Date: 6/1/2022
WARE – A new playground is being constructed at Grenville Park on 73 Church St. At the Ware Town Meeting on May 23, the town voted to dedicate money to purchase and install a playground for Grenville Park with $250,000 appropriated from free cash and $60,000 additional funds from the Park Trust, for a total of $310,000 to move forward with this project.
Ware Parks Manager John Piechota told Reminder Publishing they have two playgrounds in the park system in town. Both parks are old, and some of the apparatus at the current Grenville Park are very old, metal structures. He noted they are trying to accommodate Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for Accessible Design (ADA) compliance and make it more accessible and available for those with disabilities, so everyone can use the park and enjoy the playground. The second playground is getting to the point of closure, Piechota said.
He explained that he, the park commission and other local officials decided that the new park would be best fit for Grenville. The new playground will include a complete rebuild of the existing structure with new features that fit and blend with the surroundings of the park. They hope to incorporate the floor area with wood fiber and wood chips, a combination of a hybrid floor system.
“Our hoping goal is to have this up and running by the end of the year provided we can get a contractor on board and get this done,” said Piechota. “My personal hope and goal would be that the public will come and be able to enjoy a safe newer style playground. Our children are the future of our support system, our park program, and our town in general. We have to do the best for them and the town of Ware.”