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Ware awarded funds through Underutilized Properties Program

Date: 12/19/2022

WARE – Through the Underutilized Properties Program administered by MassDevelopment, three projects in Ware will receive funding.

The program was signed into law by Gov. Charlie Baker in January 2021. The purpose of the program is to target underutilized, abandoned or vacant properties by supporting efforts that eradicate blight, boost housing production, support economic development projects or increase the number of commercial buildings accessible to those with disabilities. Through two rounds, the Underutilized Properties Program has awarded over $29 million to 69 projects.
For this round, the program awarded over $21 million to 49 projects.

As part of Community One Stop for Growth, programs across the state were awarded roughly $22 million to 63 projects. This includes the Underutilized Properties Program and Massachusetts Downtown Initiative awards.

In Ware, Workshop13 was awarded funding. Executive Director Marie Lauderdale described Workshop13 as a “fairly small nonprofit arts organization.”

In June, Workshop13 wrote a grant for a sprinkler system. Currently, she said the building is underutilized and has a 99-person capacity limit. Because of this, Lauderdale noted that the organization cannot host a lot of events. For instance, she said people have come to Workshop13 in hopes of claiming the space for a wedding venue but are often deterred after learning of the capacity limit.

A few years ago, Lauderdale said an occupancy survey was conducted and revealed that the organization could increase the capacity to 265 people, but to do so, a sprinkler system would need to be installed. “There’s a whole safety factor,” she said. “[The] safety of the building and the people in it is the highest priority.”

She continued, “For us, we really want to bring quality performances to this rural community.” By receiving this grant, Workshop13 is now headed in that direction.
Lauderdale said the work for installing the sprinkler systems is set to begin in March 2023. The first task will be bringing a main water line into the building, followed by cosmetic repairs, painting and so on.

As the invoices come in for the project, Lauderdale will send those directly to MassDevelopment. She said they are hopeful the funding will cover the entire project because at the time the grant was written, the quote they received was what they were granted.

“Every cent of that grant will be used for installation of the sprinkler system,” she noted.

She went on to say, “[We are] extraordinarily grateful to One Stop and MassDevelopment for making this available to nonprofits like Workshop13. [It is] beyond our wildest dreams. This is huge.”

Lauderdale added, “We have a lot happening here. This grant and installation are huge to our community.”

Also in Ware, 13north, LLC., a mixed-use project comprising first-level commercial space and three townhouse residential units, was awarded $140,000. The funds will be used to install a National Fire Protection Association compliant sprinkler and monitored alarm system to meet foreseen code requirements.

Lastly, Mark Machine Company was awarded $80,500. The Mark Machine project will invest in the reuse of a vacant underutilized 14,000-square foot industrial building. Like the other two projects, the funding will be used for the installation of required sprinkler and fire alert systems in the building.

“Since taking office, we have been committed to building vibrant communities and creating enough housing to support Massachusetts residents and growing businesses,” said Gov. Charlie Baker. “Funding from the Massachusetts Downtown Initiative and Underutilized Properties Program helps accomplish these goals by revitalizing downtown neighborhoods to be more welcoming and transforming underused buildings into housing, retail space and other productive uses.”