Date: 11/8/2022
SOUTH HADLEY – The Selectboard’s Nov. 3 meeting provided a first look at this year’s draft articles leading up to the Nov. 30 Special Town Meeting at South Hadley High School.
Town Administrator Lisa Wong shared the proposed five draft warrants before the board voted to approve all warrants except one as they await a presentation relating to the article. The other four proposed articles were approved. The Selectboard will still have to vote to endorse and for recommendations of articles before town meeting but will do so at their Nov. 15 meeting.
A highlight of the five articles is article 4 which attempts to establish a Veteran’s Council in South Hadley. Wong called the article “enabling legislation” to be able to put together a council on veterans.
Wong said the town has looked at other communities’ establishment of a Veteran’s Council including Easthampton, and said duties are similar across communities. She added these councils are made up of veterans who are voters and residents of the town. She also noted that they would be looking for about seven members of that council who serve staggered three-year terms.
“I think the important part for us to consider is this is another avenue for veterans in the community and residents to participate,” Wong said. “This has been a goal of ours through a number of warrant articles and initiatives to provide more support for the population.”
A South Hadley Veteran’s Council would help with a number of veteran related events throughout the year in terms of planning, organizing and input in the community. Wong also added that it will be a great addition to the town in terms of outreach as it will establish a new working relationship where the town’s veteran’s agent can have more from the community in support.
South Hadley Veterans Agent Mike Slater confirmed to Wong that close to 10 percent of the town’s population is made up of veterans.
“As the Veteran’s Service Officer for South Hadley, I live in Granby, so to have that voice that lives inside the community is key,” said Slater.
This article will go to town meeting to create a bylaw that allows for the creation of the Veterans Council and the process of filling in seats on that council will begin. Wong noted the enabling legislation allows for five to 15 members on such a council, so the town felt comfortable going with seven available seats.
Article 3 on this year’s warrant is for the town to accept the Mass General Law that allows for the creation of a municipal Veterans Assistance Fund. The Selectboard had previously voted over the summer to support such a fund.
Wong also called the article another example of “enabling legislation” and that the article just needed to be approved through town meeting and outline of details of the fund would be coordinated following town meeting approval. A veteran’s service officer will come back with applications, guidelines and the process needed to assist the town in the creation of the fund.
Article 1 is a citizen petition that was submitted before the last Annual Town Meeting but after the deadline to make the warrant, automatically bringing it to this town meeting.
According to Wong, this article is a proposal to change the state flag and seal. She noted in January 2021 legislature approved creating a commission to review changes to the state flag and seal as it is still ongoing.
“This is just my understanding of resolution to support that effort,” Wong said.
Article 2 is a minor change in wording to the town’s wetlands bylaw following the Conservation Commission taking the necessary steps in public hearings needed.
The final article on the special town meeting warrant is article 5 which is for removal from civil service. The town had previously voted to move the police chief out of civil service and this new article is to remove the entirety of the police department out of civil service.
“This would then enable us to not have to follow the rules of the Civil Service Commission which also means that we need to establish our own policies surrounding hiring, promotions and discipline,” Wong said. “All those things are actively being developed and negotiated right now. That can be done concurrently with this article.”
The Selectboard opted to not approve this article until after a presentation from Police Chief Jennifer Gundersen at their Nov. 15 meeting, so they have a chance to ask additional questions and get more information on the article.