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New apparatus enhances Ware Fire Department’s capabilities

Date: 1/26/2023

WARE – The increased number of first responders and a larger water pump are only a few of the advantages offered by the new fire apparatus in Ware.

Interim Fire Chief Jim Martinez explained that the truck was financed in an article at Annual Town Meeting last spring. The cost of the Pierce Saber 1,500 gallons per minute pumper was $588,641. Martinez said the total appropriation was $621,000, bringing the total cost over $625,000.

He shared that the new provider is a first line attack, replacing the 1982 Pierce Saber. “We now have two newer first line attack engines,” said Martinez. Engine one will be pushed to the back line.

He went on to say that the new apparatus has a fully enclosed crew cabin for five firefighters, compared to the previous one that had two. When the 1982 Pierce Saber was built, Martinez noted that it was during a time when firefighters would stand and hold on to the back of the truck. “Now we can safely transport five fire fighters to the scene,” he said.

The new apparatus has a much larger pump, with a third more capacity of the previous engine, shared Martinez. The 1,500 gallon per minute pump flows more water, although the tank size did not change.

“It is a truck that has been built specifically for our needs,” said Martinez.

At the time of the interview, he shared, the department plans to begin using the new fire apparatus within 30 days. Before doing so, additional equipment is required including hoses and radio installation, to name a few, along with training for all firefighters.

“I am grateful to the city and taxpayers in the town of Ware for making such a purchase,” Martinez said.

During former Fire Chief Christopher Gagnon’s retirement party on Dec. 30, 2022, the new apparatus was delivered. His last day of work concluded with a ride home on the new pumper.