Date: 3/22/2021
SOUTH HADLEY – At the beginning of the South Hadley Selectboard's March 16 meeting, Board of Health Director Sharon Hart updated the group with COVID-19 news, confirmed case numbers and vaccine information.
She stated, “Our numbers are just squeaking up a little bit. Three weeks ago we had probably about 30 cases between confirmed and contacts. Last week was 34 and this week is about 37 so they’re kind of staying in the 30s here; hoping they’re not going up much further.”
Hart reminded residents even after they have been vaccinated to continue following the safety protocols of hand washing, masking – even double masking – and still staying six feet away.
“In the state right now, we have one million people that are fully vaccinated which is good, but we have six million in the state so we still have a little ways to go. We’re now working on home-bounds, 65 and older,” Hart added.
Statement of Interest
As a Selectboard, the group was asked to endorse the Statement of Interest for Mosier Elementary School. School Committee Chair Kyle Belanger and Interim Superintendent Dr. Diana Bonneville joined the meeting to discuss the Statement of Interest. Selectboard Chair Jeff Cyr believed both boards recognized the financial challenges from a savings standpoint, as well as a long–term financial commitment for a new Mosier school facility, inclusive of a “renovate versus replace” mentality.
“Whatever the Selectboard decides, the schools, Dr. Bonneville, all of the administrators and teachers are really pleased and honored to be partners,” responded Belanger. “That is something I want the town to know as well. This is a partnership and we are so thankful that we can have this conversation together and speak about the future whether it’s next year, four years or five years whatever that may be”
Cyr echoed, “This is definitely a partnership between town and schools. I think the idea that the schools have produced a balanced budget and are looking for additional ways to save is commendable. If in fact those savings result in possible contribution to this stabilization fund, I think it will seem more commendable.” He also said considering the decision lay in the hands of the Selectboard per the recommendation of the School Committee, the result of that decision was that a motion was made and never seconded resulting in an out of ordinary outcome by the board.
After an ongoing discussion, the Selectboard decided to push this expenditure off for another year and their teaching assistant has offered to provide a more comprehensive analysis of what the debt service is currently and beyond.