Date: 9/28/2022
WARE – The Ware Selectboard appointed Chris DiMarzio to the Planning Board at their Sept. 20 meeting.
The two candidates for the position were SK Robinson and Chris DiMarzio. Some residents in the audience voiced their concern that having Robinson on the Planning Board would be a conflict of interest as he already sits on the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Another resident worried that, because Robinson sits on many committees, adding the Planning Board to his plate would be too much.
Robinson responded that with all the boards he’s on he has only ever missed one meeting in total. Despite this, the Selectboard and Planning Board went ahead with appointing nominee DiMarzio to fill the seat for the remaining term.
The Selectboard also conducted a nuisance dog public hearing. According to Animal Control and members of the community, there are two Siberian husky mixes living on a busy road near the park that have become a threat to public safety. The two dogs have a history of getting loose and becoming aggressive and their owners have shown an inability to keep them contained.
Animal Control said that they have sent out citations to the dogs’ owners and that they have been loose one time since then. Animal Control came to the Selectboard meeting looking for help with a long-term solution to this issue.
The Selectboard voted that the two dogs are now to be leashed and muzzled at all times when outside. If the dogs get loose again, the Selectboard will revisit this issue and look at options of only letting one dog out at a time, rehoming one of the dogs, installing a complete fence around the property or imposing further fines.
The Whistleblower Line has faced difficulties, as a permanent solution to keeping all calls anonymous has not yet been found. The line is active, but residents wanting to call in anonymously with a complaint are encouraged to dial *67 before the phone number.
The Selectboard asked that the employees of the Whistleblower Line bring exact terms and dollar amounts to the next meeting on reputable third-party sources they could use to allow anonymous calls.
During the meeting, an official date for Halloween trick-or-treating was set. The board voted that it will take place on Oct. 29, the Saturday before Halloween, as Halloween falls on a Monday this year.
They also asked for Town Manager Stuart Beckley to reach out to public safety on closing Church Street for the duration of trick-or-treating. The Selectboard voiced their concern that Church Street is too dangerous with fallen leaves, traffic, and blinding lights of cars during trick-or-treating.
To end the meeting, Beckley gave his Town Manager’s Report. A bulk waste collection will take place on Nov. 26 in the high school parking lot. Beckley said they will work with the Police Department on the best way to handle traffic flow for this.
National Grid will be sending out postcards to each resident with a full list of details about what can and cannot be accepted at this collection.
Beckley also reported that the Police Department recently received over $14,000 in grant money and that the town received grant funding for Memorial Field improvements.
They also looked into concerns of the Church Street Food Distribution and found that the distribution cannot continue to operate out of a resident’s home.
The manager of this food distribution has asked for the town’s assistance in finding a better location so that they can continue providing food to those in need. Beckley said they are looking at the option of relocating the distribution facilities to the Mary Lane Outpatient Center.