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South Hadley Senior Center to host BFF Thanksgiving Bake-off Nov. 22

Date: 11/7/2023

SOUTH HADLEY — In celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday, the South Hadley Senior Center is hosting its first ever BFF Thanksgiving Dessert Social and Bake-off on Wednesday, Nov. 22 at 1 p.m.

The Senior Center event is a celebration of friendship in the community featuring desserts, entertainment and free gift basket raffles. Bake-off contestants will have the chance to win gift certificates to Big Y. Applications and all entry forms must be submitted with complete ingredient lists by Nov. 15. Applications are available at the Senior Center.

Senior Center Program Coordinator Sandy Farnsworth told Reminder Publishing the idea for the bake off came alongside brainstorming new activity and event ideas for the Senior Center. Farnsworth explained through this process they came out with the idea of hosting events that brought the Senior Center population together and interact with one another in social settings.

“What can we get that’s going to stimulate folks from three generations. It becomes a collaborative thing, and we eventually heard the idea of a bake-off from a group here so we figured we will give it a try,” Farnsworth said.

Farnsworth said so far, a decent amount of people have taken an application and interest is growing. She noted that there is a list of ingredients not allowed due to lack of fridge storage available at the Senior Center. Judges of the event include volunteer of the Senior Center Chef Maggie and Friends of the Senior Center members.

Farnsworth said an important part of having the event would be the opportunity for people to come together and share a meal, or baked goods in this case, as it is always a chance for people to connect. This type of atmosphere is what the Senior Center is trying to create with their “BFF events” being introduced with this Thanksgiving bake off.

“It’s social, and that’s a big thing. We want to keep folks coming to be able to know they can come here at the center and meet with friends to have a cup of coffee, or to come to lunch, or even to come for the meals that we have,” Farnsworth said.

Farnsworth added since the building has opened and members have started returning on a frequent basis post-coronavirus pandemic, she can see among members the positive benefits of socialization and having a space to meet and be together.

“We give the option for a routine to get back into people’s lives,” Farnsworth added. “They come with knowledge and there are healthy discussions among each other. It spurs memories and the past and its part of your legacy, your parent’s legacy and it fulfills so many needs. The bottom line is it’s all about providing service and a place for people to feel comfortable.”

Farnsworth hopes the bake-off goes well and members are able to have quality social time together. She added she hopes to use the “BFF” theme to future social events as well.