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Brookfield Institute builds resilience for veterans

Date: 9/13/2022

WARE – Working to build resilience in veterans and military families, the Brookfield Institute achieves this goal by offering programs and resources to fight the causes and impacts of veteran suicide.

Jennifer Baublitz, executive director of the Brookfield Institute, shared that the organization was founded in 2007. Over the years, she noted that their core mission has evolved.

“In 2016, we went from an organization doing trauma healing to an organization that focused on veteran suicide through resilience,” said Baublitz. “The latest rendition of [our] mission is to build services [through various targeted programs].”

Originally located in Brookfield – hence the name – the Brookfield Institute is now based out of Ware.
At the institute, Baublitz said they have a variety of offerings including a peer support program known as

“HomeFront Strong Connects (HFSC).” This program launched on Veterans Day 2020, to link military connected volunteers to service members, veterans and their families (SMVF). According to the Brookfield Institute, “Through these partnerships, family strengths are cultivated and barriers to resources are knocked down.”

Baublitz explained that HFSC recruits service volunteers from near and far. She noted that the volunteers can be anyone connected to military or “military lifestyles.” All volunteers are properly trained to provide appropriate assistance to the person they are connected with. Baublitz noted that this program is offered both virtually and in person. Currently, HFSC is being utilized by 30 individuals and roughly 30 trained volunteers.

“HomeFront Strong is also the home of SMVF Storytelling, where service-related stories are developed and recorded to be shared according to the teller’s wishes,” said the institute. Brookfield has offered storytelling for some time, in hopes of reducing a veteran’s PTSD, and allowing for a family, friend or neighbor to better understand them.

Once a month, Baublitz said they do morning coffee and snacks. Here, they will often bring in guest speakers to talk with veterans and their loved ones. Additionally, the gathering may offer “holistic care,” through Reiki, a chair massage and more. “It’s an opportunity to come together,” she said.

Another monthly occurrence is food distribution that is done with Project New Hope out of Worcester. Baublitz noted that this offering is only available to service members, veterans and military families. This is a local service, primarily for Ware, Palmer and Belchertown residents. Currently, Baublitz said they serve about 35 military families each month.

Every other year, the Brookfield Institute partners with Workshop13 to put on an art show. This year, Baublitz said Workshop13 is working with them to perform a play through storytelling. The play is set to take place in November.

A recent program launched by Brookfield is “HFS Outdoors.” Baublitz shared that this includes mountain biking and hiking, among other outdoor activities. Since its launch, she said they have received a “decent turnout.”

“We are trying to get more visibility in the community,” she added. She shared that people primarily hear of them by word of mouth, through service provider meetings and newsletters. They also have some social media presence on Facebook and Instagram.

Alongside Baublitz, there are two other part-time employees at the Brookfield Institute. This includes Chief Operating Officer Beverly Prestwood-Taylor and Primary Consultant Kevin Lambert. To carry out their offerings, she noted that a lot of volunteer assistance is required.

Baublitz, like most people at the institute, became involved due to their own connections to the military. “I’m a military spouse,” she said.

She continued, “[Board member] Paul Boynton [is the] father of Christopher Boynton [of the U.S. Army] who died in 2015 by suicide.” The Brookfield Institute now serves in his memory.

To learn more about the Brookfield Institute and their offerings, visit
Additional information can be found on their Facebook page,