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Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District receives CARES funding

Date: 9/1/2021

SOUTHWICK – The Southwick-Tolland-Granville Regional School District was given $89,720.52 in CARES Act funds Aug. 24 to help supplement their COVID-19 mitigation efforts in the coming school year.

A check for the CARES Act funds was given to Superintendent Jennifer Willard during the Aug. 24 Select Board meeting. Chief Administrative Officer Karl J. Stinehart said that these funds come from the allocations given to each state, which was then distributed to be given to each municipality.

“They use this to supplement their efforts to buy and equip all of their COVID-19 response equipment, devices, cleaning stuff, masks, things of that nature,” said Stinehart.

While Willard was before the Select Board, they discussed the need to fill a School Committee seat left vacant by the resignation of former Chair Jeffrey Houle. Select Board member Russell Fox made a motion to begin advertising for the vacant position, saying that he would like to see it filled by the end of September. The motion was passed unanimously.

Fox took the time to recognize Houle and his years of service on the School Committee. Houle had left the position because of increased responsibilities in his day job leaving him with little time for the School Committee.

“It was a pleasure working with him, and numerous times I called him and he would reach out to the superintendent and we would resolve issues for the citizens of the Town of Southwick,” said Fox.

Fox asked that a certificate of appreciation be drafted for Houle.