back.”