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South Hadley Planning Board discusses master plan and short-term rental bylaw

Date: 9/20/2022

SOUTH HADLEY – After a joint Sept. 6 meeting with the Selectboard and the Master Plan Implementation Committee (MPIC), the Planning Board took time during their Sept. 12 meeting to discuss further their roles in working with the two groups.

Director of Planning and Conservation Anne Capra opened her comments by saying that maybe some members of the board did not expect the joint meeting to have gone the way it did in terms of discussions and updates from the MPIC. She was looking for feedback from her fellow board members and added the Master Plan annual forum was being planned for Nov. 4 and a representative from each board and committee is requested to attend.

The MPIC monitors progress toward the goals specified in the town’s master plan. Using the task matrices developed as part of the planning process, MPIC members meet wit the various boards, commissions, committees and staff that have tasks assigned to them in the plan.

The MPIC reviews the status of each task and tries to identify both successful strategies and barriers to progress. Once a year, MPIC reports verbally to the Selectboard and the Planning Board, and each May submits a written annual report and updated task matrices to Town Meeting.

Much discussion from the Sept. 6 joint meeting was focused on creating better communication across the 26 entities involved throughout town for better implementation and collaborative work on master plan projects. Planning Board Chair Brad Hutchison asked to what extent are the action items in the appendix of the master plan supposed to be a living document.

“Matrices have spread sheets for responsible entities. [There are] 26 responsible entities and spread sheets related to each of them,” Capra said. “I am not convinced Planning Board members should be reviewing all and offering feedback. It’s a big lift and we have no authority over them so comments would only be offered to the Selectboard and the town administrator.”

Capra added it just wasn’t the best use of the Planning Board’s time to be concerned with the work going on with the other entities as their feedback would only provide so much to others decision making.

Board member Joanna Brown said during their Sept. 12 meeting that she was glad to see the process move forward but felt underprepared for the previous joint meeting.

“My point of view from the last meeting was I was unclear what our role would be as the Planning Board,” Brown said.

Board member Nate Therian also added he felt there was uncertainty to whether the Planning Board is a responsible entity in the whole process. Hutchison responded and said he felt they did not need to take that role on and should focus on what they can directly impact in the master plans goals and objectives.

“The document definition is out of date the moment it’s public. Things move on, new people are elected to boards and committees. It seems like to keep circling back and us be the conduit for any change seems really unwieldy to me personally,” said Hutchison.

The town will continue to work forward in implementing master plan projects and do what they can in their capacity such as the other 25 entities involved across town.

Short term rental bylaw update

During the meeting Capra gave a brief update regarding the resolution to the town’s recent short term bylaw discussions. Capra shared she is planning to meet with Director of Public Health Sharon Hart and Building Commissioner David Gardner.

These discussions come after multiple residents who have rented out rooms through the platform Airbnb received cease-and-desist orders from the building commissioner in April as the facilities were short-term rental options classified as short-term transient lodging facilities. This classification goes against zoning laws in South Hadley, as currently the only allowable way for short-term rental in the town is by establishing an official bed and breakfast facility.

The letter sent out said these homeowners needed to seek a special permit for operations if they are prohibited to under the town’s zoning codes for each district. Not all who received a letter are eligible for the special permit.

Capra added the board will have more information provided for their next meeting. Work between Capra and other town officials on a new zoning bylaw, and general bylaw that issues licenses in the registration process, have been ongoing as they hope to be able to bring the option of these new bylaws to a Special Town Meeting by the end of the year.

South Hadley officials working on the project have been looking at other communities’ decisions in this similar situation and decided to have a new zoning bylaw and a general bylaw that has a registration system for renters were both options the town could pursue to best address this issue.