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South Hadley School Committee discusses SHEA update, COVID-19 guidelines

Date: 5/10/2021

SOUTH HADLEY – The South Hadley School Committee discussed a host of topics including a South Hadley Education Association (SHEA) update, the search for an assistant superintendent as well as new COVID-19 guidelines at their April 29 meeting.

SHEA Update

The meeting proceeded with an update from SHEA representative and executive board member Amy Foley informing the committee that the teacher morale is very poor.

Foley stated, “Teachers are reporting that they’re exhausted, they feel underappreciated and their mental health is suffering. We are seeing this not only in South Hadley, but everywhere. Teachers are leaving or considering leaving the profession after this difficult year.”

She continued, “We would recommend that the district consider taking the time to create and administer a climate survey of the staff to see what the needs of the educators are moving forward. We feel strongly about the need to take a temperature check to start planning for next year so that everyone in the district feel supported.”

School Committee Chair Allison Schlachter responded, “As a person who also works in a school, I hear you. It is where we all are. We’re all exhausted, and it’s been a rough ride this year.”

Foley went on to say that it is important to see how their educators, support staff and administration are and what on which areas they can look to improve. She hopes next year they will be a little closer to normal, but in meantime Foley expressed how many teachers are questioning if this is what they want to continue doing for the next 10 to 20 years.

Search for Assistant Superintendent

Interim Superintendent Dr. Diana Bonneville said the assistant superintendent search has been ongoing with over 20 applicants for the position.

The search committee narrowed down the list of potential candidates and will be doing final interviews on May 6. They noted they hoped to have a decision by the end May 7. The selected candidates’ names were not available as of press time.

New COVID–19 Guidelines

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated their guidelines recommending 3 feet of distance between individuals in schools when masks are worn.

However, the committee decided to maintain the identification of close contacts as individuals who have been within 6 feet of a COVID-19 positive person for 15 minutes or more within 24 hours of the diagnosis and to continue to quarantine as per CDC and Department of Public Health recommendations.

Bonneville reported at Plains Elementary School one remote student tested positive. There were no positive cases at Mosier Elementary School, however, two individuals have been identified as close contacts. There are six positive cases at the middle school and five of them have been in-person. While there are not any positive cases at the high school, there are four individuals that have been identified as close contacts.

Bonneville Accepts Position at Hampshire Regional

After successful contract negotiations, Bonneville has accepted the position of Superintendent at Hampshire Regional School District effective July 1.

Schlachter commented, “This is a big job, and you are going to be outstanding. We are going to miss you, Diana, and we are so grateful for your incredible eight and a half years of service in South Hadley. We still have two months to do some incredible work together.”

Bonneville, Schlachter and Vice Chairperson Allyson Garcia had their first Superintendent Chair and Vice Chair meeting. They are beginning to discuss the transition between Bonneville and incoming Superintendent Dr. Jahmal Mosley and are preparing for a smooth transition for everyone.