Date: 9/13/2022
WARE – The Ware Select Board met to discuss a variety of agenda items including security cameras at Grenville Park and an update on the construction of Rail Trail kiosks at their Sept. 6 meeting.
The board approved an additional $5,000 to the Grenville Park project to add conduit trenches during construction. They said that this would save them money on future projects. The project will now cost $105,000 with funds coming from ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) expenditures.
During the meeting, the board also received an update on Rail Trail kiosks. According to Town Manager Stuart Beckley, the kiosk at Gibbs Crossing will be built by the Scouts and should be completed prior to this winter season.
Beckley also told the board that the East Main Street Canal Bridge repairs should begin soon. They will start by repairing the sidewalks which should allow the two lanes to reopen, according to Beckley.
The board was interested in receiving an update on bush trimming statuses throughout the town.
Beckley said that this will be the focus of the Department of Public Works (DPW) for the next four to six weeks. He said this season is the busiest for the DPW as they prepare for Palmer Paving to come in and pave damaged roads.
The town’s Whistleblower Line is still looking to find a service that allows for anonymous calls. Beckley said they have struggled with this and are now looking into if they should hire a third party to answer the calls so that they can remain anonymous. He said he would find out if this would work and what it would cost by the next Select Board meeting.
To end the meeting, Beckley gave his town manager’s report. He announced to the board that the annual Domestic Violence Awareness Walk will take place at 1 p.m. on Oct. 22 this year.
Those interested in viewing the Ware Select Board meeting in its entirety are encouraged to visit the WareTV page.