Date: 8/30/2021
SOUTH HADLEY – The South Hadley Family Center, after being closed for nearly two years due to COVID-19, will be reopening for in-person services starting Sept. 13.
“I'm really excited to be able to finally open our doors,” said Director Molly LePage. “We closed our doors on March 13, 2020 and we did not have anyone in the center at all this year. We cannot wait to open for in-person on Sept. 13.”
The South Hadley Family Center is a drop-in playgroup for families with children ages birth to five years old. They're a non-profit organization only funded by donations and grants; currently with families that come from 13 nearby towns. The center has been around for over 25 years and is one of the oldest family centers in Western Mass.
“It's a place for families, caregivers and nannies to come with their children to interact and be together,” LePage responded. “We have three classrooms filled with toys where children can play together or play on their own. We always have art projects at our arts & crafts table. We do a snack time every day where we provide a healthy snack for families and then we always end the day with singing together in a circle time and [it’s] also where I read the children a story.”
During the year, the center offers music classes. They have a partnership with Berkshire Hills Music Academy and have local musicians and guest readers come in. They also offer Spanish classes, science projects and multicultural events.
The center was started by parents who felt there was a need for a community support group for families to come together and have their children play in a cooperative fun environment. LePage mentioned that during that time there weren’t a lot of preschools, so families came to the center because they couldn’t afford to send their children to preschool.
LePage has been the director for seven years, and went to the family center when her children were very young. She told Reminder Publishing that she did a lot of fundraising for the center and volunteered at different events. LePage explained that she was always passionate about the work the center did, but it wasn't until her daughter was in kindergarten that she was looking for a job that allowed her to still be available for her children and give back to the community.
“This is really my dream job,” LePage said. “It’s perfect hours because I work during the morning when my children are at school and then I’m still available in the afternoon to get them to their sport practices and help them with homework.”
She went on to say, “I love the South Hadley Family Center. I love my job. I love the way it makes me feel. I love being with the families. It is the most amazing organization and I feel very privileged to be a part of it. I started here as a mom and now I ended up being the director – that's how passionate I am about this center and the work we do in the community.”
This past year, LePage did weekly story time, music classes and check-ins on Zoom with children and families.
In September, she explained that they’re planning to do a sustainable campaign reaching out to local businesses to see if they would like to make a donation toward their center and support the work they do in the community. The center is looking to host their annual Halloween party for children on Oct. 30 and they’re bring back their music classes each month. LePage said the center is in a good position right now, but for the center to continue to be successful they’re going to work extra hard this year to get donations and funding for the center.
“Families are ready to be together and children are ready to be together, so I know that we can all [do] this as long as we’re being safe,” LePage added. “So many children have been isolated and away from their peers. We all need a little extra support after getting through this year. I want to make sure children are getting what they need such as schooling and what types of services in terms of early intervention with their development I want to make sure that I give that to the children.”
As for COVID-19 protocols when they reopen, LePage stated, “We will be following all the guidelines that are set for our town in South Hadley. We’ll consult with the Board of Health and have a plan in place. No matter if you’re vaccinated or unvaccinated, children and adults have to wear a mask and all of the toys will be sanitized as the children use them. Families’ safety and health is our top priority. We may be having meet ups at local playgrounds or outside on the grassy area near the center. It’s important we stay outdoors for as long as possible before the weather turns cold.”
For more information, visit their website at, their Facebook page at SHFAMILYCTR or email Molly LePage at The South Hadley Family Center is located at 7 Woodbridge St. and plans to be open Monday through Thursday from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.